


1. 顷 [qǐng]顷 [qǐng]中国市制田地面积单位:一~(等于一百亩)。碧波万~。短时间:~刻。有~。少~。俄~(很短的时间)。刚才,不久以前:~闻。~接来信。……





汉语拼音:qǐng kè








  1. 片刻,极短的时间。

    《关尹子·七釜》:“爪之生,髮之长,荣卫之行,无顷刻止。” 唐 韩愈 《赴江陵途中寄赠王二十补阙李十一拾遗李二十六员外翰林三学士》诗:“中使临门遣,顷刻不得留。” 清 沉复 《浮生六记·闲情记趣》:“一夕,猫奴争食自檐而堕,连盆与架顷刻碎之。” 毛泽东 《中国革命和中国共产党》第二章第二节:“因此,那种以为 中国 革命力量瞬间就可以组成, 中国 革命斗争顷刻就可以胜利的观点,是不正确的。”

  2. 刚刚,刚才。

    清 玉泉樵子 《神山引曲·药饵》:“[末旦惊介:]孩儿几时回来的?[生:]顷刻方到。”



  1. You want to have a feeling that you want to like and the sea calm, as if you unfurl All of a sudden became unruly and persevering sea genie.


  2. The momentary elation evaporated as he turned to look up and down the corridor.


  3. All joking apart, when your legs begin to feel heavy, to hear the fans call your name wipes out that tiredness in an instant.


  4. It had been so long since she last held court that the crush of cases was almost overwhelming.


  5. FOR a moment it seemed as though a mortal threat to businesses in Zimbabwe had been lifted. Now the usual lack of clarity has been restored.


  6. In overflowing wrath my face was veiled from you for a minute, but I will have pity on you for ever, says the Lord who takes up your cause.


  7. All of a sudden the front of the building parted from the rest and fell like a breaking wave into the street.


  8. Her fortune had been made at a stroke, without her having the least idea of the source from which it had so unexpectedly materialized.


  9. Soon the whole sky was flaming, the sun gathered its last energy burning thoroughly, like the solemn end of a tragedy.


  1. 至尊术士顷刻内,

    The sovereign Alchemist that in a trice

  2. 顷刻间鸦雀无声。

    There was a momentary silence.

  3. 顷刻之内佛像被毁

    They were gone in an instant.

  4. 金屋顷刻成土包

    A gilded house crumbled to be a mound

  5. 万般纯良,毁于顷刻之间,

    Which in a moment doth confound and kill.

  6. 他顷刻之间就与他相熟了。

    He made friends with him instantly.

  7. 坚固的爱情不会顷刻忘怀。

    Sound love is not soon forgotten.

  8. 那景色顷刻之间便消失了。

    The scene vanished in an instant.

  9. 顷刻之间发生了这样的变化!

    In one moment such a change!

  10. 专制君主政体顷刻之间荡然无存。

    The collapse of the absolute monarchy was very swift.

  11. 顷刻之间, 周几乎成了国家英雄。

    Instantly, Chow is something of a national hero.

  12. 顷刻之间,我感到,在自由的翱翔。

    For a moment in time I could feel I was free.

  13. 顷刻, 一股暖流在我心中激荡!

    An instant, warm current in my hearts!

  14. 顷刻间, 全体船员惊动起来了。

    In an instant the whole crew was on foot.

  15. 瞬间, 顷刻几乎觉察不到的时间段

    An almost imperceptible space of time.

  16. 所有得愤怒顷刻间便消失殆尽。

    All anger had evaporated.

  17. 所有的愤怒顷刻间便消失殆尽。

    All anger had evaporated.

  18. 顷刻之间,他能驱散她所有的恐惧。

    He had all her fears scattered within a heartbeat.

  19. 顷刻之间, 我产生了前所未有的孤独感。

    I suddenly felt entirely alone.

  20. 顷刻之间,我产生了前所未有得孤独感。

    I suddenly felt entirely alone.

  21. 这一切都是在顷刻间发生的。

    It all happened in a split second.

  22. 往往天际才露曙光, 顷刻乌云满天。

    More often, hardly had the first rays of morning light emerged on the horizon than the sky became overcast again.

  23. 顷刻之间,泪水和化疗淹没了她的生活。

    Suddenly tears and chemotherapy overtook her life.

  24. 顷刻之间, 一对蝴蝶从洞中翩然飞出。

    Within a couple of seconds, two butterflies flew out of hole.

  25. 便会在顷刻间失去了它的价值。

    Of what validity and pitch soeer, But falls into abatement and low price.

  26. 多日来萎靡不振的情绪顷刻一扫而散。

    Several days to instantly lift the mood of malaise and scattered.

  27. 有些人顷刻之间黯然失色,落得一贫如洗,债台高筑。

    A few of them lost their glamour quite suddenly and were left with nothing but emptiness and enormous debts.

  28. 只要你谁的生活,学习的不朽是隐藏在顷刻。

    You who long for life, learn that immortality is hidden in transiency.

  29. 顷刻间他已看到一艘快艇的幻影。

    And for the instant he caught a vision of a steam yacht.

  30. 顷刻间她幻想的全部幸福都成了泡影。

    All her imaginary happiness vanished in a moment.


  1. 问:顷刻拼音怎么拼?顷刻的读音是什么?顷刻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:顷刻的读音是qǐngkè,顷刻翻译成英文是 instantly; in no time


