









汉语拼音:shuō mèng huà







  1. 梦呓,梦中说话。《儿女英雄传》第二二回:“原来 随缘儿 媳妇説‘那花儿收在镜匣里’的时候,却是睡得糊里糊涂接下语儿説梦话。” 夏丏尊 叶圣陶 《文心》三:“还有我们称一个人睡着了说话叫‘说梦话’。”

  2. 引申为说昏愦的话。

    宗岱 《贼鸽之谜》十:“爸爸,你是不是在说梦话?”



  1. Carrie did not get it at all. She seemed to be talking in her sleep.


  2. After the child has been touched will be a high fever, said the daydream, after the fever becomes lunatic fool of dementia.


  3. One of my roomie sleeptalked every night when I was a freshman in the college. One night, he said shyly: "I'm pregnant. " Faint all of us!


  4. Once Adam mumbled: "Your mum is at the door again. Bury me. Bury me deep. "


  5. Karen occasionally talked in her sleep, muttering and mumbling, no words that he could decipher, the language of somnolence.


  6. In fact, I was a foot on the ground to tell the truth, you are floating in the air that daydream.


  7. Sleep talking, sometimes called somniloquy, might wake up the person next to you, but it's harmless.


  8. These are just some of the bizarre remarks from an British man who sleep talks almost every night , according to his wife .


  9. "Wake up, " he said, "and turn over. You're talking in your sleep. "


  1. 他说梦话。

    He talks in his sleep.

  2. 她常常说梦话。

    She often talks in her sleep.

  3. 她睡觉时说梦话。

    She talks in her sleep.

  4. 她睡觉时说梦话。

    She talks in her sleep.

  5. 你睡觉说梦话吗?

    Do you ever talk in your sleep?

  6. 有时他会说梦话。

    Sometimes he talked in his sleep.

  7. 说梦话也称梦呓。

    Somniloquy also weighs balderdash.

  8. 可是我开始说梦话。

    And then I started talking in my sleep.

  9. 你是在说梦话吧!

    You are talking in your sleep!

  10. 你是在说梦话吧!

    You are talking in your sleep!

  11. 我又说梦话了吗?

    Was I talking in my sleep again?

  12. 昨夜我听见你说梦话。

    I heard your somniloquy last night.

  13. 你昨晚睡觉时说梦话。

    You were talking in your sleep last night.

  14. 昨晚我听见你说梦话。

    I heard you talk in your sleep last night.

  15. 这女孩在轻声说梦话。

    The child is murmuring in her sleep.

  16. 你不怕爷爷说梦话吗?

    Are you not afraid grandpa will utter somniloquy

  17. 我听见你晚上说梦话了。

    I heard you talk in your sleep.

  18. 我听见你晚上说梦话了。

    I heard you talk in your sleep.

  19. 我称它为痴人说梦话。

    I call it hypocritical bullshit.

  20. 昨晚, 一美女说梦话, 另一美女打呼呼。

    Last night, one beauty talked in sleep, another snored.

  21. 他担心自己说梦话,暴露了身份。

    He was always afraid of talking in his sleep and giving himself away.

  22. 我说梦话了吗?我肯定是在做梦。

    Did I talk in my sleep? I must have been dreaming.

  23. 应该是我在睡觉时用英语说梦话。

    It turned out that I was talking in English in my dreams.

  24. 你梦游过吗?没有。但是我会说梦话。

    Have you ever sleepwalked No. But I sleep talk.

  25. 我希望你可以得到让你说梦话的女孩。

    Hope you get that GR who EFT you droong.

  26. 结果,半夜会醒,又老做梦,还说梦话呃

    What worse, I often wake up at night and dream constantly with somniloquy.

  27. 他在说梦话而且在床上不安地辗转反侧着。

    He was talking in his sleep and moving uneasily on the bed.

  28. 他有说梦话的习惯,同宿舍的哥们儿们都知道。

    He often speaks in his dreams, all his dorm-mates know.

  29. 有人天天晚上睡觉都说梦话是什么情况?

    Does somebody sleep in the evening every day what circumstance is somniloquy?

  30. 这不是痴人说梦话, 我知道自己在说什么。

    This is not talking nonsense, I know what they are talking.


  1. 问:说梦话拼音怎么拼?说梦话的读音是什么?说梦话翻译成英文是什么?

    答:说梦话的读音是shuōmènghuà,说梦话翻译成英文是 Somniloquy; Used to describe absurd or impracti...