





  1. 关键;要害。

    蔡元培 《敬告全国同胞》:“时局之窍要何在?曰:民军之起也,号曰讨 袁 , 袁 去而民军之目的达,战祸熄矣。”



  1. 网络
  2. YiQuan

  1. 最后,不要财迷心窍。

    Finally, do not be a miser.

  2. 窍人不要这一件。

    The poor didn't want it.

  3. 窍人不要这一件。

    The poor didn't want it.

  4. 我要让她吓得灵魂出窍。

    I want to scare the hell out of her.

  5. 在酒馆里要酒喝,简直是鬼迷心窍。

    To beg drinks in the saloon became an obsession.

  6. 要狠打,打得不法分子灵魂出窍、骨头发酥。

    To Henda, forcing the lawless SOUL, bones and hair crisp.

  7. 在你练习出窍时, 你须要小心, 别太快睡著。

    You need to be careful about falling asleep so quickly during an OBE practice session.

  8. 当你出窍时, 要总是确认你有积极的想法程序。

    Make sure you always have positive thought processes while having an OBE.

  9. 我明白地告诉他, 如果他再说这种话, 我就要打得他灵魂出窍。

    I told him plainly that if he ever said such a thing again. I would knock the stuffing out of him.

  10. 你从出窍经验中得到的资讯会比书上的资讯还要好。

    The information you get during your OBE's is much greater than any book out there.

  11. 要在出窍时去找一个你未曾见过的人是很难的。

    It is very difficult to travel by an OBE to someone that you never have met before.

  12. 最后, 不要财迷心窍

    Finally, do not be a miser.