











汉语拼音:zì zài jiē jí






  1. 指处在自发斗争阶段的无产阶级。这时无产阶级还没有觉悟到把资本家当作一个阶级来反对,没有意识到自己是一个阶级和独立的政治力量,还不了解自己的历史任务,因而也没有认识到整个资产阶级是它的敌对阶级。



  1. na.
  2. class for itself

  3. >

  1. 自在襁褓时

    from the cradle.

  2. 公道自在人心。

    Justice is in people's hearts.

  3. 感觉自在。沉着。

    I felt like going for a walk.

  4. 自在与自为

    in itself and for itself.

  5. 自在小猎犬三部曲

    The Free the Beagle Trilogy

  6. 轻松呼吸, 自在生活。

    Wind, free wind in my sky.

  7. 轻松呼吸,自在生活。

    Wind, free wind in my sky.

  8. 我的生活很自在。

    My life is very carefree.

  9. 我在他家里很自在。

    I was at ease at his home.

  10. 一念放下, 万般自在。

    A put down, all at home. Read.

  11. 这样我觉得更自在点。

    I'm more comfortable this way.

  12. 我知道这样你更自在。

    I know you're more comfortable like this.

  13. 我知道这样你更自在。

    I know you're more comfortable like this.

  14. 我独自去反而自在一些。

    I was better off going alone.

  15. 此项神圣责任,自在诸君。

    That sacred duty is yours.

  16. 提放自如,是自在人。

    One is truly free who can take on and let go of anything in peace.

  17. 他们竭力使她感到自在。

    They put her as much at ease as they could.

  18. 生活在阶级混杂的社会中

    live in a mixed society

  19. 心迷就会苦,心悟就自在。

    A confused mind suffers agony; an enlightened mind feels at ease.

  20. 我希望你能感觉自在一点

    I wish that you felt more comfortable.

  21. 他觉得备受宠爱,很是自在。

    He felt pampered and at home.

  22. 在这儿, 你似乎感到很自在。

    You seem to be quite at home here.

  23. 只有在我家里我才觉得自在。

    Only in my home do I feel at ease.

  24. 自由, 自在不被限制的状态

    The condition of being free of restraints.

  25. 美妙的黄昏既安详又自在。

    It is a beauteous evening, calm and free.

  26. 美妙得黄昏既安详又自在。

    It is a beauteous evening, calm and free.

  27. 那老两口日子过得挺自在得。

    This old couple are living at their ease.

  28. 在阶级社会里没有超阶级的人性。

    In class society there is no human nature above classes.

  29. 事实胜于雄辩,公道自在人心。

    Facts speak louder than words, and people have a sense of natural justice.

  30. 我们呆在这儿可以更自在些。

    We'd be better off staying right here.

