







汉语拼音:nián jù






  1. The friction angle under unsaturated state is close to that under saturated condition. The total cohesion increases with suction.


  2. Composed of materials that fresh concrete had a certain cohesion, so concrete will not occur stratification and segregation performance.


  3. This integration scheme is used in an XFEM analysis to model the fracture of a three-point bending beam using the cohesive crack model.


  4. Sealants - Determination of adhesive and cohesive force by endurance tensile strength after thermal treatment.


  5. Sealants - Determination of adhesive and cohesive force by tensile strength test until rupture after thermal treatment.


  6. Concrete cohesiveness assessed using observation methods.


  7. The change of strength with loading rate is primarily due to the variation of cohesion with loading rate.


  8. The first was stopping the particles sticking together and thus ceasing to be nano.


  9. analyzes the relationship curves of cohesion and angle of internal friction and water content of generality clay.


  1. 表观粘聚力

    apparent cohesion.

  2. 湿膜粘聚力

    moisture film cohesion.

  3. 基于扩展有限元法的粘聚裂纹模型

    Cohesive crack model based on extended finite element method

  4. 该软件提供了高度得粘聚性和透明度。

    The software gives it a high degree of cohesiveness and transparency.

  5. 高粘聚阴离子纤维素的研制和性质研究

    Synthesis and properties of highly viscous polyanionic celluloses

  6. 粘聚裂纹模型及其在混凝土开裂中的应用

    Cohesive crack model and its application to concrete

  7. 考虑粘聚力及墙背粘着力的主动土压力公式

    A formula of active earth pressure including cohesion and adhesion

  8. 火药的粘聚力对雷管壳体塑性失稳的影响

    The Numerical Value Imitate and Studies of Plasticity and Unsteadiness Detonator Shell

  9. 考虑空间效应和土体粘聚力的短墙土压力分析

    Earth pressure analysis on short retaining wall considering spatial effect and soil cohesion

  10. 一团粘聚的尘埃颗粒, 就像宇宙中许多类似的星云。

    A cloud of agglutinate dust particles, similar to so many similar clusters in the universe.

  11. 聚酯纺粘土工布

    geotechnical membrane

  12. 聚酯不污染胶粘带

    polyester substrate protective tape

  13. 凝集聚在一起进行粘结

    To clump togetherundergo agglutination.

  14. 聚氯乙烯革胶粘剂

    adhesive for PVC leather

  15. 肠集聚性粘附大肠杆菌

    enteroaggregative E.coli

  16. 泡沫聚苯乙烯元件是粘合的。

    The styrofoam element is glued in.

  17. 聚酯线绳与橡胶粘合的研究

    Adhesion of Rubber to Polyester Cord.

  18. 枫树的汁液聚结为粘稠的浆。

    The maple sap was boiled down to a thick syrup.

  19. 胶粉聚苯颗粒粘结找平浆料

    Mineral binder and expanded polystyrene granule material for adhesion and making level

  20. 制笔用聚氨酯胶粘剂的研制

    Study on preparation and application of the polyurethane adhesive used in nib

  21. 表面粘度对小气泡聚并的影响

    Effects of surface viscosities on coalescence between two small bubbles.

  22. 改性聚乙烯醇甲醛胶粘剂的研制

    Development of modified polyvinyl formal adhesives

  23. 聚四氟乙烯薄膜压敏胶粘带的研制

    Polytetrafluoroethylene film pressure sensitive adhesive tape

  24. 聚氯乙烯膜, 片通过粘接剂粘到钢材上。

    Polyvinyl chloride films and sheeting are bonded to metal substrates by an adhesive.

  25. 废聚酯在聚酰胺热熔粘合剂合成中的应用

    The application of waste polyester in the synthesis of polyamide hot melt adhesive

  26. 无内聚性的由不能粘着的质点组成。

    To cause to cohere or form a mass.

  27. 无内聚性得由不能粘着得质点组成。

    To cause to cohere or form a mass.

  28. 研究了聚砜改性环氧树脂胶粘剂。

    In this paper, epoxy resin adhesive modified by polysulfone is studied.

  29. 用废聚苯乙烯塑料制备胶粘剂的综述

    Review on Preparation of Adhesives from the Waste Polystyrene

  30. 探讨了聚乙烯醇缩醛的粘接强度的影响。

    The effect of polyvinyl acetals on its adhesive strength was investigated.


  1. 问:粘聚力计拼音怎么拼?粘聚力计的读音是什么?粘聚力计翻译成英文是什么?

    答:粘聚力计的读音是,粘聚力计翻译成英文是 cohesiometer




拼音:lì zhōu 注音:ㄌㄧˋ ㄓㄡ 释义 沙洲。 唐太宗 《冬狩》诗:“兽忙投密树,鸿惊起砾洲。”