







汉语拼音:diē die







  1. marry, one of the children said to her mother, "daddy's just like a small child, is nl't he, mummy? "


  2. Admittedly, our six-year-old had said to him earlier: "Daddy, when you wear your glasses you look like an old man. "


  3. My Swedish dad was a research scientist and my English mother was a teacher, and if I was half as smart as they are, I'd happy.


  4. She may be close to understanding that dad isn't coming back for Christmas, so she doesn't want Christmas to come at all.


  5. Our second, the little angel and Daddy's little girl, lays in her stroller in the aisle, sound asleep.


  6. At last my father got tired, and sorry too, and said he would show him a short way home.


  7. But, be good at to leave army camp but grave crime, besides teacher and daddy. . .


  8. "Daddy. " Wen Yu Xiao voice the Chen is strange. "Which say oneself's daughter like this? "


  9. guy : so what did you think of my dad ? he ' s pretty weird.


  1. 谁是爹爹的兄弟?

    Who is Dad's brother?

  2. 我和爹爹去散步。

    Pop and I went for walks.

  3. 你在做什么呀,爹爹?

    What are you doing, dad?

  4. 爹爹, 我们一起杀了他!

    Daddy, we killed him together!

  5. 爹爹, 我早该杀了你。

    Daddy, I have had to kill you.

  6. 不允许有人打我爹爹。

    Viper No one beats up my daddy!

  7. 你也许去爹爹那更好。

    Perhaps you would do better to go to Daddy.

  8. 这个小娃娃的爹爹是谁?

    Who is this little child's daddy?

  9. 那刚才爹爹和娘这样了吗?

    That just was daddy and Niang so ?

  10. 爹爹把孩儿向空中抛了起来。

    Daddy tossed the baby into the air.

  11. 将来爹爹骂我,你也没甚么好。

    And if my dad blamed me, it would do you no good.

  12. 小侄子,有人把你的爹爹杀了。

    Nephew? Someone just killed your father.

  13. 女儿自然是不能违背爹爹的意愿的。

    The daughter nature is the will that can not disobey daddy.

  14. 乔治说道,我很高兴今天是爹爹的生日。

    And George said, I'm glad it's Daddy's birthday.

  15. 爹爹,娘亲有什么事吗?娘亲怎么不下去休息?

    Daddy, what matter does the mother have How to dont descend to take a repose mother.

  16. 马玉书爹爹算得上长沙的考试达人。

    Ma Yushu the father is considered as Changsha to take a test Daren.

  17. 但爹爹没钱付手术费,所以我想用我的钱。

    But my Daddy can't pay for it, so I want to use my money.

  18. 小孩子站在院子里等着他爹爹下地回来。

    The child held his mother's hemline and went home obediently.

  19. 小孩子站在院子里等着他爹爹下地回来。

    The child stood in the courtyard waiting for his father to come back from the field.

  20. 迪克,这是我爹爹!多莉用响亮的声音喊道。

    Dick, this is my dad!'cried Dolly in a resounding.

  21. 还有,爹爹,如果你还是小孩,我会做你的朋友。

    And daddy, if you were little, I'd be your friend.

  22. 从这起,爹爹就说不许某个人专染红的。

    After that, father wouldn't let any of us dye one colour only.

  23. 他们的爹爹不是一个早出晚归,关系疏远的人。

    Their Dad is not a remote person who disappears in the morning and reappears at night.

  24. 他这个做爹爹的自当多多为他说上几句好话。

    He the do daddy of from be many many a few good words of saying for him.

  25. 当爹爹费力地尾随着, 门开了, 一张张脸探了出来。

    Doors were opening and faces peering out, as Dad walked with difficulty close behind.

  26. 太阳爹爹大喘气了一下,给了你们一束大光,直射宇宙。

    Now the sun puffed and blew a great light through to the universe.

  27. 那晚上底天色不大好,可是爹爹也到来,实在很难得!

    The weather was not very good that evening, but even father put in an appearance, which was a rare event.

  28. 最后爹爹不耐烦了,也有些懊悔,便说带他抄小道回家。

    At last my father got tired, and sorry too, and said he would show him a short way home.


  1. 问:爹爹拼音怎么拼?爹爹的读音是什么?爹爹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:爹爹的读音是diēdie,爹爹翻译成英文是 An address to one's father in some area....



爹爹[diē diē],口语,方言。是一种对自己长辈或长者的称呼。