







汉语拼音:zú yìn







  1. "I cannot keep your waves, " says the bank to the river. "Let me keep your footprints in my heart. "


  2. My footsteps left at the beautiful bank of Geely Lake, loudly and crazily, my voice of reading English used to be heard on campus everyday.


  3. Rutgers University Professor Jack Harris led the researchers and students who uncovered the marks during three years of digging.


  4. I cannot keep your waves, let me keep your footprints in.


  5. But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life, there is only one set of footprints.


  6. I cannot keep your waves, Let me keep your footprints in my heart.


  7. One of the major goals of WWF globally is to reduce the ever- expanding human footprint on our planet .


  8. One day, I found that the footprints in the sand had been washed away by the waves.


  9. O troupe of little vagrants of the word, leave your footprints in my words.


  1. 激光束足印

    laser beam foot print.

  2. 足印图谱法

    foot printing method.

  3. 徐氏张北足印

    Changpeipus xuiana.

  4. 健康小儿足印的研究

    Footprint research in healthy children

  5. 已付足印花税

    duly stamped

  6. 把沙滩上的足印抹掉。

    Efface the footprints in the sands.

  7. 哦,足印!也许另一位弟兄。

    Footprints that perhaps another.

  8. 我们走到这儿找足印。

    We came around to look for tracks.

  9. 将足印遗留在时间的沙滩上。

    Footprints on the sands of time.

  10. 只要跟随你向导者的足印。

    To have followed the steps of your Guide.

  11. 大雨将所有的足印都冲掉了。

    The heavy rain obliterated all footprints.

  12. 运动鞋也和犯罪现场的足印吻合。

    And the sneakers match the footprints from the crime scene.

  13. 让我保存你的足印在我的心里吧。

    Let me keep your footprints in my heart.

  14. 但那足印明明是先出而后入。

    But that footprint is clearly to and then go into first.

  15. 请留下你们的足印在我的文字里。

    Please leave your footprints in my words.

  16. 白色的沙丘上留下你一串串的足印

    You leave your footprints in the white dunes

  17. 你的保险卡片未贴足印花。

    Your insurance card is insufficiently stamped.

  18. 让偶保存你地足印在偶地心里口巴。

    Let me keep your footprints in my heart.

  19. 足印角角度与足弓高度成正比。

    The angle of toot print is in proportion to highness of the foot arches.

  20. 要辨认自己脚的类型,就要分析自己的足印。

    The way to determine what type of foot you have is to analyze your footprints.

  21. 可我不得不说天花板上的足印太好了。

    But it was a perfect tread impression on that ceiling.

  22. 足印图在矫正儿童下肢畸形中的评价作用

    The assessment of orthopedic effect on low limb deformity for children by use of foot print

  23. 他说如果把足印器放到疑犯的足尖。

    He says if you put this on a suspect's big toe.

  24. 我们在现场发现了沾有受害人血迹的足印。

    We found footprints in the victim's blood at the scene.

  25. 正常儿童及脑性瘫痪患儿步行足印参数值研究

    Study of gait footprint parameters of children and its value in diagnosis and treatment of cerebral palsy

  26. 可是我所以知道不是外面人,这足印就是唯一得线索。

    But I so know isn't an outside person, this footprint is unique to get clues.

  27. 我们都无限欢迎你在星神海外版留下你得足印。

    We welcome you to leave your footprint here.

  28. 我们都无限欢迎你在星神海外版留下你的足印。

    We welcome you to leave your footprint here.

  29. 卑微的漂泊者浪迹天涯,在我的文字里留下你的足印吧。

    O troupe of little vagrants of the word, leave your footprints in my words.

  30. 家鼠种间主要依靠足印大小、印宽和足趾间距离鉴别。

    The difference of rodents mainly depended on footprint size, breadth and toe's interval.


  1. 问:足印拼音怎么拼?足印的读音是什么?足印翻译成英文是什么?

    答:足印的读音是zú yìn,足印翻译成英文是 ichnogram

  2. 问:足印器拼音怎么拼?足印器的读音是什么?足印器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:足印器的读音是zú yìn qì,足印器翻译成英文是 podograph

  3. 问:足印法拼音怎么拼?足印法的读音是什么?足印法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:足印法的读音是zú yìn fǎ,足印法翻译成英文是 footprinting method

  4. 问:足印鉴定拼音怎么拼?足印鉴定的读音是什么?足印鉴定翻译成英文是什么?

    答:足印鉴定的读音是zú yìn jiàn dìng,足印鉴定翻译成英文是 fooltprint identification