


1. 扇 [shàn]2. 扇 [shān]扇 [shàn]摇动生风取凉的用具:~子。~坠(扇柄下端的装饰物)。~面儿。~形。指板状或片状的屏:门~。隔~。量词,用于门窗等:一~门。扇 [shān]摇动扇子或其它东西,使空气加速流动成风:用……


1. 和 [hé]2. 和 [hè]3. 和 [huó]4. 和 [huò]5. 和 [hú]和 [hé]相安,谐调:~美。~睦。~谐。~声。~合(a.和谐;b.古代神话中象征夫妻相爱的两个神)。~衷共济。平静:温~。祥~。~平。~气。~悦……



汉语拼音:shàn hé






  1. 宣扬附和。

    《晋书·周嵩传》:“﹝ 周嵩 ﹞与散骑郎 张嶷 在侍中 戴邈 坐,褒贬朝士……廷尉 华恒 以 嵩 大不敬弃市论, 嶷 以扇和减罪除名。”



  1. "We are going to bear the heat of summer with round paper fans and Japanese folding fans, " he said.


  2. Sponges, finger coral, sea fans, and brain coral give shape and color to this reef.


  3. Later, feather fans and big. decorated hats went out of fashion but ostriches were still bred, this time for their hide.


  4. Hangzhou also specializes in making black paper fans and sandalwood fans .


  5. Viable: Sprint, Gouge, Cloak of Shadows, Blind, Fan of Knives and Kick.


  6. Compression fan and compression field.


  7. We have three major types: paper, silk and sandalwood fans.


  8. Ventilation fan appliance exteriors cleaned


  9. Study on Wireless Remote Monitoring System of Gas and Principal Ventilator in Medium and Small Scale Coal Mine


  1. 冲积扇和冲积平原沉积体系。

    And alluvial fen and alluvial plain.

  2. 清洁抽气扇和家电器具的表面

    Ventilation fan appliance exteriors cleaned

  3. 你拥有的只是转页扇和靠枕。

    You are left in peace with your box fan and body pillow.

  4. 湖底扇相可分为内扇中扇和外扇3个亚相。

    Sublacustrine fan facies includes inner fan, middle fan and outer fan subfacies.

  5. 得到了扇和完全等二部图联图的边色数。

    The edge chromatic number of join graph with fan and complete balanced bipartite graph was obtained.

  6. 我真希望这对海鸥是我和扇我耳光的女孩儿。

    I wished they were me and the girl who slapped me.

  7. 其形成环境主要为陆相断陷盆地的河流,三角洲和扇三角洲。

    They formed in continental faulting basins and their sedimentary facies mainly include river, delta and fan delta.

  8. 您可以单独使用扇出,或结合使用扇出和扇入。

    You can use Fan Out in isolation or as part of a Fan Out and Fan In combination.

  9. 结果太原组发育扇三角洲和障壁海岸沉积。

    Results Fan delta and barrier coast sedimentary are widely developed in the Taiyuan formation.

  10. 哈西拿的子孙建立鱼门,架横梁,安门扇,和闩锁。

    But the fish gate did the sons of Hassenaah build, who also laid the beams thereof, and set up the doors thereof, the locks thereof, and the bars thereof.

  11. 各层门扇外表和小门套均为发纹不锈钢,硬质铝地坎。

    Outer facing of panel and narrow door jamb hairline stainless steel on all floors, hard aluminium.

  12. 关闭空调,排气扇,通风口和炉子

    Turn off air conditioning, vents, fans and furnace

  13. 这扇窗户正好和那扇一样宽。

    This window is just as wide as that one.

  14. 工业换气扇是工厂和仓库的理想选择。

    The Industrial Ventilation Fan is ideal for use in factories and warehouses.

  15. 走廊最后面的那扇门, 和助理局长斯金纳在一起。

    AGENT CRANE Door at the end of the hall , with AD Skinner.

  16. 断裂及凹角扇形域上调和正则积分方程的数值解,

    Numerical solution of harmonic canonical integral equation over sector with crack and concave angle

  17. 断裂及凹角扇形域上调和正则积分方程得数值解,

    Numerical solution of harmonic canonical integral equation over sector with crack and concave angle.

  18. 杭州还生产黑纸扇和檀香扇。

    Hangzhou also specializes in making black paper fans and sandalwood fans.

  19. 墙上有四个窗户和两扇门。

    There are four windows and two doors in the wall.

  20. 小到只剩下那个楼道, 和那扇窗。

    Even only that corridor and the window are left over.

  21. 你在衡量孩子的生命和一扇门的价值?

    You're weighing the life of a child against the price of a door?

  22. 这对于确保扇入和相应扇出的配置互补很有用。

    This is useful in ensuring that the configuration of the Fan In and corresponding Fan Out complement each other.

  23. 有利相带主要为三角洲前缘水下分流河道和浊积扇。

    Underwater distributary channel of the delta front and turbidite fan are the profitable facies of Dongpu depression.

  24. 这些窗户和两扇巨大的滑动门将室内外很好的联系了起来。

    These windows and two oversized sliding doors create a strong connection to the backyard.

  25. 潮汐水道, 三角洲和冲刷扇典型地与滨外砂洲伴生在一起。

    Tidal channels, deltas, and washover fans are characteristically associated with offshore bars.

  26. 不过一扇门的标志和神秘在于它的隐蔽性。

    But the symbol and mystery of a door resides in its quality of concealment.

  27. 你过不了那扇门,我得和你一起。

    With that visitor's pass. I have to go with you.

  28. 他梦见一扇大铁门挡住空气和阳光。

    He dreamed that a great iron door, shutting out air and daylight.

  29. 建筑门窗扇开,关方向和开,关面的标志符号

    Symbolic designation of direction of opening and closing and faces of doors and windows

  30. 史克鲁奇认得每一扇门,每棵树和每条街道。

    Scrooge recognized every gate, tree and street.