







汉语拼音:āi yě






  1. 叹词。表示痛苦。

    《水浒传》第八回:“ 林冲 叫一声:‘哎也!’急缩得起时,泡得脚面红肿了。”



  1. 网络
  2. Oh no

  1. 哎。也别忘了我们的口号。

    Yeah. Also don't forget our slogan.

  2. 哎,也不如芝加哥有意思,赫斯渥说。

    Well, it isn't as interesting, said Hurstwood.

  3. 哎,你也听懂了!

    Hey, you also understand them!

  4. 哎,那也是充满压力的。

    Well, that's stressful, too.

  5. 哎,反正也已经习惯了这边的安静。

    We've got used to the quietness anyway.

  6. 哎,那也要到我们的赏心悦目中去欣赏。

    Yeah, but we have to enjoy it in the Feast for the Eyes.

  7. 人老了,也沧桑了,哎,以后都是年轻人的天下了。

    The human has been old, also vicissitudes, ha, later will all be young people's world.

  8. 哎,网上的东西你也相信?

    My god, do you believe that products sold online are reliable?

  9. 我也是空余时间来玩玩, 试试手气哎!

    I am also free time to play, try I'm feeling hey!

  10. 哎,我自己来,你也别光招呼我们。

    Hey, I can get it myself; you don't have to pay attention to me.

  11. 哎,我所有的智慧都丢了,一分也不剩了!

    Oh, I have lost all my wits. I have none left.

  12. 哎,你国庆去哪里了,也出去玩了吧,给我讲讲!

    Ah, your great occasion of nation go where, also went out to play, speak for me!

  13. 哎, 这种刻画的创作者吴多超先生今天也在。

    The artist who created these works, Wu Duochao, is also available today.

  14. 哎,大牛。这会艺街也把你给吸引过来了?

    Well, Daniel, you are also drawn to Convention Avenue, eh?

  15. 哎,以后都不能喝红酒了也不能雕刻巨大的泥雕了。

    Geez. I wouldn't be able to drink red wine and make giant clay sculptures.

  16. 哎!人生啊!根本就是一场梦,它既不真实,也没有拥有!

    Hey! Life ah! Simply a dream, not only untrue, did not have!

  17. 哎,还好你一点事情也没有,不然我怎么向你的家人交代啊。

    Thank you for your understanding, and for staying with me in those days.