


1. 没 [méi]2. 没 [mò]没 [méi]无:~有。~用。~关系。~词儿。~精打采。~心~肺。不曾,未:~有来过。不够,不如:汽车~飞机快。没 [mò]隐在水中:沉~。~顶之灾。隐藏,消失:埋~。~落。漫过,高过:水~了头顶。淹~……





汉语拼音:méi zhì








  1. 谓人或事好得不得了。

    牛志强 《香甜》:“东五楼的 小华 叔叔就会炒,真正的糖炒栗子,没治了!”

  2. 谓情况坏得无法挽救。如:这个地方风气太坏,换了几任领导都不见好转,真没治。

  3. 无可奈何,没办法。



  1. I know a woman who's an incurable optimist: She shows up for work actually believing she'll get through her to-do list.


  2. well then, said the lawyer, since you neither kill her nor cure her, I needs't pay you bills.


  3. His parents are completely fine with me, even though they haven "t met me yet, haha. "


  4. " There are students, said: " English words I remember the day you've forgotten, today, I am dumb, and alas, I did not count rule of the.


  5. Couple this with a great pen and life really doesn't get much better!


  6. A meal for three of these dishes on the rule of no.


  7. What if you really need the help of my bardic music, and my wrist hasn't healed yet?


  8. an untreated disease; the untreated wounded lay on makeshift cots.


  9. If poison of this kind gets into your system, you' ve had it.


  1. 结果简直没治了!

    And it's totally overkill.

  2. 我妈觉得我简直没治了。

    My mom thinks I'm absolutely nuts.

  3. 我没治死他,我做了支架

    I didn't kill him. I did a stent graft.

  4. 一顿饭来上三个这样的菜就没治了。

    A meal for three of these dishes on the rule of no.

  5. 你最好让那个年轻人的头脑放清醒一点,他没治了!

    You'd better wise that young man up, he's helpeless!

  6. 视网膜脱落没得治。

    There is no cure for retina degeneration.

  7. 小学生眼睛近视没办法治好吗

    Doesn't pupil eye myopia have method to cure

  8. 你们有没有治这种晒斑的东西?

    Do you have anything I can put on to cure my sunburn?

  9. 你好。你们这有没有治胃痛的药?

    Hello. Do you have anything for a stomachache ?

  10. 想上哪儿上哪儿吧,这里除了我,谁也没权治别人的罪。

    From there watch where you are going. Here no one metes out punishment, except for me alone, the Lord.

  11. 你有没有什么治感冒的药?

    Have you got anything to help a cold?

  12. 可能没什么机会治这么大的肿瘤了

    and there may not be so many big tumors left for me.

  13. 她的病发展到没人能治的地步。

    Her illness has developed to the point where nobody can cure her.

  14. 关节炎有没有办法可以治好啊?

    Does arthritis have method to you can cure.

  15. 没必要那样,我们治好她了

    You don't have to be. we fixed her.

  16. 月经失调有什么药可以治?有没有可能会怀孕?

    Is menstruation maladjusted what medicine can be treated ?May be pregnant ?

  17. 是。医生。有没有什么药可以治得?

    Yes. Is there anything you can get rid of it, Doctor?

  18. 是。医生。有没有什么药可以治的?

    Yes. Is there anything you can get rid of it, Doctor ?

  19. 有没有什么办法能治睡眠不足,失眠?

    Have what method to be able to treat Morpheus inadequacy, insomnia!

  20. 有没有什么良方可以治小孩大便失禁?

    What effective prescription to have to you can control child have a bowel movement incontinent?

  21. 关节炎能彻底治好吗 有没有什么秘方?

    Can be arthritis treated thoroughly What secret recipe to have

  22. 有什么办法能治手指头筋段的没?

    What method can treat finger veinsstand out under the skin paragraph not ?

  23. 有什么办法能治手指头筋段得没?

    What method can treat finger veinsstand out under the skin paragraph not ?

  24. 大家争抢座位,使得乔治没抢到位子。

    In the rush for seats, George was left holding the bag.

  25. 听说食道癌可以治好,有没人知道是不是真的 啊?

    Hear esophagus cancer can cure, is nobody knows true ?

  26. 由于树皮很软, 乔治没费多大力气就把树砍倒了。

    Since the bark is very soft, George did not put much effort trees cut down the costs.

  27. 治肚子痛得药有没有甜得?

    Is the drug that administers upset stomach had sweet ?

  28. 去填充管治空间 那,那些没参加的弱国怎么办呢

    to fill that governance space, then what happens to the weak who are left out?

  29. 没关系的,乔治有女朋友。

    It's ok. George has a girlfriend.

  30. 没关系的,乔治有女朋友。

    It's ok. George has a girlfriend.


  1. 问:没治拼音怎么拼?没治的读音是什么?没治翻译成英文是什么?

    答:没治的读音是méizhì,没治翻译成英文是 hopeless; to be impossible to do anything withou...



拼音:méi zhì 释义: 1、(人或事)好得不得了。 例子:这么精致的牙雕简直没治了。 2、情况坏得无法挽救。 3、无可奈何 例子:我真拿他没治。