





  1. 宋 熙宁 四年(公元1071年)正月, 宋神宗 赵顼 要买 浙 灯四千馀盏,并令减价收买;因此市场上的灯尽数拘收,禁止私卖。

    苏轼 上书切谏,指出:“百姓不可户晓,皆谓陛下以耳目不急之玩,而夺其口体必用之资。”并说“内帑所储,孰非民力”,希望 神宗 于放灯、游观苑圃、宴好赐予之类,务从俭约。见 苏轼 《谏买浙灯状》。 宋 杨万里 《和陈蹇叔郎中乙巳上元晴和》:“买灯莫费 东坡 纸,今岁鼇山不入宫。”



  1. It isn't to go down memory lane or make you buy a lamp, you can take care of yourself without any help from me.


  1. 不重新花钱去买取暖灯。

    It feels like us not springing for those heat lamps.

  2. 我们一起在宜家买的灯。

    The lamp we bought at Ikea together.

  3. 另一种选择就是买盏台灯。

    Another option is to buy a desk lamp.

  4. 之所以买下这个灯,只因为我喜欢它放出的奇彩。

    I bought the lamp because of the dazzling brilliance it gives out.

  5. 之所以买下这个灯,只因为我喜欢它放出的奇彩。

    I bought the lamp because of the dazzling brilliance it gives out.

  6. 还是买品牌的灯吧,不至于总爆管,换来换去恨麻烦。

    Please remember that there is always a light lighting for you!

  7. 我们用那笔钱买了个漂亮的灯放在卧室里。

    We used the money to purchase a lovely lamp for our living room.

  8. 我们用那笔钱买了个漂亮得灯放在卧室里。

    We used the money to purchase a lovely lamp for our living room.

  9. 帮他开灯或者倒水 买包烟

    to turn on the lights or to bring him a glass of water, a pack of cigarettes.

  10. 他熄了火, 关了灯, 就出去买东西了。

    He blew the fire out, turned the light off and went out shopping.

  11. 她熄了火, 关掉灯, 就出去买东西了。

    She blew the fire out, turned the light off and went out shopping.

  12. 我给那盏灯买了一个新罩子。

    I bought a new shade for the lamp.

  13. 他们新买的那盏灯真俗气。

    That new lamp they've bought is pure kitsch.

  14. 为了诱杀害虫,农民们买了黑光灯。

    Farmers bought black-light lamp to lure pests to their death.

  15. 他到一家商店中,买了十二个铜灯。

    He went to a shop and asked for a dozen copper lamps.

  16. 我们要去哪里跟这妹子见面买加热灯啊。

    Where are we meeting this chick with the heat lamps?

  17. 噢, 那盏灯灭了, 你需要再买一个新的。

    Oh, that light went out, you need to buy a new one.

  18. 噢,那盏灯灭了,你需要再买一个新的。

    Oh, that light went out, you need to buy a new one.

  19. 买一个调光开关,把灯光调暗,或者干脆把灯关掉。

    Buy a dimmer switch and keep the light on low, or switch it off altogether.

  20. 如果你决定要买萤光灯,请问是什麽因素会让你想买它?

    If you decide to buy the fluorescent lamp, what characteristics could attract you to buy it?

  21. 然而她却倾尽所有买了一盏漂亮的灯挂在屋子正中。

    Whereas, she bought a pretty lamp hanging in the middle of the house.

  22. 我说了,去买个霓虹灯招牌

    I said, buy a neon sign