


1. 与 [yǔ]2. 与 [yù]3. 与 [yú]与 [yǔ]和,跟:正确~错误。~虎谋皮。生死~共。给:赠~。~人方便。交往,友好:相~。~国(相互交好的国家)。〔~其〕比较连词,常跟“不如”、“宁可”连用。赞助,赞许:~人为善。与 ……





汉语拼音:yǔ gào






  1. It's hard to admit or confess. People who love us will also try to protect and defend us.


  1. 按货币分析,月份港元贷款与外币贷款均告下跌。

    Analyzed by currency, both Hong Kong dollar denominated loans and foreign currency loans declined in december.

  2. 为公教与新教的合一祷告。

    Pray for cathalic and Protestant to be Uninted in one.

  3. 牧师正抗拒着虚荣与罪恶作着祷告。

    The parson prayed gainst pride and sin.

  4. 彭铿收到密函, 内容告之海棠与必文通奸之事。

    Peng Keng received secret letter, the content that it and will be the matter of the adultery.

  5. 你们竟是弟兄与弟兄告状,而且告在不信主的人面前。

    But brother goeth to law with brother, and that before the unbelievers.

  6. 用户测试与申告中继

    line test and complain trunk

  7. 五代官告院与绫纸钱

    Guan Gao Yuan and Ling Zhi Qian of the five Dynasties Period

  8. 我们已与杨女士合伙经营, 特此奉告。

    We have the pleasure to inform you that we have entered into partnership with Ms Yang.

  9. 科技报告语篇中人际情感与态度意义

    Interpersonal and Attitudinal Meanings of the Scientific Report Text

  10. 本人已与河野谦吉先生合伙营业,特此奉告。

    I have the pleasure to inform you that I have entered into partnership with Mr. K. Kono.

  11. 为土耳其人与亚美尼亚人之间的和好及饶恕祷告。

    Pray also for reconciliation and forgiveness between Turks and Armenians.

  12. 间事未发,而先闻者,间与所告者兼死。

    If a secret piece of news is divulged by a spy before the time is ripe, he must be put to death together with the man to whom the secret was told.

  13. 广告中的技术与艺术都服务于广告美的实现。

    Technology and art on advertisement give service to beauty of advertisement.

  14. 不幸的是,将它与其他土豆品种杂交的尝试均告失败。

    Unfortunately attempts to crossbreed it with other potatoes have been unsuccessful.

  15. 凡求告耶和华的,就是诚心求告他的,耶和华便与他们相近。

    The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth.

  16. 反马告团体与部落的互动关系与动员网络如何运作?

    How does the relationship of counterforce association and mobilization network operate?

  17. 等我们回来时我们就与朋友相告,说她出国留学了。

    When we return, we'll tell our friends she's decided to study abroad.

  18. 那些过了的欢声与泪水,就让它们在此告一段落。

    Those who passed the laughter and tears, let them in the end.

  19. 与之相反,在几个婴儿患病的期间恒天然没有告之任何事情。

    Instead Fonterra said nothing, during which time several more babies became sick.

  20. 因此, 与广告主合作可助力网游利用广告主的传统渠道优势。

    Accordingly, with advocate collaboration can aid power network You Li to use advocate traditional channel advantage.

  21. 这与其说是它们的速度的问题,不如说是告近它们什么以及如何告诉它们我们要什么的问题。

    It's not a question of their speed, so much as what to tell than, and how to tell them what we want.

  22. 去祷告, 默想, 与神亲近。

    Time to pray and meditate and be close to God.

  23. 而作一番彻底的解剖与告白。

    And do some thorough dissection and a proclamation.

  24. 愿教会显出合一的祷告与祈求。

    Let the Church take the posture of united prayer and supplication.

  25. 祷告你与耶稣的亲密关系受到保护。

    Pray that your intimacy with Yeshua be safeguarded.

  26. 祷告使你与各地的人成为同工。

    Prayer makes you a partner with others around the world.

  27. 他们听他诉说,与他一同祷告,教他反思。

    They listened to him, prayed with him, helped him question himself.

  28. 她祷告著, 心中充满了爱与温柔。

    She say her prayers, her heart full of love and tenderness.

  29. 她祷告着,心中充满了爱与温柔。

    She said her prayers, her heart full of love and tenderness.

  30. 耶稣又去祷告, 说的话还是与先前一样。

    Once more he went away and prayed the same thing.