











汉语拼音:bù niàn jiù è






  • 【解释】:念:记在心上。不计较过去的怨仇。
  • 【出自】:《论语·公冶长》:“伯夷、叔齐不念旧恶,怨是用希。”
  • 【示例】:谁叫咱们有~的泱泱大国之风。”
  • 【语法】:动宾式;作谓语、宾语;用于胸怀宽广的人


  1. It is said that forgiving and forgetting are the best reaction to the injustice criticism.


  2. Please forgivehim for his rudeness.


  3. "Forgive and forget" is how the old saying goes. But is it that simple?


  4. The strange truth is tantamount to tell readers: When two class people do not forgive and forget and live in harmony, all will be better;


  1. 君子不念旧恶

    A gentleman does not bear grudges.

  2. 他们答应不念旧恶, 重修旧好。

    They agreed to forgive and forget and be friendly again.

  3. 他们答应不念旧恶, 重新修好。

    They agreed to forgive and forget and be friendly again.

  4. 如果他真的爱你,他会不念旧恶的。

    If he truly loves you,he'll forgive and forget.

  5. 请原谅他的粗鲁吧。不念旧恶十分难得。

    Please forgivehim for his rudeness.

  6. 我在任何情况下都得不念旧恶,不计前嫌吗

    Do I have to forgive and forget in all circumstances ?

  7. 让我们不念旧恶, 配合起来使新的事业取得成功。

    Let's forgive and forget and cooperate to make the new venture a success.

  8. 不念旧恶。

    Forgive and forget.

  9. 你应当不念旧恶。

    You should forgive and forget.

  10. 我们必须不不念旧恶。

    We must let bygones be bygones.

  11. 不要怨恨那些伤害过你的人, 你应该不念旧恶。

    Dismiss from one's mind all unkind feelings and the desire to blame and punish sb.

  12. 不念死之过患

    The drawbacks of not remembering death.

  13. 小善不忘,小错不念。

    Do not forget little kindness and do not remember small faults.

  14. 君子不念旧时恶。既往不咎。

    Let bygones be bygones.

  15. 第一段我就跳过不念了。

    I shall pass over the first paragraph and not read it.

  16. 离别是爱情之敌眼不见,心不念。

    Absence is a foe to love away from the eyes, away from the heart.

  17. 我不能理解他为什么不念大学而去从军。

    I marveled why he left college to join the army.

  18. 真正得慈善, 便是但愿有益于人, 而不念其回报。

    True charity is the desire to be useful to others without thought of recompense.

  19. 真正的慈善,便是但愿有益于人,而不念其回报。

    True charity is the desire to be useful to others without thought of recompense.

  20. 他连书都念不好。

    He wasn't even reading the book right.

  21. 心心念念的思想。都念不出我的所思所想。

    Harbors intentions thought. Cannot read me to think thought.

  22. 向来不忘旧恶, 也从不宽恕仇人。

    a gutter fighter who neither forgot nor forgave.

  23. 难怪我不会念你的名字!

    B No wonder I cant pronounce your name!

  24. 我尽管费了好大的劲, 那个词我还是念不好。

    However hard I try, I can't pronounce that word properly.

  25. 虽然不是念一句芝麻开门的咒语那么简单。

    Although not be, read aloud sesame seed opens the door abracadabra is so simple.

  26. 从书架上拿下一本小说来,翻了几篇,念不下去,又送回去了。

    Then he took a novel from the book shelf and finished a few pages.

  27. 对同志不要记仇, 要不念旧恶。

    Instead of harbouring resentment against comrades, we should forgive old wrongs.

  28. 我不喜欢今天念英文。

    I do not care to study English today.

  29. 你能不能再念一次给我听?

    Could you pronounce that again for me

  30. 不要再替成年子女操心, 才不会碎碎念。

    Don't be concerned about adult children any more, otherwise.




【注音】bù niàn jiù è



