





  • 【解释】:不是你死,就是我活。形容双方斗争非常激烈。
  • 【出自】:宋·释普济《五灯会元》卷五十六:“只将折箸搅,你死我活。”
  • 【示例】:世俗人没来由,争长竞短,~。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作定语、状语、补语;指双方不能共存


  1. Hardware manufacturers like Dell, Hewlett Packard, Compaq and IBM would still be battling it out with incompatible systems.

  2. And when these companies duke it out for market share, you know you'll be able to get a deal.

  3. Thank you for accompanying WWE for the past 20 years, today you leave WWE to leave the wrestling ring of the last day here I salute you.

  4. Although no one is happy to have their pay cut, many seem to like a brief break from the rat race.

  5. They fought like Kilkenny cats-and the only result of their quarrel was that they both lost the respect of those who had supported them.

  6. "In terms of competition between the U. S. and Europe - it will be an absolute blood bath, " said Jane's Anderson.

  7. If we stay in the rat-race 24 hours, seven days a week, we are bound to pollute our inner space as well as the outer space.

  8. This is in nature: it overrides a carnivorous nature and what otherwise would have been a short fight to the death .

  9. For Emerson there is no cruel war of irreconcilable extremes ; extremes nuzzle one another in their eagerness to come together .


  1. 拚个你死我活

    shoot it out.

  2. 拼个你死我活

    to fight to the bitter end

  3. 这是一场你死我活得较量。

    This is a fight to the death.

  4. 我以为她俩要斗个你死我活。

    I thought they were going to kill each other.

  5. 危险过去之后, 他们又会相互斗个你死我活。

    The danger had passed they would again be at each other's throats.

  6. 那将使得对立供应商之间的竞争更加你死我活。

    That would make the competition between rival suppliers even deadlier.

  7. 他们兄弟几个为争狼主之位斗得你死我活。

    The many brothers had a life-and-death fight in contending for the place of chieftain.

  8. 我来拦住他!我要拼个你死我活!完蛋的不会是我!

    I'll stop him! It's either him or me! And it won't be me!

  9. 他们都会在工厂外面排队等工作,为了工作拼个你死我活。

    They'd be tearing each other to pieces on the lines outside factories waiting for jobs.

  10. 你死我活的战斗

    a mortal combat

  11. 你死我活的搏斗

    war to the knife

  12. 拼得你死我活的竞争

    a cutthroat competition

  13. 两年你死我活的恶战

    tow years of bitter and ferocious fighting.

  14. 因此,竞争是你死我活的。

    So it is cutthroat competition.

  15. 无休止的激烈竞争,你死我活的竞争。

    If you win the rat race, youre still a rat.

  16. 一场你死我活的斗争迫在眉睫。

    A lifeanddeath struggle is looming ahead.

  17. 这是一场你死我活的较量。

    This is a fight to the death.

  18. 你感觉上就像被那你死我活的竞争碾碎。

    You feel like the proverbial rat race is grinding you down.

  19. 再比如说,有两个独裁者正掐得你死我活的。

    Or say we have two rival dictators in a death grudge.

  20. 两个部落正在你死我活地打着, 箭象雨点一般。

    Two tribes were fighting furiously sending clouds of arrows through the air.

  21. 认为我和比利斗得你死我活的想法真是大错特错。

    The idea that Billy and I are at each other's throats couldn't be further from the truth.

  22. 他惊恐地发现董事会成员正在进行你死我活的私人争斗。

    He was appalled to discover members of the board fighting damaging personal battles.

  23. 几个大的帝国主义国家之间爆发了一场你死我活的大混战。

    The big imperialist powers began a battle royal in dead earnest.

  24. 刚来到世上便与另一只虫子陷入一场你死我活的斗争。

    After wrests from its shell it becomes involved in a life struggle with another insect.


  1. 问:你死我活拼音怎么拼?你死我活的读音是什么?你死我活翻译成英文是什么?

    答:你死我活的读音是nǐsǐwǒhuó,你死我活翻译成英文是 life-and-death; mortal