


1. 拮 [jié]2. 拮 [jiá]拮 [jié]〔~据(jū)〕经济境况不好,缺少钱,困窘。拮 [jiá]同“戛”。有用长矛刺、逼之意。。……


1. 据 [jù]2. 据 [jū]据 [jù]凭依、倚仗:~点。~险固守。占有:窃~。盘~。~为己有。可以用做证明的事物:字~。证~。单~。论~。契~。言之有~。按照:~实。~称。依~。~事直书。据 [jū]〔拮~〕见“拮”。……



汉语拼音:jié jū








  1. 劳苦操作;辛劳操持。

    《诗·豳风·鸱鸮》:“予手拮据。” 陆德明 释文:“ 韩 《诗》云:‘口足为事曰拮据。’” 明 姚士粦 《见只编》卷中:“ 陈 远使外国,拮据军事。一日,方与 杨中丞 计议,忽焉中痰而卒。” 清 曾国藩 《台洲墓表》:“有子男五人,女四人,尺布寸缕,皆一手拮据。”

  2. 艰难困顿;经济窘迫。

    唐 杜甫 《秋日送石首薛明府辞满告别三十韵》:“文物陪巡狩,亲贤病拮据。”《红楼梦》第一一四回:“手头不济,诸事拮据。” 清 梁绍壬 《两般秋雨盦随笔·林抚军奏疏》:“自 道光 三年水灾以来,岁无上稔,十一年又经大水,民力愈见拮据。” 冰心 《两个家庭》:“听说她的经济很拮据,债务也不能清理。”



  1. Even if you're on a tight budget, set a bit of money aside for each of you personally.


  2. As a single mother with a young daughter, Jessica, it was hard for her to find the time and the energy to write.


  3. He was generous, and the needy, laughing at him because he believed so naively their stories of distress, borrowed from him with effrontery.


  4. Just as you cannot BE sure why you struggle financially while your peers enjoy abundance.


  5. If income is often a dilemma, buy a vintage gown and try fixing it up yourself.


  6. I've often helped Bob out when he's been a bit short of money.


  7. With his mother bringing up seven boys on her own after his parents split up, money was tight and life was tough.


  8. I could not avoid communicating to her something of what lay hardest upon my mind and particularly the narrowness of my circumstance.


  9. Abolishing job protection makes most workers worse off, so it tends to run into political obstacles.


  1. 我经济拮据

    I'm on a tight budget

  2. 他手头拮据。

    He's pretty hard-up.

  3. 他手头极拮据。

    He was in great straits for money.

  4. 我手头极其拮据。

    I am desperately hard up.

  5. 他们总是手头拮据。

    They are always pinched for money.

  6. 那时我们手头拮据。

    At that time we were pressed for money.

  7. 你手头一定很拮据。

    You must be very short of money.

  8. 在旧社会他生活拮据。

    In the old days they lived from hand to mouth.

  9. 她的父母手头很拮据。

    Her parents were very hard up.

  10. 这使他暂时手头拮据。

    That has left him temporarily short.

  11. 我讨厌手头拮据的境遇。

    I hate feeling fenced in by lack of money.

  12. 拮据极度缺乏或贫穷贫困

    Extreme want or poverty destitution.

  13. 我们手头十分拮据, 急需用钱。

    Were had pressed and reed money.

  14. 他子女多, 这使他经济拮据。

    A large family embarrassed him.

  15. 可是以往的生活并不拮据。

    But previously, it was with unstinted means.

  16. 我知道他经济上有点拮据。

    I know he is a bit up the pole, financially.

  17. 沙利文一家依然手头拮据。

    The Sullivans continued to have financial troubles.

  18. 他是一个生活拮据的作家。

    He was a writer living in straitened circumstances.

  19. 约翰失业后,他们一直生活拮据。

    They have been living in reduced circumstances since John lost his job.

  20. 她父亲的病造成家里经济拮据。

    Her father's illness left the family short of money.

  21. 他发现自己处于经济拮据状态下。

    He found himself in straitened circumstances.

  22. 她经常接济那些手头拮据的朋友。

    She was a fairy godmother to her poorer friends.

  23. 她手头拮据时总是靠父母帮助。

    She always leans on her parents for help when she is in difficulties.

  24. 自己一生都在经济拮据中度过。

    because they're not willing to make that kind of lifelong economic sacrifice.

  25. 拮据的生活不充足的收获节俭的饮食。

    a bare livelihood a scanty harvest a spare diet.

  26. 他花完了所有的钱, 十分拮据。

    He spent every penny he had and was in low water.

  27. 父亲失业之后, 我们感到手头拮据了。

    We felt the pinch after Father lost his job.

  28. 突然觉得文字像是拮据旳瞬间难堪。

    Suddenly feel the writing seems according of the moment is embarrassed.

  29. 父亲失业了, 我们现在经济十分拮据。

    Now that father's lost his job, we're in serious strains.

  30. 财政拮据逼得她卖掉她自己得房子。

    Financial embarrassment made her sell her house.


  1. 问:拮据拼音怎么拼?拮据的读音是什么?拮据翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拮据的读音是jiéjū,拮据翻译成英文是 hard-up

  2. 问:拮据的拼音怎么拼?拮据的的读音是什么?拮据的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拮据的的读音是,拮据的翻译成英文是 uptight


