







汉语拼音:yú lín







  1. 榆树林。

    宋 苏轼 《种松得徕字》诗:“春风吹榆林,乱荚飞作堆。” 宋 道潜 《夜泊淮上复寄逢原》诗:“遥想故人投宿地,画船应在碧榆林。”

  2. 借指隐者所居的山林。

    清 黄宗羲 《万悔庵墓志铭》:“大兵渡 淛 ,一时士人讳言受职,皆改头换面充赋有司。而公车之徵,先生独不行。当是时,先生遁跡榆林。”



  1. Coal mine workers said this was "bribe list" but the prosecution locally said they did not know about this issue.


  2. It's an ideal place for a naval base, and a significant expansion compared to the nearby naval base in the port city of Yulin.


  3. The train is heading for Yulin city, also in Shaanxi Province. The change makes the short-distance trip an option for an extra 200 students.


  4. Yulin City in Shaanxi Province is an important medium city geographically and comprehensively, and an important energy and chemical base.


  5. Sections of the Great Wall near Yulin were destroyed during highway construction when warnings from a minor official were ignored.


  6. Yulin judges sentenced him to 5 years in prison for representing peasants in a lawsuit to reduce their tax burden.


  7. The exploitation of energy resources plays an extraordinarily important role in Yulin's rapid construction and development.


  8. Yulin of Shaanxi is one of strategic posts for defending Mongolia tribe in the north border.


  9. Yulin boasts one of world's largest coal mines and is rich in natural gas.


  1. 榆林红色旅游

    YuLin Revolutionary Tourism

  2. 榆林四合院民居

    Yulin traditional dwelling houses

  3. 榆林能源化工基地

    energy and chemical industry base of Yulin

  4. 榆林能源重化工基地

    energy resource and heavy chemical industry base in Yulin

  5. 我听到那个榆林是下雪。

    I heard that Yulin is snowing.

  6. 王峰是陕西榆林的一个工人。

    Wang Feng is a worker at YuLin Shanxi.

  7. 王峰是陕西榆林的一名工人。

    Wang Feng is a worker at Yulin in Shanxi.

  8. 榆林能源化工基地发展循环经济研究

    A study on circular economy development in Yulin energy and chemical base

  9. 榆林生态环境建设中农业发展战略问题

    Strategic questions of developing agriculture in the ecological environment construction in yulin

  10. 敦煌榆林千佛洞第12窟回鹘文题记

    Study of Graffiti in Uigurs Language in Cave 12, the Yulin Thousand Buddha Caves in Dunhuang Grotto

  11. 陕北文化对榆林经济发展的影响探析

    The Culture of Northern Shaanxi's Influence on Yulin Economy.

  12. 榆林旅游发展与生态修复的可持续性研究

    Yulin Tourism Development and Ecological Sustainability of Rehabilitation Research

  13. 小压差大温降工艺在榆林气田的应用

    Process application of generating big temperature drop via small pressure difference in Yulin gas field

  14. 榆林大明绿豆及其无公害高产栽培技术研究

    The High Producing Educates Technique of no Harmful Effects of the Big and Clear Mung Bean in Yulin

  15. 榆林气田目的层系位于上古生界二叠系山西组底部。

    The target strata in Yulin gas field lie in the bottom of Shanxi Formation of Permian, Upper Palaeozoic.

  16. 陕西榆林是明代北部边境上防御蒙古部的重镇之一。

    Yulin of Shaanxi is one of strategic posts for defending Mongolia tribe in the north border.

  17. 陕西榆林能源重化工基地能源开发利用的问题与对策研究

    Studying on Problems and Countermeasures of Energy Resources and Heavy Chemical Industries Base in Yulin Shaanxi Province

  18. 榆林号称是世界最大的煤炭产地之一, 又拥有丰富的天然气。

    Yulin boasts one of world's largest coal mines and is rich in natural gas.

  19. 摘要榆林气田目的层系位于上古生界二叠系山西组底部。

    The target strata in Yulin gas field lie in the bottom of Shanxi Formation of Permian, Upper Palaeozoic.


  1. 问:榆林拼音怎么拼?榆林的读音是什么?榆林翻译成英文是什么?

    答:榆林的读音是Yúlín,榆林翻译成英文是 Yulin, lying in the northest of Shanxi Province...

  2. 问:榆林窟拼音怎么拼?榆林窟的读音是什么?榆林窟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:榆林窟的读音是,榆林窟翻译成英文是 Yulin Caves

  3. 问:榆林柄灰包拼音怎么拼?榆林柄灰包的读音是什么?榆林柄灰包翻译成英文是什么?

    答:榆林柄灰包的读音是Yúlínbǐnghuībāo,榆林柄灰包翻译成英文是 Tulostoma yulinense

  4. 问:榆林通草蛉拼音怎么拼?榆林通草蛉的读音是什么?榆林通草蛉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:榆林通草蛉的读音是Yúlíntōngcǎolíng,榆林通草蛉翻译成英文是 Chrysoperla yulinica

  5. 问:榆林榆阳机场拼音怎么拼?榆林榆阳机场的读音是什么?榆林榆阳机场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:榆林榆阳机场的读音是,榆林榆阳机场翻译成英文是 Yulin Yuyang Airport

  6. 问:榆林西沙机场拼音怎么拼?榆林西沙机场的读音是什么?榆林西沙机场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:榆林西沙机场的读音是,榆林西沙机场翻译成英文是 Yulin Xisha Airport

  7. 问:榆林佳县白云山景区拼音怎么拼?榆林佳县白云山景区的读音是什么?榆林佳县白云山景区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:榆林佳县白云山景区的读音是yúlín jiā xiàn báiyún shān jǐngqū,榆林佳县白云山景区翻译成英文是 Yulin Jia County Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area...

  8. 问:榆林神木二郎山景区拼音怎么拼?榆林神木二郎山景区的读音是什么?榆林神木二郎山景区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:榆林神木二郎山景区的读音是yúlín shénmù èrláng shān jǐngqū,榆林神木二郎山景区翻译成英文是 Yulin Erlang Mountain in Shenmu County

  9. 问:榆林神木红碱淖景区拼音怎么拼?榆林神木红碱淖景区的读音是什么?榆林神木红碱淖景区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:榆林神木红碱淖景区的读音是yúlín shénmù hóng jiǎn nào jǐngqū,榆林神木红碱淖景区翻译成英文是 Yulin Shenmu Hongjiannao Scenic Area