









汉语拼音:chī shēng huó






  1. 方言。挨打。

    鲁迅 《且介亭杂文·答曹聚仁先生信》:“例如 上海 叫‘打’为‘吃生活’。” 阿英 《盐乡杂信》二:“若不是占了 上海 人的威势,是非吃生活不可的。”



  1. A young monk in an age- old temple goes down the hill alone to tote drinking water every day , leading a regular way of life .


  1. 他们靠吃马铃薯生活。

    They live on potatoes.

  2. 事实上, 吃是生活乐事之一。

    In fact, eating is one of the pleasures of life.

  3. 他们在野地露宿,靠吃野莱生活。

    They camped in the open and lived on wild plants.

  4. 战士们在野地露宿, 靠吃野菜生活。

    The fighters camped in the open and lived on wild plants.

  5. 士兵们在野地露营, 靠吃野菜生活。

    The soldiers camped in the open air and lived on wild plants.

  6. 她失去了工作只能靠吃租生活了。

    She lost her job so she had to live on rent.

  7. 她失去了工作只能靠吃租生活了。

    She lost her job so she had to live on rent.

  8. 胃炎吃什么比较好, 什么东西忌吃, 生活中要注意些什么呢

    Attention! ! During gastritis, do not eat to reach curt food tartly, stop alcoholic drink even kind!

  9. 那个退休工人过著不愁吃穿的生活。

    The retired worker lived in competence.

  10. 那个退休工人过着不愁吃穿得生活。

    The retired worker lived in competence.

  11. 那个退休工人过着不愁吃穿的生活。

    The retired worker lived in competence.

  12. 那是一种既快活又时髦而且叫人吃不消的生活。

    It was a hard, bright, fashionable way of life.

  13. 你俩都是喜欢吃喝 讲究生活品质的居家一族。

    You are both homebodies who appreciate good food, good quality and thrift.

  14. 因此, 工人没工作, 人民没饭吃, 国民生活糟糕到了极点。

    Therefore, the workers did not work, do not eat people, poor people living to the extreme.

  15. 我必需停止酗酒和在晚上10点后吃夜宵的生活习惯。

    Ive had to stop binge drinking and eating after 10 oclock at night.

  16. 我们年复一年地吃着柑橘生活,这就证明了柑橘的好处。

    Yet with the orange we do live year in and year out.

  17. 生活中吃些木瓜对身体很有益。

    Life is very good for the body to eat papaya.

  18. 我们年复一年地吃着柑橘生活,这就是对它有力的辩护。

    With the orange we do live year in and year out. That speaks well for the orange.

  19. 并且过着屎壳郎般的生活,吃自己的,喝自己的,用

    And lived like a dung beetle, drinking and eating his own.

  20. 鼻烟癌病人在日常生活里吃些什么食物有益

    Some of what food does snuff carninomatosis person eat in daily life beneficial.

  21. 吃似乎是他生活中唯一的爱好。

    Eating seems to be his only interest in life.

  22. 吃好像是他生活中唯一的嗜好。

    Eating seems to be his only interest in life.

  23. 那是一种既快活又时髦而且叫人吃不消得生活。

    It was a hard, bright, fashionable way of life.

  24. 你所吃的食物和生活方式直接影响到你消化系统的健康。

    Your digestive health is directly impacted by the foods you eat and the lifestyle you live.

  25. 生活就像吃自助餐。

    Life is like a cafeteria.

  26. 他们只吃素食,在生活的其他方面也注意拒绝使用动物产品。

    They eat only plant foods, and take care to exclude animal products from other areas of their lives.

  27. 活着吃不是好的生活态度。

    To live to eat is not agoad attitude toward life.

  28. 活着吃不是好得生活态度。

    To live to eat is not agoad attitude toward life.

  29. 吃的好是健康生活重要的一部分。

    Eating well is an important part of a healthy life.

  30. 它们得吃东西,以获得生活的能量。

    They have to eat in order to get energy to live.