







汉语拼音:màn bǎn






  1. 戏曲中节拍缓慢的曲调,与“快板”相对。适宜于表现比较复杂的内心感情。



  1. Pick the dandruff out of your eyes . . . and take that damned adagio and wrap it in a pair of flannel pants!


  2. The scherzo-like section begins almost seamlessly, evolving subtly out of the Adagio's closing material.


  3. Passagework and all kinds of melismas were of no difficulty to him. In the invention of free ornamentation in adagio he was very fertile.


  4. The slow clapper section in this piece expresses the exuberance and optimism of the farmers, and their warm and open character.


  5. Okay, at the beginning. No, no. Adagio. Adagio.


  6. If we say that if stormy first movement is a dramatic scene, then the bright and clean, serene Adagio second movement is a temporary calm.


  7. A slow passage, movement, or work, especially one using adagio as the direction.


  8. "Educating tomorrow's transport managers" is the adagio of the DMS course.


  9. When playing some slow Adagio Cantabile, beautiful and moving, full of emotion to color.


  1. 慢板华尔兹舞

    a slow waltz.

  2. 慢板转为快板。

    The adagio transitioned into an allegro.

  3. 小调长笛协奏曲慢板

    Flute Concerto In E Minor Largo E.

  4. 生命只是慢板的幻觉,幻觉,幻觉。

    Life is just a lullaby a lullaby a lullaby.

  5. 生命只是慢板得幻觉,幻觉,幻觉。

    Life is just a lullaby a lullaby a lullaby.

  6. 较慢而且比慢板更宽广。

    less slow and broad than largo.

  7. 音乐转成了慢板华尔兹

    The music changed to a slow waltz.

  8. 从头来不对, 是慢板这里。

    Okay, at the beginning. No, no. Adagio. Adagio.

  9. 慢板时, 舞姿中有打夯的体态。

    In lento, dancers act as rams.

  10. 贝多芬第五钢琴奏鸣曲的慢板

    The slow movement of Beethoven's fifth piano sonata

  11. 我在想塔尼亚, 想她怎样弹奏慢板。

    I'm thinking of Tania and how she claws away at her adagio.

  12. 主要板式有亮调、慢板、流润滑板、剁板。

    Youliang tune the main plate, Adagio, lubrication plate, cutting board.

  13. 弦乐四重奏第一号狩猎第三乐章慢板海顿

    String Quartet No.1 Hunting 3Rd Movement AdagioHaydn

  14. 即使是在慢板,他仍保持钢琴的优势地位。

    Lipatti remains the dominant figure, even in the Adagio, where the piano has nothing very much to say.

  15. 指一个序列的号数顺序。中序多数是慢板。

    Most of the middle sequence consisted of slow accented beats.

  16. 如何在这个自由舞的视频在芭蕾舞蹈组合慢板。

    How to dance a adagio combination in ballet in this free dancing video.

  17. 就弹那首慢板吧,那是你唯一会弹的鬼曲子。

    Play the adagio since that's the only goddamned thing you know.

  18. 安东尼奥维瓦尔第。从慢板小提琴奏鸣曲第2号在3。

    Antonio Vivaldi. Adagio From Sonata For Violin Op 2 No 3.

  19. 吹奏时慢板部分徐缓如歌,优美动人,要充满情感色彩。

    When playing some slow Adagio Cantabile, beautiful and moving, full of emotion to color.

  20. 特指使用慢板作为指挥放方式得舒缓得乐节, 乐章或乐曲。

    Music A slow passage, movement, or work, especially one using adagio as the direction.

  21. 特指使用慢板作为指挥放方式的舒缓的乐节,乐章或乐曲。

    Music A slow passage, movement, or work, especially one using adagio as the direction.

  22. 慢板于此处带著节制的开朗情绪中暂时告一段落。

    The Adagio section ends in a relatively subdued and bright mood.