


1. 跳 [tiào]2. 跳 [táo]跳 [tiào]两脚离地全身向上或向前的动作:~跃。~水。~荡。~跶。~高。~远。~舞。弹(tán )~。暴~如雷。~梁小丑(指上蹿下跳,兴风作浪的微不足道的坏人)。越过:~班。~棋。~槽。一起一伏……





汉语拼音:tiào hái






  1. "God forsaken roaches! " he yelled, while slowing his heartbeat, just as another cockroach crawled between his feet.


  2. You gave me such a- Fright. I thought you was a ghost.


  3. Truth is, not only can he dance, but he'll sing you a hell of a tune.


  4. Tom, on hands and knees again, was giving sideways leaps and croaking happily.


  5. Oh yesss, dancing and cleaning up the kitchen at the same time.


  6. Dancing with the veil can help to build strength of the upper-body, such as arm and shoulder.


  7. How did you like my double axle?


  1. 她突然变得激动狂躁,四处乱跳还大喊大叫。

    She suddenly became very vehement and agitated, jumping around and shouting.

  2. 她还跳过了小学一年级。

    And she also skipped the second grade of primary school.

  3. 他脉搏很弱,但心脏还跳着。

    His pulse is low, but his heart is still active.

  4. 利比亚首都黎波里街头,人们还跳起了舞。

    There was dancing in the streets of Tripoli, Libya's capital.

  5. 我得心脏到现在还跳得很厉害,实在太令人震惊了。

    My heart is still beating so hard, it was a big shock.

  6. 我的心脏到现在还跳得很厉害, 实在太令人震惊了。

    My heart is still beating so hard, it was a big shock.

  7. 她每天在慢跑机上跑一个小时,她还跳增氧健身舞蹈。

    She spends an hour every day on a jogging machine. She also does aerobic dancing.

  8. 她找错了舞伴, 但她跳得还不错。

    She's got the wrong partner, but she can dance.

  9. 但是, 人们是出于环境的考虑而跳, 还是因为好奇呢

    But will people jump out of environmental activism or a commitment to the bizarre

  10. 在比赛结束的一刹那,你又蹦又跳,还跪在了草地上。

    Q.You seemed to have drawn on an incredible amount of fortitude to win.

  11. 汤姆又在地上爬着,他往两侧乱跳,还乐得呱呱地叫起来。

    Tom, on hands and knees again, was giving sideways leaps and croaking happily.

  12. 我和贝蒂才跳了还不到两分钟,你就把她给截走了。

    I had only danced with Betty less than two minutes when you cut in.

  13. 从否定跳到绝望还为时过早。

    It is too early to take this leap from denial to despair.

  14. 你吓我一跳, 我还以为你是老师呢。

    You scared me. I thought you were the teacher.

  15. 从桌子上跳下来,还带着这壶水。

    I am going to jump off this table with this water in my hand.

  16. 心还在跳,腿还在抖,人到底还是上来了。

    My heart was pounding, my legs were palpitating, but I had reached the summit!

  17. 我还在跳着

    Yeah, I still dance.

  18. 妈妈,这些还是跳过吧

    Mom, let's put the kibosh on this.

  19. 他是在跳远还是跳高?

    Is he doing the long jump or the high jump?

  20. 他还活著心脏还在跳。

    Hes alive his heart is still beating.

  21. 他还活着 心脏还在跳。

    He's alive his heart is still beating.

  22. 你会跳迪斯科还是跳芭蕾舞?

    Can you dance the disco or perform ballet?

  23. 真得?跳踢踏舞还可以帮助她们恢复身体健康啊?

    Well, many of the women have used tap dance to help recover from serious illnesses.

  24. 真的?跳踢踏舞还可以帮助她们恢复身体健康啊?

    Well, many of the women have used tap dance to help recover from serious illnesses.

  25. 你认为他是在跳下去以前还是以后, 生命受到震荡的?

    Do you think he jumped before or after he got the shock of his life ?

  26. 真的吓了跳。我还以为你已经被朽木队长杀死了。

    What a shock! I thought you might have been killed by Captain Deadwood.

  27. 真得吓了跳。我还以为你已经被朽木队长杀死了。

    What a shock! I thought you might have been killed by Captain Deadwood.

  28. 鲢鱼还能跳得很高伤及船员。

    Sliver Silver carp can also jump high and hit boatsboaters.

  29. 他们还在跳你的原创舞蹈,你难受吗

    Does it bother you that they still use your original choreography.

  30. 要顶到头球你还要跳得更高才行。

    You have to jump higher to hit a header.