


1. 脚 [jiǎo]脚 [jiǎo]人和某些动物身体最下部接触地面的部分:~心。~掌。~背。~跟。~步。~印。~法(指踢球、踢毽等的技巧)。~镣。~踏实地(形容做事实事求是,不浮夸)。最下部:~注。山~。墙~。剩下的废料,渣滓:下~料。〔……





汉语拼音:jiǎo yú






  1. 即甲鱼。鳖的俗称。

    《儒林外史》第四七回:“ 虞华轩 把 成老爷 请到厅上坐着,看见小厮一箇箇从大门外进来,一箇拎着酒,一箇拿着鸡、鸭,一箇拿着脚鱼和蹄子。”



  1. Peculiar natural four-foot fish This kind of fish is distinctive here and it is quite rare.


  1. 那只鹰有爪子的脚自水里抓起鱼。

    The taloned feet of the eagle snatched the fish from the water.

  2. 海里的人都只有鱼尾巴而没有脚。

    All sea people have fish tails, not feet.

  3. 想吃鱼就别怕弄湿脚。

    The cat loves fish, but hates wet feet.

  4. 猫儿想吃鱼,又怕湿了脚。

    Cat would eat fish and would not wet her feet.

  5. 它用尖脚把他刺晕,令他疲软得象无骨鱼。

    She jabs him with her stinger, and he goes as limp as a boned fish.

  6. 怕湿脚的永远抓不到鱼,只靠金钱买不到真诚的友谊。

    Afraid of catching the fish forever of wet foot, can not buy the sincere friendship only by the money.

  7. 这条银色的大鱼已经躺在霍华德脚边的浅滩上。

    The big silver fish lay in the shallows at Howard's feet.

  8. 它有著甲壳动物般的壳及脚,但有著像其他鱼类的巨大的颚。

    It has armor and limbs like a crustacean, but has the massive hinged jaws of other fishes.

  9. 它使用长有爪子的长脚捕捉水面的鱼类,然后边飞边吃。

    It uses its long clawed feet to grab the fish in the water surface and then feeds on the wing.

  10. 这两个行星出现在双鱼座, 所以保护好你的脚和脚踝。

    Both planets will be in Pisces, so protect your feet and ankles, too.

  11. 这两个行星出现在双鱼座, 所以保护好你得脚和脚踝。

    Both planets will be in Pisces, so protect your feet and ankles, too.

  12. 这些脚印是属于那些最早长出脚并在陆地上行走的鱼类的。

    These are footprints of the first fish to have grown feet and walked on land.

  13. 当我们在清澈的水中随着鱼群向前游时,小鱼轻咬我的脚踝。

    Little fish came to tenderly nibble my ankles while we were swimming along in schools of beautiful and colorful fish in the crystal clear water.