







汉语拼音:zū chē






  1. 输纳租赋的车辆。

    北周 庾信 《周大将军司马裔碑》:“百里租车,咸输 温县 。”《太平广记》卷二○二引 唐 李肇 《唐国史补·李实》:“ 萧佑 居丧,输不及期, 实 怒,召至,租车亦至,故得不罪。”



  1. We call the RV company, who promise to send a tow truck to fix it. They call back to say that he won't be there for at least an hour.


  2. No, sir. We have offices all over the U. S. , You can rent the car here, and turn it in at any of our offices.


  3. Car leasing may also have tax advantages for you -- but this is something you'll have to ask your accountant about.


  4. Do this with a leased car and you'll have to pay whatever if takes to put the car back the way it was.


  5. Madrid we have no car rental, because hotel is ordered in the downtown, and set the hotel is no parking space.


  6. And then they were able to give that information to other investigators who tracked it back to the rental facility.


  7. The police used my evidence (email which pointed to a cab service) that he was a driver and tricked him into picking them up.


  8. As with an apartment rental contract, car leasing will have a fixed period -- typically two or three years.


  9. The only real theft we've seen in the U. S. has been people using a stolen credit card to take a bike and not return it.


  1. 我想租车。

    I'd like to rent a car.

  2. 按钟点租车

    Hire a car by the hour.

  3. 在哪儿能租车?

    Where can I rent a car?

  4. 代办租车, 导拍。

    Car rental agency, lead shot.

  5. 代办租车,导拍。

    Car rental agency , lead shot .

  6. 你舅舅没有租车。

    Your uncle didn't have a rental car.

  7. 你舅舅没有租车。

    Your uncle didn't have a rental car.

  8. 租车柜台在那边。

    The car rental counters are over there.

  9. 你不租车给我?

    You won't loan me a car?

  10. 海外租车预订表格

    International Car Rental Reservation Form

  11. 这是我租车凭据。

    This is my voucher.

  12. 租车的地方在哪?

    Where are the car rental counter?

  13. 租车的柜台在哪?

    Where are the car rental counters?

  14. 我在哪里可以租车?

    Where can I rent a car ?

  15. 澳门自驾租车服务

    Self Drive Car Rental Service

  16. 自己租车驾驶的旅行

    a self-drive holiday

  17. 你可以在机场租车。

    You can hire a car at the airport.

  18. 我想租车一个礼拜。

    I want to rent a car for a week.

  19. 他出来付租车的钱。

    He came out to settle the charge for the hire car.

  20. 去年,租车的价格猛跌。

    Last year, prices of car rental fell sharply.

  21. 那里好像也没有租车的。

    I don't think they have a car rental there.

  22. 各地租车的行情也是相当!

    All the prices are quite rental!

  23. 租车的事,我该问谁?

    Who should I ask about car rentals?

  24. 现在租车同签名一样容易。

    Now tenting a car is as easy as signing your name.

  25. 我们到那边时去租车如何?

    How about renting a car when we get there?

  26. 她帮老师租车和安排行程。

    My mother helped the teacher rent a bus and plan the trip.

  27. 等等,宝贝,你到底租车了没?

    Wait, babe, have you even rented a moving truck yet?

  28. 美国有发达的租车服务行业。

    I suppose America has some kind of car rental service.

  29. 美国有发达得租车服务行业。

    I suppose America has some kind of car rental service.

  30. 车是我借钱跟租车店租得。

    I'm borrowing money, so I can rent these from the shop.