







汉语拼音:zuó rì




  1. 今天的前一天。

    《吕氏春秋·察微》:“昨日之事,子为制;今日之事,我为制。” 晋 潘岳 《悼亡诗》之三:“念此如昨日,谁知已卒岁。”《儒林外史》第十七回:“昨日安民的官下来,百姓散了。”

  2. 过去;以前。




  1. Russia said yesterday there was no sign of life from 118 sailors trapped at the bottom of the sea in a nuclear submarine.


  2. President Barack Obama yesterday promised that BP would be held accountable if it had broken US laws.


  3. Yesterday, TVB came up with a top left the remedies, but resigned number did not reduce the trend.


  4. I dictated the lyrics of WHEN A MAN LOVES A WOMAN and YESTERDAY ONCE MORE once again this afternoon.


  5. Holiday Inn employees also took strike action yesterday for about an hour and a half, claiming that they had not been paid yet for February.


  6. Yesterday tested both the bottom and top of the current sideway trading range, failing to break out either direction and closed mid-range.


  7. yesterday, you asked me like this, I really did not know how should reply you.


  8. People close to Rio said yesterday that the offer "isn't even close" to a level that would tempt the company into a friendly deal with BHP.


  9. It is possible to read the lack of a strong reaction yesterday as a sign of dangerous complacency.


  1. 昨日不会重现。

    No one can call back yesterday.

  2. 向昨日挥手告别。

    Take off your hat to your yesterdays.

  3. 昨日生活的碎片。

    Up the broken pieces of yesterdays life.

  4. 昨日生活得碎片。

    Up the broken pieces of yesterdays life.

  5. 昨日华北普降瑞雪。

    A timely snow fell all over the north China area yesterday.

  6. 这一切恍如昨日。

    It seemed like that those days.

  7. 我向昨日挥手告别

    I wave goodbye to yesterday

  8. 昨日贵函已收悉。

    Your favour of yesterday is duly receive.

  9. 昨日之星今何在

    A fond look at the star technologies of yesteryear

  10. 他昨日被授予爵位。

    He was made sir yesterday.

  11. 他昨日被授予爵位。

    He was made sir yesterday.

  12. 昨日为敌,今日为友。

    Yesterdays enemies are todays friends.

  13. 大会已于昨日闭幕。

    The convention ended yesterday.

  14. 大会已于昨日闭幕。

    The convention ended yesterday.

  15. 谷物价昨日微微下跌。

    Grain prices dipped yesterday.

  16. 和平条约于昨日签订。

    The peace treaty was signed yesterday.

  17. 香港歌星昨日亮相广州。

    Yesterday, pop stars from Hong Kong were playing Guangzhou.

  18. 昨日他被准许出院了。

    He was discharged from hospital yesterday.

  19. 暑期班已于昨日开课。

    The summer-holiday class began lessons yesterday.

  20. 紫金矿业昨日拒绝置评。

    Zijin refused to comment yesterday.

  21. 昨日, 此案未当庭宣判。

    Yesterday, this case was not adjudged on the court.

  22. 昨日的轨迹,远离的烦嚣。

    Yesterday's track, keep off of noisy and annoying.

  23. 短笛和歌声,昨日已喜欢

    And this... this lute and song... loved yesterday

  24. 我们确认昨日打出电报。

    We wish to confirm our telegram dispatched yesterday.

  25. 默念童年情景, 如在昨日。

    I remember my childhood days as if they were yesterday.

  26. 挥挥衣袖, 告别昨日的云彩。

    Waving the gusset, fairing the cloud of yesterday.

  27. 政府亦于昨日予以认可。

    The propose issue was sanctioned by the government yesterday.

  28. 昨日来访,适值外出,憾甚。

    Unfortunately you were out when I called yesterday.

  29. 带来旧的, 也带来新的昨日!

    Bring the old, bring the new yesterday!

  30. 昨日来访, 适值外出, 甚憾。

    I called on you yesterday, but unfortunately you were out.


  1. 问:昨日拼音怎么拼?昨日的读音是什么?昨日翻译成英文是什么?

    答:昨日的读音是zuórì,昨日翻译成英文是 yesterday

  2. 问:昨日的拼音怎么拼?昨日的的读音是什么?昨日的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:昨日的的读音是zuó rì de,昨日的翻译成英文是 hesternal

  3. 问:昨日重现拼音怎么拼?昨日重现的读音是什么?昨日重现翻译成英文是什么?

    答:昨日重现的读音是,昨日重现翻译成英文是 Yesterday Once More



命运的玩笑有时会开得很大。一场车祸,使阳光少年痛失父母,沦为苦命孤儿,而后幸得镇上首富收养,并与首富之子情同手足。谁知多年后,爱情毫无道理,竟让两兄弟爱上同一个漂亮女孩…… 爱情无法抵挡,恩情无法泯灭。在争夺与成全之间,他该何去何从?