


1. 呷 [xiā]呷 [xiā]小口儿地喝:~了一口茶。……


1. 呷 [xiā]呷 [xiā]小口儿地喝:~了一口茶。……



汉语拼音:gā gā






呷呷 [gā gā]
  1. 形容众声杂沓。

    唐 李白 《大猎赋》:“喤喤呷呷,尽奔突于场中。”

  2. 象声词。鸭叫声。

    《尔雅·释鸟》:“鸭鸣呷呷。” 宋 无名氏 《豹隐纪谈》:“鷄鸣喈喈,鸭鸣呷呷,县尉下乡,有献则纳。” 端木蕻良 《红夜》:“鸭子被披拍的竹竿,赶到外面去了,但还是呷呷地叫着。”

  3. 象声词。笑声。

    元 郑光祖 《老君堂》第三折:“俺 秦王 听罢呷呷笑,纵马抡刀,垓心内显耀英豪。” 元 关汉卿 《鲁斋郎》第四折:“采樵人鼓掌呷呷笑。”



  1. To make insurance fur three sip, you out of that piece of Li four touch; SIP or to touch or a touch plate, falls listen;


  1. 鸭子呷呷地叫。

    The ducks quacked.

  2. 鸭妈妈呷呷, 呷呷, 呷呷的叫。

    Mother duck said Quack, Quack, Quack.

  3. 在这呷呷地叫, 在那呷呷地叫。

    Here a quack, there a quack

  4. 还呷呷嘴,难道在做梦?

    It was sound asleep, its beak still working. Was it dreaming ?

  5. 在黛西呷呷的督促声中,他在浴盆里来回游了好几趟。

    He swam several lengths, pushed along by Daisys urgent quacking.

  6. 吉姆对着酒瓶子呷了又呷。

    Jim sucked and sucked at the jug.

  7. 呷一口烧酒

    take a sip of spirit.

  8. 呷一口威士忌

    take a nip of whisky

  9. 呷着葡萄酒

    Like walking on the ocean floor, sipping wine.

  10. 整日地呷酒

    nips all day long.

  11. 呷一口威士忌酒

    take a sip of whisky

  12. 总统呷了一口酒。

    The president sipped at his drink.

  13. 他呷了一口葡萄酒。

    He took a sip of the wine

  14. 她呷了一口热茶。

    She sipped the hot tea.

  15. 他彬彬有礼地呷饮料。

    She sipped politely at her drink.

  16. 呷一口茶香四溢

    Eats tea to be fragrant four overflows

  17. 伊丽莎白呷了一口热咖啡。

    Elizabeth took a sip of the hot coffee.

  18. 她呷着迪莉娅给她端来的茶。

    She supped the hot tea Delia had brought her.

  19. 嘉莉在呷着咖啡,头也没抬。

    Carrie was sipping coffee, and did not look up.

  20. 有得在抽雪前烟, 有得在呷酒。

    Some were smoking cigars, others sipping their drinks.

  21. 有的在抽雪前烟,有的在呷酒。

    Some were smoking cigars, others sipping their drinks.

  22. 她呷着迪丽娅给她端来的茶。

    She supped the hot tea Delia had brought her.

  23. 我愿意整晚都只呷饮这汤。

    I could just sip on the soup all night.

  24. 他停下来呷了一口水, 然後继续讲。

    He paused to take a sip of water, and then went on.

  25. 他停下来呷了一口水,然后继续讲。

    He paused to take a sip of water, and then went on.

  26. 他呷着饮料,两眼直盯盯地望着我。

    He sipped his drink, staring intensely at me.

  27. 德思礼太太嘬起嘴唇呷了一口茶。

    Mrs. Dursley sipped her tea through pursed lips.

  28. 我心里相当害怕, 便极其缓慢地呷我的酒。

    I was pretty frightened, and I sipped my wine very slowly.

  29. 他呷了一口啤酒,结果上嘴唇沾满了泡沫。

    He sipped some beer, leaving a crest of foam on his upper lip.

  30. 他呷了一口啤酒,结果上嘴唇沾满了泡沫。

    He sipped some beer, leaving a crest of foam on his upper lip.