







汉语拼音:wǔ lǐng






  1. I get paid on fridays usually. usually.

  2. I get paid on Friday usually.

  3. He gets his pay each Friday.

  4. My salary is due on Friday.

  5. I get my pay every Friday.

  6. Guiding the Process of Urban Commercial Center


  1. 有关礼品换领详情将于五月初以电邮通知得奖者。

    Gift redemption arrangement will be announced by email in early May.

  2. 工人们周五领工资。

    The workers are paid on Friday.

  3. 他每星期五领工资。

    He gets his pay each Friday.

  4. 五领宣纸, 六只毛笔。

    Five pads of Xuan paper and six inkbrushes.

  5. 五领宣纸,六只毛笔。

    Five pads of Xuan paper and six inkbrushes .

  6. 我通常是在星期五领工资。

    I get paid on Fridays, usually.

  7. 我每个星期五领工钱, 到了星期二时我总是囊空如洗了。

    I get paid each friday, and by Tuesday I'm always skint.

  8. 我要购领五本服务业发票。

    I want to purchase five special invoice books of service trades.

  9. 那领五千得随即拿去做买卖,另外赚了五千。

    The man who had received the five talents went at once and put his money to work and gained five more.

  10. 那领五千的随即拿去做买卖,另外赚了五千。

    The man who had received the five talents went at once and put his money to work and gained five more.

  11. 宁波五大支柱产业领军长三角

    Five Pillar Industries of Ningbo Take the Lead in YRD

  12. 新加坡已连续五年冠领此排名。

    Singapore has topped the report's rankings for the past five years.

  13. 我要购领五本服务业发票。46。请您把发票购领本递给我。

    I want to purchase five special invoice books of service trades. 46.Plese show me your invoie book.

  14. 那些约在午后五时雇的来了,每个人都领了一个银币。

    And when those hired about the eleventh hour came, they received each a denarius. Maka datanglah mereka yang mulai bekerja kirakira pukul lima dan mereka menerima masingmasing satu dinar.

  15. 威比奖的传统是每位得奖者只用五个词发表领奖致辞。

    In Webby tradition, each winner was given just five words for their acceptance speech.

  16. 我要星期五才能领工资。

    I don't get paid until Friday.

  17. 依据级别,翻领上缀上一颗星到五颗星。

    And depending on their rank, I think a star or five stars along their lapel.

  18. 第五杯引领我飞向永不消逝的仙境

    The fifth lifts me to the realms of the unwinking gods

  19. 他们领到了一笔五千多英镑的补助费。

    They have received a grant of more than 5,000 pounds.

  20. 安猪拜纳姆打了七分钟领了五次愚蠢的犯规?

    Andrew Bynum playing seven clumsy minutes marred by five silly fouls ?

  21. 我一个铜板也没有,而且要到星期五才领得到薪水。

    I'm broke and I don't get paid until Friday.

  22. 头领便笑了,叫我看那串在长竹竿上的五颗头颅。

    The chief smiled, and showed me five heads fixed upon long reeds of bamboo.

  23. 米里哀先生以主教身份从政府领得一万五千法郎得薪俸。

    Myriel received from the State, in his quality of bishop, a salary of fifteen thousand francs.

  24. 米里哀先生以主教身份从政府领得一万五千法郎的薪俸。

    Myriel received from the State, in his quality of bishop, a salary of fifteen thousand francs.

  25. 领馆官员将会在本周五同胡士泰作审判前最后一次会面。

    Consular officials will meet with Mr. Hu for last time before the trial on Friday.


  1. 问:五领田拼音怎么拼?五领田的读音是什么?五领田翻译成英文是什么?

    答:五领田的读音是Wǔlǐngtián,五领田翻译成英文是 Goryōda