







汉语拼音:yíng lì








  1. 众多之利。

    晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·行品》:“情局碎而偏党,志唯务於盈利者,小人也。”

  2. 利润。




  1. The name fees can be used for daily office and maintenance of name signs and also as the profit of the operate authority.

  2. The company says it also donates over 40 tons of fresh fruit a year to nonprofit groups, food pantries, and families in need.

  3. "If earnings come through and we don't double-dip, we could end up in positive territory for the year, " he said.

  4. How much -- what's the total revenue?

  5. The bank made money from its Investment Banking arm, which includes financial advisory services and equity underwriting.

  6. Ric Morgan was in a receiving line at a fancy dinner honoring him for his nonprofit work.

  7. How much of the profit FIFA makes will be left to develop the poor communities?

  8. "Macro growth does not always translate into profitability, " Joe Bae, co-head of KKR's Asian operations, said at a recent conference.

  9. Yesterday Next raised its profit forecast for the current year, after sales fell much less than it had feared.


  1. 盈利经济学

    pecuniary economics.

  2. 暂时性盈利

    Transitory Earning.

  3. 盈利持续性

    earnings persistence.

  4. 这就是盈利。

    That's called a profit.

  5. 注册前盈利

    profit prior to incorporation.

  6. 盈利程度指标

    profitability guideline.

  7. 还小有盈利

    And you'd still come out ahead.

  8. 盈利性分析

    profitability analysis.

  9. 股本盈利, 参股收益

    quality earnings

  10. 盈利甚微的企业

    a marginal business

  11. 最大总盈利

    maximum overall profitability.

  12. 这行业盈利不多。

    The profits in this business are not large.

  13. 盈利被亏损抵销了。

    The gains are balanced by the losses.

  14. 财务杠杆作用盈利度

    degree of financial leverage

  15. 帐上显示盈利9000英镑。

    The accounts show a profit of 9000.

  16. 为盈利而做某事

    do something for profit

  17. 为盈利而做某事

    do something for profit

  18. 她为了盈利出卖朋友

    She sold out her friends for profit.

  19. 创新, 让主业连续盈利

    The Old Enterprise Makes Profit by Innovation

  20. 公司盈利需双重纳税。

    Corporate earnings are subject to double taxation.

  21. 这个价格没有盈利赚头。

    The price leaves no margin of profit.

  22. 盈利额是多少呢?

    How much whats the total revenue

  23. 这个葡萄园盈利了吗?

    Is the vineyard profitable?

  24. 这家公司不再盈利了。

    The company was no longer profitable.

  25. 这28家法国商店在盈利。

    The 28 French stores are trading profitably.

  26. 这些项目有盈利的潜力。

    These projects are potentially profitable.

  27. 该项目终于开始盈利了。

    The project has finally begun to pay dividends.

  28. 宣布旗舰公司盈利大跌

    Announced a big drop in profits of his flagship companies

  29. 盈利创收的主要来源之一。

    One of the main sources of profit.

  30. 夜场全面盈利不再是奢望!

    Night is no longer a luxury full profit!


  1. 问:盈利拼音怎么拼?盈利的读音是什么?盈利翻译成英文是什么?

    答:盈利的读音是yínglì,盈利翻译成英文是 profit

  2. 问:盈利拼音怎么拼?盈利的读音是什么?盈利翻译成英文是什么?

    答:盈利的读音是yínglì,盈利翻译成英文是 make a profit

  3. 问:盈利性拼音怎么拼?盈利性的读音是什么?盈利性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:盈利性的读音是yíng lì xìng,盈利性翻译成英文是 profitability

  4. 问:盈利率拼音怎么拼?盈利率的读音是什么?盈利率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:盈利率的读音是yínglìlǜ,盈利率翻译成英文是 profitability

  5. 问:盈利倍数拼音怎么拼?盈利倍数的读音是什么?盈利倍数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:盈利倍数的读音是yínglì bèishù,盈利倍数翻译成英文是 earnings multiplier

  6. 问:盈利增长拼音怎么拼?盈利增长的读音是什么?盈利增长翻译成英文是什么?

    答:盈利增长的读音是yínglì zēngzhǎng,盈利增长翻译成英文是 earnings growth

  7. 问:盈利收益拼音怎么拼?盈利收益的读音是什么?盈利收益翻译成英文是什么?

    答:盈利收益的读音是yínglì shōuyì,盈利收益翻译成英文是 earnings yield

  8. 问:盈利水平拼音怎么拼?盈利水平的读音是什么?盈利水平翻译成英文是什么?

    答:盈利水平的读音是yíng lì shuǐ píng,盈利水平翻译成英文是 level of profitableness

  9. 问:盈利警告拼音怎么拼?盈利警告的读音是什么?盈利警告翻译成英文是什么?

    答:盈利警告的读音是,盈利警告翻译成英文是 Profit warning

  10. 问:盈利质量拼音怎么拼?盈利质量的读音是什么?盈利质量翻译成英文是什么?

    答:盈利质量的读音是yínglì zhìliàng,盈利质量翻译成英文是 quality of earnings

  11. 问:盈利资产拼音怎么拼?盈利资产的读音是什么?盈利资产翻译成英文是什么?

    答:盈利资产的读音是yínglì zīchǎn,盈利资产翻译成英文是 earning assets

  12. 问:盈利预测拼音怎么拼?盈利预测的读音是什么?盈利预测翻译成英文是什么?

    答:盈利预测的读音是yínglì yùcè,盈利预测翻译成英文是 earnings estimate

  13. 问:盈利保险单拼音怎么拼?盈利保险单的读音是什么?盈利保险单翻译成英文是什么?

    答:盈利保险单的读音是yínglìbǎoxiǎndān,盈利保险单翻译成英文是 profits policy

  14. 问:盈利性劳动拼音怎么拼?盈利性劳动的读音是什么?盈利性劳动翻译成英文是什么?

    答:盈利性劳动的读音是yíng lì xìng láo dòng,盈利性劳动翻译成英文是 labor for profit

  15. 问:盈利不符预测拼音怎么拼?盈利不符预测的读音是什么?盈利不符预测翻译成英文是什么?

    答:盈利不符预测的读音是yínglì bùfú yùcè,盈利不符预测翻译成英文是 earnings surprises

  16. 问:盈利能力受损拼音怎么拼?盈利能力受损的读音是什么?盈利能力受损翻译成英文是什么?

    答:盈利能力受损的读音是yíng lì néng lì shòu sǔn,盈利能力受损翻译成英文是 impairment of earning ability


