











汉语拼音:rén qì wǒ qǔ




  • 【解释】:别人抛弃的东西我拾起来。原指商人廉价收买滞销物品,待涨价卖出以获取厚利,后用来表示不跟别人争,仍然有好处。
  • 【出自】:《史记·货殖列传》:“当魏文侯时,李克务尽地力,而白圭乐观时变,故人弃我取,人取我与。”
  • 【语法】:联合式;作宾语、分句;含褒义


  1. na.
  2. I pick up what others discard.;I will take whatever others don'

  3. t want.;differ in interest [

  4. view] with others

  1. 人弃我取,人取我与。

    If one will not, another will.

  2. 人弃我取, 我更不来。

    Nor would I pick up what someone else has let go.

  3. 人弃我取,我更不来。

    Nor would I pick up what someone else has let go.

  4. 我取一些现金。

    I withdraw some cash.

  5. 我取下隐形眼镜。

    I take out my contact lens.

  6. 我取你性命易如反掌。

    I will take your life as easily as turning my hand over.

  7. 妈妈给我取了一些茶。

    Mother got me some tea.

  8. 你能给我取点纸吗?

    Can you fetch me some paper?

  9. 请帮我取一杯水来。

    Please fetch me a glass of water.

  10. 这里是我取包裹得地方吗

    Is this where I get my parcels

  11. 这里是我取包裹的地方吗

    Is this where I get my parcels.

  12. 我们老师叫我取去点粉笔。

    Our teacher told me to get some chalk.

  13. 我试图教会我的狗帮我取东西。

    I was trying to teach my dog how to fetch.

  14. 我试图教会我的狗帮我取东西。

    I was trying to teach my dog how to fetch.

  15. 请再给我取五个杯子来。

    Fetch me another five cups, please.

  16. 我必须使用他们为我取的昵称。

    I must use the secret nickname they have for me.

  17. 你爸爸叫我取个包给他。

    Your father wants me to take his bag for him.

  18. 我母亲坚持给我取名叫霍勒斯。

    My mother insisted on naming me Horace.

  19. 请去我办公室帮我取些粉笔来。

    Please fetch me some chalk from my office.

  20. 我取下它, 发现已经是早上了。

    I took it off and saw that it was morning.

  21. 爱丽丝,能帮我取一下传真吗

    Alice, can you get my fax

  22. 那里的小孩给我取了个名字。

    The children had a name for me.

  23. 因为你给我取了别的名字,保护了我。

    Because you gave me another name to protect me.

  24. 碎片刺得很深我取不出来。

    There's a splinter deep in and I can't get it out.

  25. 我取走了他的血。用我的小碟子。

    With my little dish, I caught his blood.

  26. 如果怀的是女儿, 猜我取啥名字?

    If I have a daughter, guess what I'ma call her?

  27. 我取下钢盔,感受阳光撒在脸上。

    I took off my tin hat to feel the sun on my face.

  28. 我取下钢盔,感受阳光撒在脸上。

    I took off my tin hat to feel the sun on my face.

  29. 我取了一块毛巾将我的狗擦干。

    I took a towel to rub down my dog.

  30. 后来我取到行李后就看不到他了。

    Then I got my luggage and I lost sight of him.


