




两个以上的人在一起计划、讨论:~量。~讨。~议。~定。~榷。~酌(商量斟酌)。相~。磋~。洽~。协~。买卖,生意:~业。~店。~界。~品。~标。古指行商(坐商为“贾”,后泛指做买卖的人,亦用以指从事私营工商业的人):~人。~贩。~贾(gǔ ……





汉语拼音:xiǎo shāng fàn






  1. Small vendors, for their part, seem to think that the rule is no longer enforced and hand them out even in Beijing.


  2. It was time for the world to jettison the stereotype of Indians in Africa as shopkeepers out to make a quick profit.


  3. For a small business looking to increase referrals, social media can be a powerful tool.


  4. Middlemen have played an important employment role and a role in current rural markets connecting peas ants, peddlers and independent firms.


  5. Some people go back to local small businesses: the Asian greengrocer, a Greek baker and a Greek fishmonger.


  6. Hung high, to draw attention to the lofty space, are a pair of antique antlers from Canada: try vintage stores, or Pedlars.


  7. Promote development of local community economy closely linked to daily life, e. G. Small traders and personal services, to help employment.


  8. Vendors sell crafts and ornaments, while visitors fuel their shopping with finger food and a glass of spiced wine.


  9. Consumer capitalism has pressed the snowman into service as a pitchman for everything from anti-dandruff shampoo to laxatives to tampons.


  1. 街道小商贩

    street trader.

  2. 一些小商贩太宰人了。

    Some peddlers overcharge too much.

  3. 某些小商贩最爱得位置。

    Favorite position of some tradesmen.

  4. 某些小商贩最爱的位置。

    Favorite position of some tradesmen.

  5. 小商贩从来没卖过轻武器。

    The small dealer never sold any small arms.

  6. 小商贩经常是工作到深夜。

    The small dealer always works until the small hour.

  7. 小商贩们卖的商品种类繁多。

    The variety of goods that the peddlers sold was staggering.

  8. 那个小商贩骗了我们的钱。

    The pedlar sponged money off us.

  9. 小商贩们走街串巷赚点小钱养家糊口。

    The peddlers went to every alley and street to make money to support their families.

  10. 小商贩们走街串巷赚点小钱养家糊口。

    The peddlers went to every alley and street to make money to support their families.

  11. 这个小商贩连一个招呼都不打。

    The vendor didn't even acknowledging.

  12. 接着便是楼下那些小商贩得叫卖声。

    Then came downstairs the pedlar peddle sound.

  13. 接着便是楼下那些小商贩的叫卖声。

    Then came downstairs the pedlar peddle sound.

  14. 小商贩披上斗篷在风雨中继续走着。

    The peddler cloaked himself and went on in the storm.

  15. 小商贩在小的时候, 不喜欢穿内衣裤。

    When the small dealer was small, he didn't like to wear smalls.

  16. 这些小商贩搭卖的东西往往有质量问题。

    Those tie-ins from the small retailers are always poor quality.

  17. 他从小商贩那儿买了一些土制炸药。

    He bought some home-made explosives from the street traders.

  18. 或者是有谁跟随军小商贩的老婆私奔了?

    Somebody run off with the sutler's wife?

  19. 游客会对那些紧缠不放的小商贩非常恼火。

    They may become very annoyed with persistent vendors.

  20. 游客会对那些紧缠不放得小商贩非常恼火。

    They may become very annoyed with persistent vendors.

  21. 无信用的小商贩激增,将好企业从行业中驱赶出

    Dishonest vendors proliferate, forcing true entrepreneurs out of the industry

  22. 从小商贩的合法化途径看我国商个人体系的建构

    On Establishment of Business Individual System in China from Justification Ways of Peddlers

  23. 小商贩是一个心胸狭小的人,他的腰背部有点疼。

    The small dealer is a small man, and he had a pain in the small of his back.

  24. 无信用得小商贩激增,将好企业从行业中驱赶出

    Dishonest vendors proliferate, forcing true entrepreneurs out of the industry.

  25. 凡在北京工作的小商贩和工人都被驱除出北京回家!

    Any small monger that works in Peking and workers all were banish a Peking go home!

  26. 不料,没有一家国营商店愿意从这个小商贩手里进货。

    Unexpectedly, be willing to peddle the replenish onrs stock in the hand from this Xiaoshang without shop of a stateoperated.

  27. 她赶走了那些把货物存放在学校操场里的当地小商贩。

    She chased away local petty traders who had stored their goods overnight in the schoolyard.

  28. 城管队每天都开着辆挂斗车清理违章占道的小商贩。

    Every day, the city inspectors drive a trailer to clear away peddlers who are in the driveway against the regulations.

  29. 城管队每天都开着辆挂斗车清理违章占道的小商贩。

    Every day, the city inspectors drive a trailer to clear away peddlers who are in the driveway against the regulations.


  1. 问:小商贩拼音怎么拼?小商贩的读音是什么?小商贩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小商贩的读音是xiǎoshāngfàn,小商贩翻译成英文是 Peddle; a small peddler.



