


1. 强 [qiáng]2. 强 [qiǎng]3. 强 [jiàng]强 [qiáng]健壮,有力,与“弱”相对:~壮。~健。~人。~力。~大。~劲。刚~。富~。列~。~弩之末。年富力~。程度高:~手。~烈。~酸。能力~。胜过,优越,好:……


1. 能 [néng]2. 能 [nài]能 [néng]才干,本事:~力。~耐。才~。有才干的:~人。~手。贤~。~工巧匠。~者为师。胜任,善于:~够。~柔~刚。力所~及。欲罢不~。~动。会(表示可能性):小弟弟~走路了。应该:你不~这样……



汉语拼音:qiáng néng







  1. 亦作“彊能”。精明强干。

    《后汉书·河间王开传》:“ 顺帝 以侍御史 吴郡 沉景 有彊能称,故擢为 河间 相。”



  1. Good integrity, pleasant personality, strong sense of responsibility, teamwork and able to work under pressure.


  2. five years of related work experience , and strong interpersonal skills have prepared me for a career in office administration.


  3. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is capable of dealing with non linear problems and of fault tolerant. It can be used for on line response.


  4. work actively, strong sense of responsibility, be able to bear strong pressure, good team spirit.


  5. she could but just speak to be heard, and she said so prettily, 'Let sister Susan have my knife, mama, when I am dead and buried.


  6. Highly professional with oral and written skills, able to communicate effectively with all levels of internal or external contacts.


  7. Strong enterprise, be able to put itself in the place other people think.


  8. The utility model has the advantages of simple structure and novel modeling, and can be widely used in families and offices and for tourism.


  9. Able to work strategically, under pressure, to tight deadlines and balance multiple and competing tasks.


  1. 驴不喝水不能强按头。

    On ne saurait faire boire un ane qui na pas soif.

  2. 老牛不喝水,不能强按头。

    One can take a horse to the water but twenty cannot make him drink.

  3. 责任心强,能承受工作压力。

    Work with strong responsibility and against work pressure.

  4. 做人别怕脏,能弱亦能强。今天是脏点,明日好儿郎。

    Do Pazang life can be weak also strong. Today is the dirty spots, good Kenjiro tomorrow.

  5. 我强得能用嘴融化冰!

    And I'm so strong I can melt ice with my mouth!

  6. 我强得能用嘴融化冰!

    And I'm so strong I can melt ice with my mouth!

  7. 学习能力强,能适应新环境。

    Learn new things quickly and can fit new environment!

  8. 人际沟通能力强,能快速学习。

    Quick study with good interpersonal skills.

  9. 保水能力强,能延长开放时间。

    Water retention ability is strong, opening time can be prolonged.

  10. 清洁剂能力强, 能深层清洁皮质污垢。

    Powerful detergent that can deep cleanse dirt from the leather.

  11. 进取心强,能设身处地为他人着想。

    Strong enterprise, be able to put itself in the place other people think.

  12. 人际沟通能力强, 能进行商务谈判。

    Good interpersonal and communication skills. Able to negotiate with business partners.

  13. 钋的放射性很强, 能在黑暗中发光。

    Polonium is so radioactive that it glows in the dark.

  14. 应变能力强, 能根据不同情况随机应变!

    Strong adaptability to different situations according to resourceful!

  15. 学习能力强。能承担一定的工作压力。

    Quick learner, and ability to work under pressure.

  16. 理解力强并能尊重不同文化的差异。

    With deep understanding and respect for different cultures.

  17. 骆驼是生命力很强、能吃苦耐劳的动物。

    Camels are tough and Hardy creatures.

  18. 身体健康,动手能力强,能适应驻外作业。

    Good health, working ability, can do outdoor work.

  19. 自我学习能力强, 能快速吸收新信息。

    You have an innate love of learning and the ability to absorb new information quickly.

  20. 责任感强,能在较强的压力下独立工作。

    Responsible and able to work independently under great pressure.

  21. 这种解毒药有那么强,能驱散毒素吗?

    Is that antidote strong enough to expel the poison?

  22. 要知道,在强也能湮灭在岁月无痕中。

    Should know that the strong can annihilate Seamless in the years to come.

  23. 思维缜密,工作细致,责任心强,能承受工作压力。

    careful thinking, working and meticulous, strong sense of responsibility, can withstand the working pressure.

  24. 审美观念强, 能独预算成本计划, 业务拓展计划。

    Aesthetic ideas, and to budget the cost of the scheme alone, business development plans.

  25. 这个品种的特点是生长力强, 能抗低温。

    This strain is noted for its vigorous growth and resistance to low temperature.

  26. 这个品种得特点是生长力强, 能抗低温。

    This strain is noted for its vigorous growth and resistance to low temperature.

  27. 有责任心,协调能力,沟通能力强,能独立解决问题。

    High responsibility, coordination ability, communication skill; can solve problem independently.

  28. 抗月牙洼磨损能力强, 能承受一定得冲击。

    It is hard to form crescent depression and suffered some impact.

  29. 抗月牙洼磨损能力强,能承受一定的冲击。

    It is hard to form crescent depression and suffered some impact.

  30. 分析能力及问题解决能力强, 能分析错误点并定位。

    Strong analytical skills and problem solving skills to analyze defects to pin point the problem.