




1. 越 [yuè]越 [yuè]度过,超出:~过。~冬。~级。~轨。~权。~境。~位。~狱。~俎代庖。声音、情感扬起,昂扬:激~。声音清~。表示程度加深:~发(更加)。~加。~快~好。消散:“精神劳则~”。失坠,坠落:陨~。“射其左。~于……



汉语拼音:yú yuè








  1. 古族名。分布在今 浙江省 境内。

    《大戴礼记·劝学》:“ 于越 戎貉 之子,生而同声,长而异俗者,教使之然也。”《汉书·货殖传》:“辟犹 戎 翟 之与 于越 不相入矣。” 颜师古 注:“ 孟康 曰:‘ 于越 ,南方 越 名也。’于,发语声也。戎蛮之语则然。 于越 犹 句吴 耳。” 祝廉先 《文选六臣注订譌》:“ 于越 为百越之一种,在今 浙江 。如 江西 为 扬越 , 福建 为 闽越 , 广东 为 南越 , 安南 为 骆越 之类。”

  2. 指其所居之地。

    唐 独孤及 《题思禅寺上方》诗:“眇眇 于越 路,茫茫香草青。”一说即 吴 越 。《淮南子·原道训》:“ 匈奴 出秽裘, 于 越 生葛絺。” 高诱 注:“ 于 , 吴 也。”

  3. 官名。

    契丹 最尊之职, 辽太祖 即位前即因战功显赫拜于越,后以于越受禅称帝。 辽 设大于越府,大于越无所职掌,其位则居南、北大王上,非有大功者不授。参阅《辽史·太祖纪上》、《百官志一》与《国语解》。

  4. 春秋 时 越国 ,地在今 浙江省 一带。亦以指 浙江 。

    《春秋·定公五年》:“ 於越 入 吴 。” 杜预 注:“於,发声也。”《逸周书·王会》:“ 於越 纳, 姑妹 珍。” 唐 李嘉祐 《至七里滩作》诗:“迁客投 於越 ,临江泪满衣。” 元 张昱 《西山亭留题》诗:“ 於越 地形缘海尽, 句吴 山色过江来。”



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  1. 越民族的形成是从于越突起开始的。

    The formation of more people in the more protruding from the beginning.

  2. 他们在柬埔寨的胜利也置南越于死地了。

    Their success over Cambodia doomed that country and therefore South Vietnam as well.

  3. 这个似乎也适用于朋友越多则越快乐。

    And it seemed the more the merrier really did apply.

  4. 无名指相对于食指越长, 交易员可能赚的钱越多。

    The longer the fourth digit in relation to the second, the more money the traders are likely to make.

  5. 世人越专注于自我毁灭。

    The more the world is focused on destroying itself.

  6. 蓝条越长, 模型越倾向于该分类。

    The longer the blue bar, the more the model favors the cluster.

  7. 社会越是不平等 就越倾向于保留死刑。

    And the more unequal societies are more likely also to retain the death penalty.

  8. 我对大自然了解得越多,就越痴迷于大自然得奥秘。

    The more I about the nature, the more absorbed I became in its mystery.

  9. 你越屈服于次要收获,你就成了越虚伪的人。

    The more you succumb to secondary gain, the phonies you become as a human being.

  10. 我对大自然了解得越多, 就越痴迷于大自然的奥秘。

    The more I about the nature, the more absorbed I became in its mystery.

  11. 国家创建的越好,公务越优先于公民心目中的私事。

    The better the state is constituted, the more does public business take precedence over private in the minds of the citizens.

  12. 因此假说预测, 越聪明的人往往越倾向于夜间活动。

    The Hypothesis would therefore predict that more intelligent individuals are more likely to be nocturnal than less intelligent individuals.

  13. 感染的负荷越重,孕妇越倾向于娩出早产、多病的婴儿。

    The heavier the burden of infection, the more likely the women were to deliver younger, sicker infants.

  14. 规模越大的企业越倾向于利用各种内部和外部培训机构。

    The larger the entity the more likely that both internal and external coaches will be available.

  15. 规模越大得企业越倾向于利用各种内部和外部培训机构。

    The larger the entity the more likely that both internal and external coaches will be available.

  16. 随年龄得增大,质心位置越接近于发射超声得中心频率。

    The SCP of backscattering signals approach the emissive center frequency with increase of ages.

  17. 随年龄的增大,质心位置越接近于发射超声的中心频率。

    The SCP of backscattering signals approach the emissive center frequency with increase of ages.

  18. 它有一双长翅膀所以它擅长于越过海洋。

    It has long wings and so it is good at flying over the sea.

  19. 其品牌产品即一种酒饮料,其品牌文化来源于越文化。

    Its brand culture is originated from Yue culture.

  20. 另外, 个人的文化程度越高, 越会倾向于授权。

    Besides, when entrepreneurs have higher education degree, they be inclined to delegate.

  21. 知性越是习惯于反对实体这一概念,便越是常用因果关系。

    The way understanding bristles up against the idea of substance is equaled by its readiness to use the relation of cause and effect.

  22. 越桔萃取物有益于血丝在身体帮助周边循环。

    Bilberry extract benefits the capillaries in the body to help peripheral circulation.

  23. 某种比语言更难逾越得障碍横亘于两者之间。

    Something even more impenetrable than a language barrier is at work.

  24. 只要感官价值凌越于永恒价值之上, 就必然会有战争。

    As long as sensory values predominate over eternal value there will be war.

  25. 他们越杀得多,就越引起日军士兵同情于华军。

    The more they kill, the more sympathy will be aroused for the Chinese forces among the Japanese soldiers.

  26. 他的飞机于1967年在北越被击落。

    His plane was shot down over North Vietnam in 1967.

  27. 南越国都番禺城毁于战火考实

    A Textual Research on the Fact that the Panyu City of Capital in South Yue kingdom was Burned Down

  28. 于1998年11月成立为雄越五金制品有限公司。

    And In Nov1998 it changed its name to Xiongyue Hardware and Screw Manufacturing Ltd.

  29. 机构官员说越来月少得人死于感染疾病。

    Agency officials say fewer people are dying on infections diseases.

  30. 机构官员说越来月少的人死于感染疾病。

    Agency officials say fewer people are dying on infections diseases.