







汉语拼音:kāi dà






  1. 开拓;扩展。

    方宗诚 《<桐城文录>序》:“﹝ 方东树 ﹞少学於 惜抱 ,而不为其説所囿,能自开大,以成一格。”



  1. It would have been invisible to one who did not pursue spiritual practice and had no great wisdom.

  2. He said he could hardly hear the radio and asked her to turn it up.

  3. Won' t your car start ? Try giving it a bit more choke, ie letting more air into the engine by pulling out the choke.

  4. Take your look to soaring heights by turning up the volume on your lashes, lips, and hair. Get ready to go over the top.

  5. Set the volume of the entire audio at half-full volume. It is better to have your audience turn up the volume rather than turn it off.

  6. The driver who picked up guest at the airport in a limousine, works for such a resort hotel.

  7. The driver opened the windows and cranked up the stereo before going to set up a barbecue.

  8. Turn up the tap , and it abruptly sprays out in a chaotic (but describable) torrent .

  9. This big joke, until I can not accept, try to make up for that vacancy, but it still does not help each other quickly wake up from a dream?


  1. 开大引擎油门

    gun the engine.

  2. 收音机开大点。

    Turn the radio up a bit louder.

  3. 抛开/ 撒开大网

    to cast/ spread one's net wider

  4. 请把电视机开大点。

    Please turn the TV up.

  5. 音乐的音量开大了。

    The music was turned up loud.

  6. 请把收音机开大点。

    Turn the radio up a bit louder, please!

  7. 他开大了电视音量。

    He turned up the volume on the television.

  8. 请把收音机开大一点。

    Please turn the radio up a little.

  9. 她开大收音机的音量。

    She turned up the volume on the radio.

  10. 这些天, 他都在开大卡车。

    These days, he's driving a big rig.

  11. 如果你冷,就把暖气开大。

    If you are cold, turn up the heat.

  12. 他把音量稍微开大了一点。

    He turned up the volume minutely.

  13. 听着,明年我们要开大车

    So listen, next year, we gotta bring buses down here.

  14. 她指责他把收音机开大了。

    She accused him of turning the radio up.

  15. 请开大龙头以增加水流量。

    Turn the cock to increase the flow of water.

  16. 请把收音机的音量开大一点。

    Please turn up the radio a bit.

  17. 双向板开大洞口的简化设计

    A Simplified Method for the Analysis of the Biaxial Floor with Great Hole

  18. 把收音机开大点,我听不见。

    Turn up the radio, I can't hear it.

  19. 我只是要把它开大一点而已。

    I was just turning it on high.

  20. 把窗户开大点,我想看看山谷。

    Open the windows wide, I want to see the valley.

  21. 把煤气灶开大一些,火太小了。

    Turn up the gas; it is much too low.

  22. 我们可以开大一点声音,如果可以的话。

    We can turn the volume up a little bit if that's available.

  23. 把电视的音量开大一点,太轻了。

    Turn up the volume. It's too soft.

  24. 她把门开大些, 他慢慢走了进来。

    She opened the door wider, and he slowly walked in.

  25. 请把电视机开大点,声音太小了。

    Please turn the TV up.It is too low.

  26. 她把门开大以使屋内明亮一些。

    She opened the door wide so that the room was lighter.

  27. 抬开大四通以上采油树闸门部分。

    Remove the upper valving of Xtree above the spool.

  28. 如果你冷的话, 我可以把暖气开大些。

    If you're cold, I can turn the heat up.

  29. 到6点左右,他们又把音乐声音开大了。

    By about six, theyre cranking the music up loud again.

  30. 请把煤气灯开大一点,我想继续看书。

    Please turn up the gas a little, I want to go on reading.


  1. 问:开大肌拼音怎么拼?开大肌的读音是什么?开大肌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开大肌的读音是kāi dà jī,开大肌翻译成英文是 dila tor

  2. 问:开大油门拼音怎么拼?开大油门的读音是什么?开大油门翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开大油门的读音是kāidà yóumén,开大油门翻译成英文是 to accelerate; to open the throttle


