


1. 这 [zhè]2. 这 [zhèi]这 [zhè]代词,此,指较近的时间、地点或事物,与“那”相对:~里。~些。~个。~样。这时候,指说话的同时:他~就来。这 [zhèi]“这(zhè)一”二字的合音,但指数量时不限于一:~个。~点儿……


尖端,梢:~梢。~端。秋毫之~(毫毛尖端)。最后,终了:~了(liǎo )。~尾。~日。~代。穷途~路。非根本的,次要的,差一等的:~业。~技。舍本逐~。碎屑:~子。碎~。传统戏剧角色名,一般扮演中年以上男子:正~。副~。外~。~本(以男角……



汉语拼音:zhè mò






  1. 见“ 这么 ”。



  1. There being a bus stop so near the house is an advantage.


  2. B: When did you become so generous?


  3. Nobody wanted to tell him the real reason because they didn't want to hurt the good old man, so they said.


  1. 到十二世纪末这一风俗已不复存在了。

    This custom ad died out by the end of the 12 th century.

  2. 这孩子从末得过麻疹。

    The child has never been exposed to the measles.

  3. 这些行得目得是解决这一季度末得资金压力。

    These operations are intended to address funding pressures over the quarter's end.

  4. 这些行的目的是解决这一季度末的资金压力。

    These operations are intended to address funding pressures over the quarter's end.

  5. 到这一期间末,有工作的穷人人数已逐渐增加到5。5亿人。

    By the end of this period the ranks of the working poor had swelled to550 million.

  6. 时令是九月末。这一天就像一只萍果那样香甜漂亮。

    It was a day in late September, as fragrant and shapely as an apple.

  7. 这所上世纪末建造的房子高耸在宽大的方形围场正中。

    The house, which had been built at the end of the last century, stood in the middle of a huge square enclosure.

  8. 这意味着到本世纪末, 年国民生产总值达到一万亿美元。

    It will mean an annual GNP of US 1 trillion by the year 2000.

  9. 由于去掉了末两章,这本书实遭阉割。

    The book castrated by removal of the last two chapters.

  10. 摩梯末医生将这份报纸放回了口袋里。

    Dr Mortimer put the newspaper back into his pocket.

  11. 这是前来的这群鲨鱼中最末的一条。

    That was the last shark of the pack that came.

  12. 你到那边这末久,有没有吃过饭?

    You have been in Australia for so long and have eaten any rice?

  13. 周末这对父母把女儿锁在家中。

    The parents locked her daughter up for the weekend.

  14. 周末这场大雨使预定的五个联赛项目取消。

    The heavy rain this weekend washed out five league fixtures.

  15. 但是颠末这几年,当地当局起劲节制情况污染。

    But over years, local government has made an effort in controlling the environment pollution.

  16. 上个周末这两个人在一场激战中被击毙。

    The two men had been shot during fierce fighting last weekend.

  17. 我们每周四出版, 主打周末这一娱乐和消费的黄金时段。

    Published every Thursday, it mainly targets the golden period of weekends for recreation and consumption.

  18. 人们希望回到上个世纪90年代末的好时光, 这是可以理解的。

    People understandably yearn to return to the good old days of the late1990 s.

  19. 这周末交作文。

    Themes were due at the end of the week.

  20. 这周末交作文。

    Themes were due at the end of the week.

  21. 电影这周末开拍

    on a film that's shooting this weekend.

  22. 这是在上周末。

    that was last weekend.

  23. 这周末生意不景气。

    Business is slack at the end of the week.

  24. 这周末会很不错。

    It's gonna be a good weekend.

  25. 这周末咱们就去。

    We should do it this weekend.

  26. 这周末咱们就去。

    We should do it this weekend.

  27. 这周末会很不错。

    It's gonna be a good weekend.

  28. 好像这周末会下雨。

    It looks like rain for this weekend.

  29. 这足以持续到周末。

    It is enough to go on to the weekend.

  30. 这周末你有空吗?

    Are you free this weekend?