







汉语拼音:zuó yè







  1. 昨天夜里。

    南朝 宋 鲍照 《上浔阳还都道中》诗:“昨夜宿 南陵 ,今旦入 芦洲 。” 前蜀 毛文锡 《醉花间》词之一:“昨夜雨霏霏,临明寒一阵。” 巴金 《探索集·长崎的梦》:“昨夜,我梦见我在 长崎 。”

  2. 日前。

    金 董解元 《西厢记诸宫调》卷六:“夫人与 郑恆 亲。虽然昨夜见许,未足取信。”



  1. Yellow flowers overwhelming, as if something is just a play last night, this morning is the heavy makeup Tunjin, only elements left side.


  2. I saw it last night, not easy to shoot at night, so continued this morning. If I could buy this, that's more or less nice.


  3. He took a breath to clear away the cobwebs of the night as the raven flapped away.


  4. The child in this story is raised by her grandmother, and the children in the story we read yesterday are raised their aunt and uncle.


  5. Last night, Obama said the time to pass the economic stimulus package is now, otherwise, he says, crisis could turn into catastrophe.


  6. of life is short. To take just one example, the west wind blew across the garden last night, scattering all over yellow flowers like gold.


  7. If you happened to look up into the sky last night you may have been treated to a dazzling starlight display.


  8. Last night the wind was strong and rain was fine, Sound sleep did not dispel the taste of wine.


  9. Two offences of a very different nature, and by no means of equal magnitude, you last night laid to my charge.


  1. 昨夜万籁俱寂。

    Everything was quiet during the night.

  2. 昨夜我值班。

    I was on watch last night.

  3. 他昨夜失眠。

    He had a sleepless night last night.

  4. 洪峰昨夜到达。

    The river crested last night.

  5. 昨夜,天气酷寒。

    It was bitter cold last night.

  6. 昨夜星光明亮。

    The stars shone brightly last night.

  7. 病人昨夜失眠。

    The patient had a sleepless night last night.

  8. 昨夜下了霜。

    It frosted last night.

  9. 昨夜见军帖,

    Last night I saw the draft posters

  10. 昨夜下雹子了。

    It hailed last night.

  11. 昨夜刮暴风雨。

    it stormed last night.

  12. 昨夜下了大雪。

    It snowed heavily last night.

  13. 昨夜我失眠了。

    I had a white night yesterday.

  14. 昨夜,湖结冰了。

    The lake froze last night.

  15. 敌军昨夜消遁。

    The enemy troops lost ground last night.

  16. 昨夜有严重冰冻。

    It froze hard last night.

  17. 老太太昨夜去了。

    The old lady died last night.

  18. 昨夜气温下降了。

    The mercury dropped last night.

  19. 昨夜有严重霜冻。

    There was a heavy frost last night

  20. 昨夜有轻微地震。

    A slight shock occurred last night.

  21. 昨夜群星拱月。

    All the stars twinkled around the bright moon last night.

  22. 我昨夜睡得沉。

    I had a deep sleep last night.

  23. 我昨夜去看电影

    I Went To A Movie Last Night

  24. 昨夜隔壁有些异常。

    There were some strange goingson next door last night.

  25. 昨夜气温突然下降。

    There was a sudden drop in the temperature last night.

  26. 我昨夜梦见她了。

    I dreamed of her last night.

  27. 昨夜一夜无梦。

    No dream last night. Pas de cauchermar hier soir.

  28. 昨夜,外面下了雪。

    Last night it snowed outside.

  29. 昨夜情深电影海报

    About last night Movie Poster

  30. 小楼昨夜又东风,

    The east wind blew through my small lodge again last night.


  1. 问:昨夜拼音怎么拼?昨夜的读音是什么?昨夜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:昨夜的读音是zuóyè,昨夜翻译成英文是 last night; yesterday night