


1. 夸 [kuā]2. 夸 [kuà]夸 [kuā]说大话,自吹:~口。~张。~耀。~嘴(夸口)。浮~。~~其谈。用话奖励,赞扬:~赞。~许。奢侈:“贵而不为~”。夸 [kuà]古同“跨”,兼有。……





汉语拼音:kuā zàn








  1. 夸奖称赞。

    《红楼梦》第七一回:“内中也有见过的,还有一两家不曾见过的,都齐声夸赞不絶。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第七九回:“只听得茶馆里议论纷纷,都是説这件事;有个夸赞他有钱的,有个羡慕死者有福的。” 徐怀中 《西线轶事》十:“可是,看样子首长是从心里在夸赞她们,不是随便说一说的。”



  1. And then he took up his spear and said: "Look! My spear is so sharp that it can cut through anything. "


  2. Jo quite glowed with pleasure at this boyish praise of her sister, and stored it up to repeat to Meg.


  3. 26Alas for you when people speak well of you, for that is how the ancestors of these people treated the false prophets.


  4. A piece of writing, AS on the jacket of a book, containing often exaggerated praise, used for promotional purposes.


  5. Rhett: I mean it as a compliment. . . and I hope to see more of you when you're free of the spell of the thin-blooded Mr. Wilkes.


  6. The General attented her himself to the street door, saying everything gallant AS they went downstairs, admiring the elASticity of her walk.


  7. I heard all the talk about how good she was, but I almost always take everything I hear with a grain of salt.


  8. Brendan Jackson, Celtics Hub: I wish I could give Wolves fans a reason to be pumped about Wes Johnson, but it's not his time.


  9. They are few, the father of the child, they still laughter appears at the youth and impulse, they praised the beautiful person, victory.


  1. 夸赞, 鼓掌赞许。

    To express approval, especially by clapping the hands.

  2. 夸赞,鼓掌赞许。

    To express approval, especially by clapping the hands.

  3. 夸赞他勤奋好学

    commend him upon his diligence in study

  4. 我当不起这样的夸赞。

    I hardly deserve the praise that is bestowed upon me.

  5. 人们时常过于夸赞自己。

    People sometimes praise themselves too much.

  6. 她用一切方法夸赞他。

    She does everything to build him up.

  7. 她用一切方法夸赞他。

    She does everything to build him up.

  8. 今天您应该被夸赞一番。

    You deserve to be flattered today.

  9. 客人们极力夸赞可口的饭菜。

    The guests raved about dinner.

  10. 他夸赞这婴儿,并亲了亲他。

    He praised the baby and kissed him.

  11. 他们总是夸赞他们以前的老师们。

    They always spoke well of their old teachers.

  12. 她喜欢被众星捧月般地夸赞。

    She likes to be praised by a crowd of people.

  13. 她喜欢被众星捧月般地夸赞。

    She likes to be praised by a crowd of people.

  14. 当麦琪一遍一遍夸赞我的书

    When Merkie was going on and on about my book.

  15. 值得夸赞的抱负, 事业, 进取心等

    a laudable ambition, endeavour, enterprise, etc

  16. 老师夸赞约翰在音乐方面的天分。

    The teacher brought out john's talent for music.

  17. 第一,现在的孩子得到空前多的夸赞。

    First, children are now praised to an unprecedented degree.

  18. 要不我哪有心气儿到处夸赞你。

    That's why I always talk so highly of you.

  19. 当面夸赞你的人, 会在背后中伤你。

    He that praises publicly will slander privately.

  20. 夸赞孩子告诉我们的每一件好事。

    B oast about the good things they tell me.

  21. 那位歌唱家受到了夸赞,以致红了起来。

    The singer has been built up into a great success.

  22. 任何人要取悦于她必须夸赞她的孩子。

    Anyone who wishes to be well with her must praise her children.

  23. 销售员总是夸赞他所卖的车子的品质。

    The salesman always cries up the quality of the car he is selling.

  24. 大力夸赞你在他洗车店里的设计

    to rave about all the work you're doing on his car wash.

  25. 找出您的孩子外貌方面的一些您要夸赞的特色。

    Find something about your child's appearance to compliment.

  26. 找出您得孩子外貌方面得一些您要夸赞得特色。

    Find something about your child's appearance to compliment.

  27. 每个人都夸赞他的手艺,不过他有一个毛病。

    Everybody praised his skill, but he had a problem.

  28. 这么差劲得节目也有人夸赞, 真是捧臭脚!

    They even praise such a disappointing program, they really are sycophants.

  29. 这么差劲的节目也有人夸赞,真是捧臭脚!

    They even praise such a disappointing program, they really are sycophants.

  30. 这么差劲的节目也有人夸赞,真是捧臭脚!

    They even praise such a disappointing program, they really are sycophants.


  1. 问:夸赞拼音怎么拼?夸赞的读音是什么?夸赞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:夸赞的读音是kuāzàn,夸赞翻译成英文是 to praise; to commend; to speak highly of




拼音:kuāzàn 基本解释 [praise;commend] 赞美;称赞 详细解释 夸奖称赞。 《红楼梦》第七一回:“内中也有见过的,还有一两家不曾见过的,都齐声夸赞不绝。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第七九回:“只听得茶馆里议论纷纷,都是说这件事;有个夸赞他有钱的,有个羡慕死者有福的。” 徐怀中 《西线轶事》十:“可是,看样子首长是从心里在夸赞她们,不是随便说一说的。”