








1. 服 [fú]2. 服 [fù]服 [fú]衣裳:~装。制~。穿衣裳:~丧。~用(a.指穿衣服、用器物;b.吃药)。作,担任:~务。~刑。~兵役。顺从:信~。佩~。降(xiáng )~。~辩(旧指认罪书)。~膺(牢记在胸中,衷心信服)。……



汉语拼音:xīn yuè chéng fú




从心眼里佩服。《孟子·公孙丑上》:“以德服人者,中心悦而诚服也。” 悦(yuè):愉快。诚:真心。



  • 【解释】:悦:愉快,高兴;诚:硬实。由衷地高兴,真心地服气。指真心地服气或服从。
  • 【出自】:《孟子·公孙丑上》:“以力服人者,非心服也,力不赡也;以德服人者,中心悦而诚服也,如七十子之服孔子也。”
  • 【示例】:小弟若在两位才女跟前称了晚生,不但毫不委曲,并且~。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语、状语;含褒义


  1. Your answer has convinced me more than I could have expected. There is no more doubt in the dharma as far as a worldling is concerned.


  2. If someone with Mr Dangeard's background could not convince the board of that, it is hard to see who will.


  3. She was too sincere, too interested in her judicious companion.


  4. Wordsworth reputedly delighted in the simple truth that "going for a walk is an invitation for surprise" .


  5. According to the developer shows that many buyers are with scepticism come, but he said that after many minds.


  6. But perhaps the most valuable short-term effect of gunning for tax evaders is to persuade those who do pay up to keep doing so.


  7. He convinced Duke Tang of his statesmanship by comparing the running of state affairs to the art of cooking.


  8. Men are so made that they can resist sound argument, and yet yield to a glance.


  9. This again reminds us of the Antichrist whose graceful demeanor is so convincing that mankind doesn't realize his true evil nature.


  1. 心悦诚服地贯彻执行

    carry out sth. gladly and wholeheartedly

  2. 只有以理服人,才能使人心悦诚服。

    Only by reasoning can we convince people completely.

  3. 我说话不是奉承,而是心悦诚服。

    I say not flatteringly but with sincere conviction.

  4. 我只要心悦诚服的追随他就好

    All I have to do is humbly follow.

  5. 我说的话不是奉承,而是心悦诚服。

    I speak not flatteringly but with sincere conviction.

  6. 一国两制的成功实践, 让人心悦诚服。

    The successful practice of one country, two systems has completely convinced the public.

  7. 对手的为人和能力, 令他心悦诚服。

    He wholeheartedly admired his opponent's conduct and ability.

  8. 对手的为人和能力,令他心悦诚服。

    He wholeheartedly admired his opponent's conduct and ability.

  9. 而我只要心悦诚服地追随他就好

    All I have to do is humbly follow.

  10. 人人心悦诚服, 事情就能依次办好。

    If people submit at all times, then affairs will be at the correct order.

  11. 看了他的画, 我们会觉得心悦诚服。

    Seeing his painting, we will be sincerely convinced.

  12. 只不过是令人心悦诚服的真相表层罢了。

    It only took a convincing patina of truth.

  13. 她对他的才能心悦诚服, 留下了良好印象。

    She formed the most cordial opinion of his talents.

  14. 她对这位明智的朋友太真诚,太心悦诚服了。

    She was too sincere, too interested in her judicious companion.

  15. 杰甫逊得坚决与认真立刻使克莱德心悦诚服。

    There was about Jephson a hard, integrated earnestness which soon convinced Clyde.

  16. 杰甫逊的坚决与认真立刻使克莱德心悦诚服。

    There was about Jephson a hard, integrated earnestness which soon convinced Clyde.

  17. 反动派是假投降,中间派的许多人也不心悦诚服。

    The surrender of the reactionaries was a sham, and many of the middle elements submitted unwillingly.

  18. 它们是文风中最令人心悦诚服,最富有魅力的东西。

    They will be the most compelling and seductive element in the style.

  19. 对汤姆流利的书写,响亮的内容,哈克贝利心悦诚服。

    Huckleberry was filled with admiration of Tom's facility in writing, and the sublimity of his language.

  20. 花点时间, 用成熟而令人心悦诚服的方式说服别人。

    Take the time to make your point in a mature and convincing manner.

  21. 不出所料,利物浦队令人心悦诚服地赢了这场复赛。

    As expected, Liverpool won their quarterfinal convincingly.

  22. 赫尔曼还装出一副对雅夏心悦诚服得样子。

    Herman had acted as if he were devoted to Yasha.

  23. 他们乐于学习,如果你能力超强,他们才会心悦诚服得去学。

    They are eager to learn and will only be convinced if you have a strong ability.

  24. 如果这是米塔尔的感想,听上去就会更加令人心悦诚服了。

    That sentiment would have sounded more convincing coming from Mr. Mittal.


  1. 问:心悦诚服拼音怎么拼?心悦诚服的读音是什么?心悦诚服翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心悦诚服的读音是xīnyuèchéngfú,心悦诚服翻译成英文是 wholeheartedly admire


