







汉语拼音:tuō tuō






  1. 象声词。形容心跳。

    宋 毛滂 《惜分飞》词:“恰则心头托托地,放下了多日縈係,别恨还容易,袖痕犹有年时泪。”



  1. Dorothy sat down in the middle of the raft and held Toto in her arms.


  2. One day, Aunt Em and Uncle Henry's house got picked up in a storm with her and Toto in it!


  3. After the war, Toto Koopman returned to London and helped run the Hanover Gallery with her lover Erica Brausen (another wartime heroine).


  4. but Toto knew, and he walked close to Dorothy's side, and did not even bark in return.


  5. Dorothy lived in the farm with her parents, but she was so lonely and just had a little dog---Todd as her friend.


  6. She lay down at once, and with Toto beside her soon fell into a sound sleep.


  7. They ran to the door of the cellar, but Toto was afraid, and he ran under the bed. Dorothy ran after him.


  8. "Here you go; you have braised pork in brown sauce a steamed fat chicken and a fried carp in sweet and sour sauce. Enjoy it! " she said.


  9. My grandmother owned a farm in Tottle Brook and she used to tell me that God was in the rain.


  1. 谁伤心?托托伤心。

    Whos sad Tod is sad.

  2. 托托马克装置

    Tokamak device

  3. 谁愿意帮助托托?

    Who wants to help Tod ?

  4. 他叫什么?他叫托托。

    What's his name? His name is Tod.

  5. 托托是我得狗。

    Toto is my dog.

  6. 豪猪愿意帮助托托。

    The porcupine wants to help Tod.

  7. 科珀和托托是朋友。

    Copper and Tod are friends.

  8. 托托和科珀是朋友。

    Tod and Copper are friends.

  9. 她是托托的朋友吗?是的,她是。

    Is she Tod's friend? Yes, she is.

  10. 不,我不想要新托托了

    No. I don't want a new toto

  11. 还有汤姆、杰里和托托?

    Tom and Jerry and Toto, too.

  12. 这是森林的早晨。可怜的托托。

    It's morning in the forest. Poor Tod.

  13. 这是森林得早晨。可怜得托托。

    It's morning in the forest. Poor Tod.

  14. 托托现在是一只大狐狸了。

    Tod is a big fox now.

  15. 托托在森林里。夜里。森林里很黑暗。

    Tod is in the forest. Its night. Its dark in the forest.

  16. 这是一只狐狸。他名叫托托。

    He's a fox. His name is Tod.

  17. 你觉得会有这样的地方吗,托托?

    Do you suppose there is such a place, Toto?

  18. 她抱起托托, 推开房门走了出去。

    She picked up Toto, opened the door, and went out.

  19. 托托,我觉得我们已经不再身处堪萨斯了。

    Toto I ve got a feeling we re not in Kansas anymore.

  20. 托托,我想我们再也回不去堪萨斯了。

    Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.

  21. 多罗西抱起托托,跑向地下室的门口。

    Dorothy pick up toto and ran to the cellar door.

  22. 我要找到你并给你带只新的托托来

    I'll follow you and get you a new toto

  23. 多萝茜抱着托托在臂弯里,坐在木筏的当中。

    Dorothy sat down in the middle of the raft and held Toto in her arms.

  24. 托托,我有一种感觉我们再也荤刍了家了。

    Toto I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.

  25. 一只叫特里的凯恩梗狗饰演了小狗托托。

    A Cairn terrier called Terry played the role of the dog Toto.

  26. 埃姆婶婶你知道高驰小姐说想对托托做什么吗?

    Auntie Em, you know what Miss Gulch said she was gonna do to Toto?

  27. 桃乐丝和托托终于回到了堪萨斯,一家人喜悦的团聚了。

    Dorothy and Toto return to Kansas to a joyful family reunion.

  28. 有一天, 舅妈和亨利叔叔的房子有捡起风暴中, 托托!

    One day, Aunt Em and Uncle Henrys house got picked up in a storm with her and Toto in it!

  29. 多萝茜把托托抱在臂弯里, 站在门口, 也望着那天空。

    Dorothy stood in the door with Toto in her arms, and looked at the sky too.

  30. 托托跑到树林里去,向那些蹲在树上的鸟儿们吠着。

    Toto ran over to the trees and began to bark at the birds sitting there.


  1. 问:托托拼音怎么拼?托托的读音是什么?托托翻译成英文是什么?

    答:托托的读音是Tuōtuō,托托翻译成英文是 Todog

  2. 问:托托乡拼音怎么拼?托托乡的读音是什么?托托乡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:托托乡的读音是,托托乡翻译成英文是 Todok

  3. 问:托托克拼音怎么拼?托托克的读音是什么?托托克翻译成英文是什么?

    答:托托克的读音是Tuōtuōkè,托托克翻译成英文是 Totok

  4. 问:托托内拼音怎么拼?托托内的读音是什么?托托内翻译成英文是什么?

    答:托托内的读音是Tuōtuōnèi,托托内翻译成英文是 Tottone

  5. 问:托托利拼音怎么拼?托托利的读音是什么?托托利翻译成英文是什么?

    答:托托利的读音是Tuōtuōlì,托托利翻译成英文是 Tottoli

  6. 问:托托塔拼音怎么拼?托托塔的读音是什么?托托塔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:托托塔的读音是tuōtuōtǎ,托托塔翻译成英文是 Totota

  7. 问:托托娃拼音怎么拼?托托娃的读音是什么?托托娃翻译成英文是什么?

    答:托托娃的读音是Tuōtuōwá,托托娃翻译成英文是 Tothová

  8. 问:托托尔拼音怎么拼?托托尔的读音是什么?托托尔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:托托尔的读音是Tuōtuōěr,托托尔翻译成英文是 Totor

  9. 问:托托尤拼音怎么拼?托托尤的读音是什么?托托尤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:托托尤的读音是Tuōtuōyóu,托托尤翻译成英文是 Totoiu

  10. 问:托托山拼音怎么拼?托托山的读音是什么?托托山翻译成英文是什么?

    答:托托山的读音是tuōtuōshān,托托山翻译成英文是 Toto

  11. 问:托托扬拼音怎么拼?托托扬的读音是什么?托托扬翻译成英文是什么?

    答:托托扬的读音是Tuōtuōyáng,托托扬翻译成英文是 Totoian

  12. 问:托托拉拼音怎么拼?托托拉的读音是什么?托托拉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:托托拉的读音是Tuōtuōlā,托托拉翻译成英文是 Totora

  13. 问:托托比拼音怎么拼?托托比的读音是什么?托托比翻译成英文是什么?

    答:托托比的读音是Tuōtuōbǐ,托托比翻译成英文是 Totobi

  14. 问:托托洛拼音怎么拼?托托洛的读音是什么?托托洛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:托托洛的读音是Tuōtuōluò,托托洛翻译成英文是 Tottolo

  15. 问:托托罕拼音怎么拼?托托罕的读音是什么?托托罕翻译成英文是什么?

    答:托托罕的读音是,托托罕翻译成英文是 Toqoqan

  16. 问:托托亚努拼音怎么拼?托托亚努的读音是什么?托托亚努翻译成英文是什么?

    答:托托亚努的读音是Tuōtuōyànǔ,托托亚努翻译成英文是 Totoianu

  17. 问:托托内利拼音怎么拼?托托内利的读音是什么?托托内利翻译成英文是什么?

    答:托托内利的读音是Tuōtuōnèilì,托托内利翻译成英文是 Totonelli

  18. 问:托托利奇拼音怎么拼?托托利奇的读音是什么?托托利奇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:托托利奇的读音是Tuōtuōlìqí,托托利奇翻译成英文是 Totolici

  19. 问:托托尔恰拼音怎么拼?托托尔恰的读音是什么?托托尔恰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:托托尔恰的读音是Tuōtuōěrqià,托托尔恰翻译成英文是 Totorcea

  20. 问:托托维奇拼音怎么拼?托托维奇的读音是什么?托托维奇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:托托维奇的读音是Tuōtuōwéiqí,托托维奇翻译成英文是 Totović