





在外 [zài wài]
  1. 在外面。常用为不在家中或住在外头的意思。


在外 [zài wài]
  1. 在外面。指不在家中或住在家乡以外的地方。 




  1. It might almost seem to a stranger that there was some way something the matter with your progressive town.


  2. Also send people to investigate how much product we have on the market.


  3. The top part of the building overhangs the bottom structure on all sides, with a rhythm of rectangular apertures covering its facade.


  4. Leaving children behind is one of the hardest parts of migrant life, whether the home village is in southern Africa or east Asia.


  5. I explained to Secretary Clinton that this would not exclude the United States.


  6. But conceives "the outer space defending missile" to be possible to destroy the enemy side missile in the outer space.


  7. Executives at telecom carriers question whether it's fair to keep the company out on security grounds.


  8. Their search was complicated by daughter Malia's allergies, which would rule out many of the "mutts" the president has said he would prefer.


  9. He said the results confirmed his suspicions about ugly British women and said their behaviour abroad left a lot to be desired.


  1. 在外宿营旅游

    camping tour

  2. 带食物在外用餐

    dine forth

  3. 把某人排除在外

    withdraw from sb.

  4. 在外要小心哦。

    Be careful in your outward time?

  5. 贾森出差在外。

    Jason was away on a business trip.

  6. 昨天他整天在外。

    All yesterday he was out.

  7. 我们在外露营1周。

    We camped out for a week.

  8. 秘密已泄露在外。

    The secret has gone abroad.

  9. 在外土地业权人

    absentee landowner

  10. 他长年在外打工。

    Away from home, he hires himself out to work all year round.

  11. 在外过夜那种吗

    overnight sort of deal?

  12. 年末在外人数3494人。

    By the end of 2001, 3494 Chinese workers were working abroad.

  13. 他们把你排除在外

    They're meeting without you.

  14. 漂泊。流浪在外, 东奔西走

    lead a wandering life rove wander

  15. 别把我们排除在外。

    Don't leave us out in the cold.

  16. 别把我们排除在外。

    Don't leave us out in the cold.

  17. 大晚上的独自在外

    doing out at night by themselves anyway?

  18. 照片不会流传在外。

    There won't be any pictures floating about.

  19. 照片不会流传在外。

    There won't be any pictures floating about.

  20. 它们被气泡排除在外。

    They get drowned out by the bubble.

  21. 出门在外,多加小心。

    Be cautious when landing in unfamiliar territory.

  22. 在外的位于外面的外部的

    Located on the outside external.

  23. 在外是圣人, 在家是魔鬼

    A saint.abroad and a devil at home

  24. 在外谈笑风生, 在家闷闷不乐。

    Hang up ones fiddle when one comes home.

  25. 狗得舌头伸出在外。

    The dogs tongue lolled out.

  26. 狗的舌头伸出在外。

    The dogs tongue lolled out.

  27. 在外人口寄回和带回

    Sent Back or Taken Back by Outsiders

  28. 在外流亡这么多年后。

    All those years in exile.

  29. 我很少中午在外就餐。

    I hardly ever eat out at noon.

  30. 你在外犯了什么事?

    What did you do when you thought no one was looking?


  1. 问:在外拼音怎么拼?在外的读音是什么?在外翻译成英文是什么?

    答:在外的读音是zàiwài,在外翻译成英文是 apart from; be away

  2. 问:在外国拼音怎么拼?在外国的读音是什么?在外国翻译成英文是什么?

    答:在外国的读音是,在外国翻译成英文是 outward

  3. 问:在外的拼音怎么拼?在外的的读音是什么?在外的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:在外的的读音是,在外的翻译成英文是 outer

  4. 问:在外部拼音怎么拼?在外部的读音是什么?在外部翻译成英文是什么?

    答:在外部的读音是,在外部翻译成英文是 externally

  5. 问:在外用餐拼音怎么拼?在外用餐的读音是什么?在外用餐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:在外用餐的读音是,在外用餐翻译成英文是 board-out

  6. 问:在外观上拼音怎么拼?在外观上的读音是什么?在外观上翻译成英文是什么?

    答:在外观上的读音是,在外观上翻译成英文是 visually

  7. 问:在外部的拼音怎么拼?在外部的的读音是什么?在外部的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:在外部的的读音是,在外部的翻译成英文是 foreign

  8. 问:在外股票数拼音怎么拼?在外股票数的读音是什么?在外股票数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:在外股票数的读音是zài wài gǔ piào shù,在外股票数翻译成英文是 shares outstanding

  9. 问:在外主要维修期拼音怎么拼?在外主要维修期的读音是什么?在外主要维修期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:在外主要维修期的读音是zài wài zhǔ yào wéi xiū qī,在外主要维修期翻译成英文是 outside Principal Period of Maintenance




【 拼音】zàiwài

【 英文】〖beout;outside;beawayfromhome〗 解释 处于户外;在…以外;出外 例:为将在外,自当奋勇