


1. 占 [zhān]2. 占 [zhàn]占 [zhān]迷信的人用铜钱或牙牌等判断吉凶:~卜。~卦。姓。占 [zhàn]据有,用强力取得:~据。霸~。强~。处于某种地位或情势:~理。~优势。口说,口授。估计上报:令民得以律~租。……


天文学上指宇宙间能发光的或反射光的天体;一般指夜间天空中发光的天体:~球。恒~。行(xíng )~。卫~。披~戴月。细碎的小颗粒东西:火~儿。秤等衡器上记数的点:定盘~。军官衣领上的徽记:五~将军。形容夜间:~行。~奔。星名,二十八宿之一:……



汉语拼音:zhān xīng







  1. 观察星象以推断吉凶。

    唐 王绩 《晚年叙志示翟处士》:“望气登重阁,占星上小楼。” 鲁迅 《坟·科学史教篇》:“怀念既尔,所学遂妄,科学隐,幻术兴,天学不昌,占星代起,所谓点金通幽之术,皆以昉也。”参见“ 占星术 ”。

  2. 以观察星象占卜吉凶为业的人。

    《旧唐书·顺宗纪上》:“丙午,罢翰林医工、相工、占星、射覆、冗食者四十二人。” 范文澜 蔡美彪 等《中国通史》第二编第一章第二节:“ 秦始皇 召集学士、方士,使议论政事,炼药求仙。博士多至七十人,占星多至三百人。”



  1. As a matter of fact, real astrology has always been used by powerful people.


  2. As you may already know, Susan was taught astrology by her mother, who sheaffectiionally refers to as Little Mom.


  3. When I was about 21, an astrologer told me that I was going to meet the man of my dreams, and that his name was going to be Eric, right?


  4. Modern astrology books seem to suggest that there were three methods used for creating the major and minor aspects.


  5. All that may sound like a horoscope, but the public doesn't seem to care.


  6. You've got to admit, it would capture the attention of anyone even slightly interested in medicine or astrology .


  7. Robert was a great believer in Astrology because he had found this great science referred to so many times in the Holy Bible.


  8. There's a lot of planetary action in your solar Twelfth House, and in astrology this house is often connected with seclusion.


  9. Astrologers do not attempt to manipulate a person's behavior on behalf of a third party.


  1. 作命运图。占星

    Cast a horoscope

  2. 这就像一张占星图。

    It's like an astrological chart.

  3. 今天揭开来年占星的秘密。

    Reveal the astrological secrets of the coming year, today.

  4. 占梦, 占星预言与春秋社会

    The Prophesy of Divine by Astrology and Prognostication by Dreams in ZUOZHUAN

  5. 现在, 让我们谈一下占星学。

    Now, lets talk about astrology.

  6. 这就是我们学习占星的原因!

    This is why we study astrology!

  7. 这就是我们学习占星得原因!

    This is why we study astrology!

  8. 天文学是由占星学演变而来的。

    Astronomy inherits from astrology.

  9. 在美国,极少有人相信占星学。

    In America, hardly any persons believe in astrology.

  10. 世界上大部分的报纸都出版占星,

    Most newspapers around the world publish horoscopes

  11. 你应该找占星家,让他告诉你你星象。

    You should goan astrologerhave your horoscope read.

  12. 占星家说他们能根据星星预测未来。

    Astrologers say that they can foretell the future from the stars

  13. 需要的话,我可以帮你画一张占星图。

    I could do your chart if you wanted.

  14. 天气条件和占星环境可能也有所影响。

    Weather conditions and astrological circumstance may also have an impact.

  15. 任何善于运算的人都可以成为占星家。

    Anyone can be an astrologer as long as they are mathematically minded.

  16. 占星预测的问题并不在于它们是错误的。

    So, the problem with astrological predictions is not that they're wrong.

  17. 金星管辖两个占星部门职业和娱乐活动。

    Venus governs two sectors of your horoscope career and recreation.

  18. 也就是说,基督的死亡和复活是基于占星神学。

    To wit, Christ's death and resurrection are based on astrotheology.

  19. 在他的占星木星第三房子, 使他勇敢的性质。

    In his horoscope jupiter is in third house which makes him brave by nature.

  20. 在传统的本命占星中, 这是死亡之宫。

    In conventional natal horoscopes it is the house of death.

  21. 你应该找一个占星家,让他告诉你你的星象。

    You should go to an astrologer to have your horoscope read.

  22. 人马座, 射手, 是在占星里排名第九的星座。

    Sagittarius, the Archer, is the ninth astrological sign in Zodiac.

  23. 在传统占星里面, 我们都知道金星是第二吉星。

    In traditional astrology it is known as the Lesser Benefic.

  24. 人们说,噢,做那个。而占星家告诉我做一些事。

    People say, oh, do that. And astrologer tells me to do, something.

  25. 我们占星师长期以来就知道与它有关的一切。

    We astrologers have known all about this for ages.

  26. 现在, 请解释这现象唯一的办法是通过占星学。

    Now, go explain that and the only way is through astrology.

  27. 特劳里妮的占星术是依据出生日期所进行的占星。

    Trelawneys astrology is natal or genethiliacal astrology.

  28. 几乎大部分占星理论来自埃及,比如守护星系统理论。

    The lots are almost certainly Egyptian as well as most of the systems of rulership.

  29. 在占星命盘中,土星经常代表一个人的父亲。

    In the astrology chart, Saturn often represents one's father.

  30. 这还增强了糖果制造商牧师和占星家得生意。

    It is adding the business for sweets manufacturers, priests and astrologers.


  1. 问:占星术拼音怎么拼?占星术的读音是什么?占星术翻译成英文是什么?

    答:占星术的读音是zhānxīngshù,占星术翻译成英文是 astrology; horoscope

  2. 问:占星拼音怎么拼?占星的读音是什么?占星翻译成英文是什么?

    答:占星的读音是,占星翻译成英文是 constellatio

  3. 问:占星学拼音怎么拼?占星学的读音是什么?占星学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:占星学的读音是,占星学翻译成英文是 Astrology

  4. 问:占星家拼音怎么拼?占星家的读音是什么?占星家翻译成英文是什么?

    答:占星家的读音是,占星家翻译成英文是 astrologer

  5. 问:占星四书拼音怎么拼?占星四书的读音是什么?占星四书翻译成英文是什么?

    答:占星四书的读音是,占星四书翻译成英文是 Tetrabiblos

  6. 问:占星术的拼音怎么拼?占星术的的读音是什么?占星术的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:占星术的的读音是,占星术的翻译成英文是 chaldaic