





  1. 见“ 怂慂 ”。



  1. Linc eggs him on, but Sara and Sucre talk him out of it.


  2. He rose to the surface; but the bystanders, when they heard he had seen the treasure, persuaded him to dive again. He dived.


  3. Trust your own judgment now over that of others, for they might encourage you to take more of a risk than is sensible for you at this time.


  4. On such encouragement to ask, Elizabeth was forced to put it out of her power, by running away.


  5. For more than a year, British intelligence officers have been instigating contacts with Taliban commanders and their entourage.


  6. My sense of shame at my natural weakness and the arrogance of men would urge me to make hundreds of captives.


  7. The President, reportedly urged on by his vice-president, has decided to attend the talks . . .


  8. His wife abetted him in the deception.


  9. Tom is often abetted by his brother in pawning the valuable things from home.


  1. 怂恿别人争吵

    to instigate others to strife

  2. 我怂恿他跳。

    I dared him to jump.

  3. 他怂恿她赌博

    He eggs her on to gamble.

  4. 别再怂恿他们啦。

    Stop goading them on.

  5. 谁怂恿他吸毒的?

    Who encouraged his taking drugs ?

  6. 他的怂恿很可耻。

    His enticements were shameless.

  7. 他被怂恿做伪证。

    She was tempted to bear a false witness.

  8. 青年课程中被怂恿。

    during a youth program.

  9. 挑拨怂恿人闹纠纷

    incite instigate stir up abet.

  10. 他的妻子怂恿他行骗。

    His wife abetted him in the deception.

  11. 煽动者怂恿农民叛变。

    Agitators urged the peasants to revolt.

  12. 西蒙娜,就怂恿我说

    Simone, uh, convinced me.

  13. 他们怂恿地违抗命令。

    They instigated the man to disobey orders

  14. 煽动者怂恿农民革命。

    Agitators urged the peasants to revolution.

  15. 于是, 他怂恿年轻羊毛。

    And he urged the youth to bring the golden fleece back from Colchis.

  16. 我的朋友都怂恿我从政。

    My friends are all pushing me to enter politics.

  17. 其他孩子怂恿他去打架。

    The other boys egged him on to fight.

  18. 他怂恿我陪他一块去。

    He urged me to go with him.

  19. 鼓动家们怂恿人们去罢工。

    Agitators incited the men to strike.

  20. 他受怂恿而怠忽职守。

    He was seduced from his duty.

  21. 不要怂恿愚人干错事。

    Never challenge a fool to do wrong.

  22. 她曾经怂恿母亲懒散怠惰。

    She had encouraged her mother in her idleness.

  23. 他还怂恿我妹妹与他私奔。

    Whom he tried to persuade to elope with him.

  24. 他们都怂恿我来采取行动。

    They urged me to take the action.

  25. 她认为是我怂恿你去的

    She thinks that I made you?

  26. 他们极力怂恿我们同他们一起去。

    They urged us to go with them.

  27. 詹姆斯没有怂恿她去偷钱。

    James did not push her into stealing the money.

  28. 我那渴望的倦旅终点怂恿。

    When what I seek, my weary travel's end.

  29. 这些大孩子怂恿两个小孩子打架。

    The big boys egged on the two little boys to fight.

  30. 他企图怂恿那个孩子离家出走。

    He tried to entice the child away from its home.


  1. 问:怂恿拼音怎么拼?怂恿的读音是什么?怂恿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:怂恿的读音是sǒngyǒng,怂恿翻译成英文是 provoke

  2. 问:怂恿型儿童性骚扰者拼音怎么拼?怂恿型儿童性骚扰者的读音是什么?怂恿型儿童性骚扰者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:怂恿型儿童性骚扰者的读音是sǒng yǒng xíng ér tóng xìng sāo rǎo zhě,怂恿型儿童性骚扰者翻译成英文是 enticement child molester



怂”是惊慌的意思,“恿”是古代“勇”字的另一种写法。 “怂恿”两字合在一起就组成了叠韵连绵词,词义与其中每个字的意义都不同了。 其词义就是“从旁劝说鼓动别人去做(某事)”的意思。本是个中性的词,现在多用于贬义。 怂恿是我跟你说,你经过思考后就去做。有煽动性。