






1. 间 [jiān]2. 间 [jiàn]间 [jiān]两段时间相接的地方,或介于两桩事物当中及其相互关系:中~。~距。~奏。天地之~。在一定空间或时间内:田~。人~。房子内隔成的部分:里~。衣帽~。~量。量词,房屋的最小单位:一~房。……



汉语拼音:bàn zhōng jiān







  1. 在物体两端之间的位置。

    元 无名氏 《桃花女》第四折:“伯伯,你砍那桃树去,休要伤了他根儿,你只半中间砍折。”

  2. 在事情进行的过程中间。




  1. In the middle of a game the officers saw transport waggons driving up to them, some fifteen hussars on lean horses rode behind them.


  1. 我不喜欢戏演到半中间时进场。

    I hate to come in in the middle.

  2. 工们时间从9点半,中间有一个小时的时间吃午饭。

    The hour of work is from 9.30 to 5.30 with an hour off for lunch.

  3. 我无法将照片的两半拼合起来, 中间少了一点点。

    I can't match up the two halves of the photograph. A bit is missing from the middle.

  4. 我无法将照片得两半拼合起来, 中间少了一点点。

    I can't match up the two halves of the photograph. A bit is missing from the middle.

  5. 最明显得方法是从中间一切两半。

    The obvious strategy is to cut it down the middle.

  6. 最明显的方法是从中间一切两半。

    The obvious strategy is to cut it down the middle.

  7. 我无法将照片的两半张拼合起来,中间少了一点点。

    I can't match up the two halves of the photograph. a bit is missing from the middle.

  8. 中间半月板后角损伤

    Lesion in the posterior horn of the medial meniscus, Bakers cyst

  9. 中间半月板的大小,配置和信号强度是正常的。

    The size, configuration and signal intensity of the medial meniscus are normal.

  10. 我把角夹在台虎钳上用钢锯从中间锯成两半。

    The horn was split down the center into two halves with a hacksaw, while being held in a vise.

  11. 再把瓶的中间部分剪成两半, 可做两只模型鞋。

    Cut the intermediate share of bottle into again two half, can make two models shoe.

  12. 闸板式防喷器包括沿中间分开的两个半盖。

    A ram blowout preventer consists of two halves of a cover for the well that are split down the middle.

  13. 中间产品。半成品。半制品

    intermediate product

  14. 一半两端中间的位置

    A position midway between two extremes.

  15. 半个葡萄柚?掰开的,不要中间发红的

    half a grapefruit sectioned, nix the cherry in the middle.

  16. 半终止用于提示一篇音乐作品中间部分的结束。

    This cadence is used to mark the end of an intermediate part of a piece of music.

  17. 森令中间有一条宽大的河流过, 把森林分成了两半。

    A wide river runs through it and cuts the forrest into two halves.

  18. 森令中间有一条宽大得河流过,把森林分成了两半。

    A wide river runs through it and cuts the forrest into two halves.

  19. 预赛的比赛,将调整成每个半场7分钟,中间休息2分钟!

    The length of pool matches will be7 minutes a half, and2 minutes break between1st and2nd half.

  20. 注照片右半部中间虚影条是因相机快门故障所致。

    Note the Virtual Shadow in the middle of the right side in the photo is a result of failure due to the camera shutter.

  21. 艾萝依抓起瑞摩娜的膝盖,半举半拖把她给弄到床的中间。

    Eloise grabbed Ramona's ankles and half lifted and half pulled her over to the middle of the bed.

  22. 这张照片的两个半张不能拼命起来,因为中间缺了一小块。

    It's impossible to match up the two halves of the photo. A bit is missing from the middle.


  1. 问:半中间拼音怎么拼?半中间的读音是什么?半中间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:半中间的读音是bànzhōngjiān,半中间翻译成英文是 in the middle of, in the process of