









汉语拼音:chuī lěng fēng






  1. 比喻以冷言冷语打击人的热情。




  1. Set up a fan a few feet in front of the treadmill for a cool breeze while you daydream about summer beach walks.


  2. conditioner stopped blowing out cold air.


  1. 这个空调不再吹冷风。

    The air conditioner stopped blowing out cold air.

  2. 这个空调不再吹冷风。

    The air conditioner stopped blowing out cold air.

  3. 冷风吹遍全城。

    The cold wind searched every part of the city.

  4. 冷风吹得我耳朵发痛。

    The cold wind gave me a pain in the ears.

  5. 露天花园容易被冷风吹透。

    An exposed garden may be chilled by cold winds.

  6. 怎么舍得让你受尽冷风吹

    Accompany give up let you experience suffering the cold wind to blow

  7. 冷风吹了我个透心儿凉。

    The cold wind chilled me to the bone.

  8. 是否这冷风吹去了你得爱?

    Did the cold wind erase your love?

  9. 是否这冷风吹去了你的爱?

    Did the cold wind erase your love?

  10. 午夜时分冷风吹着叶子沙沙作响。

    The rustling leaves and the chilly midnight wind.

  11. 刺骨的冷风吹透了他的夹克衫。

    The bitter wind cut through his jacket.

  12. 我觉得脸上有一阵冷风吹过。

    I felt a current of cool air blowing in my face.

  13. 门开得时候一股冷风吹了进来。

    A cold current of air came in when the door was opened.

  14. 门开的时候一股冷风吹了进来。

    A cold current of air came in when the door was opened.

  15. 一阵突如其来的冷风吹得我浑身直哆嗦。

    A sudden gust of cold wind made me shiver all over.

  16. 一股突然刮来的冷风吹得我打哆嗦。

    A sudden gust of cold wind made me shiver.

  17. 可在我的后背有冷风吹着透心的凉,

    But at my back in a cold blast I hear

  18. 冷风吹在罗斯的脸上,她猛地一抖。

    Rose winced at the cold wind hitting her face.

  19. 但最后夜暮降临, 一阵冷风吹向这孤独者。

    But at last it became night, and a cold wind blew upon the lonely one. Then arose Zarathustra and said to his heart

  20. 空调对着我们吹着冷风。

    The air conditioning was blasting cold air at us.

  21. 电扇可以用来吹出冷风。

    Fans were used to fling off cool air.

  22. 电扇可以用来吹出冷风。

    Fans were used to fling off cool air.

  23. 当冷风吹来,世界似乎模糊不清,生活是美好的

    even when the cold winds blow and the world seems to be covered in foggy shadows, the goodness of life lives on.

  24. 冷风吹来,母亲打着哆嗦,可手里依然不肯停止敲击。

    Cold wind, mother caught cringe, can hand still wouldnt stop percussion.

  25. 裁员这股冷风吹了有一阵,大家整天都提心吊胆的怕这事落在自己身上。

    The cold wind of staff trimming reduction has been blowing for a while. Everyone is in fear, and afraid it will befall on themselves.

  26. 北方吹来的冷风

    a cold wind from the north

  27. 云间吹下一阵冷风,

    A wind blew out of a cloud

  28. 北方吹来的冷风使天气变凉。

    The cold wind from the north chilled the day.

  29. 从贝加尔湖吹来的冷风在呼啸。

    The cold wind from Lake Baikal is blowing hard.

  30. 有一股冷风正吹进山谷。

    A cold wind was coming down the valley.


  1. 问:吹冷风拼音怎么拼?吹冷风的读音是什么?吹冷风翻译成英文是什么?

    答:吹冷风的读音是chuīlěngfēng,吹冷风翻译成英文是 to blow a cold wind over - make discouraging remar...



chuī lěngfēng [blow a cold wind over;throw cold water on] 发表消极言论;泼冷水;削弱积极性的话 不是我吹冷风,你这个计划确实太庞大 比喻以冷言冷语打击人的热情。《人民日报》1981.2.16:“这种人,热衷于搞一些非原则、非组织的活动,吹冷风,散布怀疑。”