







汉语拼音:cái chéng








  1. 裁剪制成。

    《文选·谢瞻<张子房诗>》:“神武睦三正,裁成被八荒。” 张铣 注:“裁制成理,德被八方。” 唐 刘知几 《史通·史官建置》:“且 叔师 研寻章句,儒生之腐者也; 嗣宗 沉湎麴蘖,酒徒之狂者也,斯岂能错综时事,裁成国典乎?” 郭沫若 《中国古代社会研究》第一篇第二章第二节:“万事万物万理万化都是它所裁成的,它是‘知周乎万物而通济天下’(《繫辞上·传》)的全能全智。”

  2. 编制而成。

    唐 元稹 《唐故朝议郎侍御史河阴留后元君墓志铭》:“先府君丛集羣言,裁成百叶书抄。”

  3. 犹栽培。谓教育而成就之。

    清 汪弘隆 《寄谢同门曹翼宸》诗:“岂信质分薄,裁成寡良师。”《儿女英雄传》第三六回:“﹝ 安老爷 ﹞一面擦着眼泪,向太太説道:‘我这位恩师再生之意,我不知受了他老人家多少裁成。’”



  1. To see if you'd like to change its proportions, hold your hands out in front of you and try cropping this as a vertical.


  2. That piece of cloth will cut up into a jacket.


  3. If there was some used paper or a memo lying around he would rip it into eight pieces and he would have a new memo pad.


  4. Chop up (into, say, A5 sized pages) and bind with a strong needle and some string.


  5. The third tree was cut into large pieces and left alone in the dark.


  6. Labels, badges and similar articles in the piece, in strips or cut to shape or size, not embroidered, of other textile materials.


  7. Labels, badges and similar articles of textile materials, in the piece, in strips or cut to shape or size, not embroidered.


  8. looking to find themselves, can not love to see a cut of the clothes to keep out the cold.


  9. Woven labels, badges and similar articles in the piece, in strips or cut tf, shape or size, not em- broidered, of other textile materials.


  1. 他伐了一棵树并把它裁成几截。

    He cut down a tree and cut it up.

  2. 她成了裁减半职工作的受害人。

    She became a casualty of the reduction in parttime work.

  3. 把纸裁成方形

    to square a sheet of paper

  4. 裁成狭尖三角形

    To cut into a gore.

  5. 用纸裁成的玩偶

    a doll that was cut from paper.

  6. 将金属板裁成环状

    stamp out rings from metal sheets

  7. 请将木板裁成三块。

    Please cut the plank into three separate parts.

  8. 把一张纸裁成条儿

    cut a sheet of paper into strips

  9. 他把纸裁成了三块。

    He cut the piece of paper in three parts.

  10. 你最好把料裁成方形的。

    You would better square the material.

  11. 这块布可以裁成三套衣服。

    The piece of cloth will cut up into three suits.

  12. 那块布料可以裁成一件外套。

    That piece of cloth will cut up into a jacket.

  13. 那块布料可以裁成一件夹克。

    That piece of cloth will cut up into a jacket.

  14. 硬纸板裁成的树,油画漆成的海,这里的声音

    The cardboard trees, the painted seas, the sound here

  15. 这块布料太窄,不容易裁成所需式样。

    This cloth is too narrow to cut well.

  16. 可以把一些边角料裁成需要的形状补上。

    Get some carpet remnants, and cut them up to suit your needs.

  17. 裁成上衣样式、前排有一排纽扣的衣服。

    A dress that is tailored like a coat and buttons up the front.

  18. 他们简直天天都要拍照,并且都爱好裁成怪异的外形。

    They take pictures almost daily and all are cut in weird shapes.

  19. 例如,你喜欢帕特的肖像为方格式,或者裁成横幅。

    For instance, you may like this portrait of Pat in a square format, or cropped to a horizontal.

  20. 接着,就要像这位师傅这样,把这些贝叶裁成统一的形状。

    Next, as this craftsman does, cut these leaves into uniform sheets.

  21. 用一台好得剪切机, 每一幅矩形得印刷品都能裁成方形。

    An by means of a good cutter each rectangular print can be cropped to square.

  22. 用一台好的剪切机,每一幅矩形的印刷品都能裁成方形。

    An by means of a good cutter each rectangular print can be cropped to square.

  23. 一种裁成衬衣一样的裙子,它前面从上到下有一排纽扣。

    A dress that is tailored like a shirt and has buttons all the way down the front.

  24. 热深胶的固化速度直接影响胶订书的成型质量成裁切质量。

    Hot deep adhesive curing speed direct impact on the book of prototyping into cutting quality.

  25. 成直角切割管道端口, 铰除杂质, 去除毛刺, 裁好尺寸。

    Cut tube end square, ream, burr and size.

  26. 裁搭边排样与复杂形状冲压件的一模成形

    Judge and Put Up Edge Layout and One Die Forming for the Complex Shape Stamping Parts.

  27. 如果有裁纸刀,叫身边的长辈用刀把纸裁成如下要求的大小。

    If you have a paper trimmer, ask an adult to cut the paper into the sizes listed below.

  28. 如果有裁纸刀,叫身边的长辈用刀把纸裁成如下要求的大小。

    If you have a paper trimmer, ask an adult to cut the paper into the sizes listed below.

  29. 作成仲裁裁决

    render an award

  30. 精密无毛刺塑性冲裁成形技术研究

    Study on Fine Blanking of No Burr Plastic Form


  1. 问:裁成板拼音怎么拼?裁成板的读音是什么?裁成板翻译成英文是什么?

    答:裁成板的读音是,裁成板翻译成英文是 flitch