


1. 经 [jīng]经 [jīng]织布时用梭穿织的竖纱,编织物的纵线,与“纬”相对:~纱。~线。~纶(a.整理过的蚕丝;b.喻政治规划)。地理学上指通过南北极与赤道成直角的线(亦作“子午线”):东~。西~。~度。~纬仪。作为思想、道德、……





汉语拼音:jīng shū







  1. It was not until I saw Your books for the first time that I realized the dream was a sign that You had already come.


  2. First responsibility of education depends on allowing a student can free-standing, is not to be its to engraft bellyful Confusion classics.


  3. They do nothing but thumb their prayer beads and recite a book written in a tongue they don't even understand.


  4. Jn. 19: 36 For these things happened that the Scripture might be fulfilled: 'No bone of His shall be broken. '


  5. Is there not a verse of scripture in Isaiah mentioning the rock on which the great pyramid is builded?


  6. The Bible isn't the only Scripture with such vacillations between belligerence and tolerance.


  7. Monk: There're many books on Buddhism. You can choose some to read to get a general idea of Buddhism.


  8. Sacred scriptures of Judaism and, with the New Testament, of Christianity.


  9. Let's read a couple of texts that talk about how the cross of Christ makes a change in a person's mind.


  1. 聆听佛的经书

    For listen to the Scripture.

  2. 现在有不少小孩儿读经书。

    Many children read the Confucian classics.

  3. 大部分是各种经书的章节。

    Most are passages from various bibles.

  4. 积金千两, 不如明解经书

    To understand the classics clearly, is a far Better achievement than the amassing of wealth

  5. 僧人们在筒里面裹满经书。

    Lamas wrap the prayer wheel full with scriptures.

  6. 经书结束时以色列人定居埃及。

    The book closes with the Israelites residing in Egypt.

  7. 唐僧十分难过, 因为经书不完整了。

    Monk Tang was very sad for the damage.

  8. 其实,我们的经书里有同样的基本准则。

    well, those same principles are in our book.

  9. 因而很难找到两本完全相同的经书。

    It was difficult to find two scriptures of the same style.

  10. 只剩页页经书扰起一股悲风。

    The leaves of the sutra Merely stir a sad wind.

  11. 辉煌亮丽的经书流通处也是最佳取景的地方。

    The splendid Book Circulation area is the best spot for photography.

  12. 读经书和中小学语文教学中的汉语现代化

    Reading Confucian Classics and Chinese Modernization of Chinese Teaching in Middle and Primary School

  13. 他十二岁时已经开始研习天台宗经书。

    When he was but twelve years old he was already studying Tendai philosophical speculation.

  14. 家家都有一本难念的经,只是经书的难度稍有不同。

    Every family has problems, The difference is the difficulty level.

  15. 加迪儿牧师认为师父的经书有助于拘留所及其所。

    Reverend Gadaire felt that Masters teachings will be of help to both the prison and its prisoners.

  16. 目前,她在亚洲神学协会写历代志得释经书。

    Presently, she is writing a commentary on the Books of Chronicles for Asia Theological Association.

  17. 目前,她在亚洲神学协会写历代志的释经书。

    Presently, she is writing a commentary on the Books of Chronicles for Asia Theological Association.

  18. 再一次强调这一关联,申命记与后面经书间的关联。

    So this, again, underscores the connection between Deuteronomy and the following books.

  19. 为了有一个准则的版本, 这部石刻经书就诞生了。

    To have a standard version of these classics, classics carved in stone were thus born.

  20. 汉明帝下令建造一所寺庙供佛雕安身、收藏经书。

    Emperor Mingdi ordered that a temple be built to house a statue of Buddha and serve as a repository for the scriptures.

  21. 在好战和宽容之间摇摆的经书, 圣经并不是唯一的一本。

    The Bible isnt the only Scripture with such vacillations between belligerence and tolerance.

  22. 老人拿的是一捆已经装订完毕的经书准备去刷红漆。

    The old man is holding a bunch of scripture pages ready for painting red.

  23. 其二,古人化用原文和经书古代传本多样性之间的矛盾。

    Second, the contradiction between the ancients applied original text flexibly and the diversity of ancient editions of Confucian classics.


  1. 问:经书拼音怎么拼?经书的读音是什么?经书翻译成英文是什么?

    答:经书的读音是jīngshū,经书翻译成英文是 Classical masterpieces of the Confucians....

