






用皮、布或线等做成的长条物:~子。皮~。领~。一衣~水。像带子的长条物:~钢。~鱼。声~。车轮胎:车~。外~。区域:地~。温~。佩戴,披挂:~孝。~剑。随身拿着:携~。~挈。~着钱。捎,连着,顺便做:连~。~职。~累(lěi )(连累)。话……





汉语拼音:pī shān dài hé







  • 【解释】:靠着山,环着河。指形势险要的地方。
  • 【出自】:《战国策·楚策一》:“秦地半天下,兵敌四国,被山带河,四塞以为固。”
  • 【示例】:秦地最胜,无如咸阳,~,金城千里。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作定语;形容地势险要


  1. 网络
  2. Strategically Located

  1. 河被石油污染了。

    The river has been fouled up with oil.

  2. 这条河被淤积了。

    The river silted up.

  3. 这条河被淤积了。

    The river silted up.

  4. 这条河被落日照亮。

    The river was illuminated by the setting sun.

  5. 这条河被筑坝蓄拦了。

    The river was dammed up.

  6. 这条河被筑坝蓄拦了。

    The river was dammed up.

  7. 这条河被化学物质污染了。

    The river has been polluted by chemicals.

  8. 那时候这条河被淤泥阻塞着。

    The river was in those days choked up with silt.

  9. 这条河被人格化,成为一位女神。

    The river was personified as a goddess.

  10. 这条河被高端化学废料污染了。

    The river was spoiled by high levels of chemical waste.

  11. 这条河被高端化学废料污染了。

    The river was spoiled by high levels of chemical waste.

  12. 为了防止河水泛滥, 那条河被改道了。

    The river was deviated to prevent flooding.

  13. 这条河被工厂的化学废料污染了。

    The river was polluted with chemical waste from the factory.

  14. 这条河被工厂的化学废料污染了。

    The river was polluted with chemical waste from the factory.

  15. 这条河被工厂得化学废料污染了。

    The river was polluted with chemical waste from the factory.

  16. 这条河被工厂排出得废料污染了。

    The river was contaminated with waste from the factory.

  17. 这条河被工厂排出的废料污染了。

    The river was contaminated with waste from the factory.

  18. 流经伦敦得那条河被成为泰晤士河。

    The river that flows through London is called the Thames.

  19. 流经伦敦的那条河被成为泰晤士河。

    The river that flows through London is called the Thames.

  20. 好主意啊,在河被毁掉之前带罗克来看这条河。

    Great idea, showing Roarke the river before they ruin it.

  21. 这条河被称为其发现者里约圣玛丽亚德拉鲁阿3月杜尔塞。

    This river was called by its discoverer Rio Santa Maria de la Mar Dulce.

  22. 士兵们被渡运过河。

    Soldiers were ferried across the river.

  23. 女骑手被马掀入河中。

    The rideress was canted into the river by the horse.

  24. 我们被阻滞在河当中的礁石上。

    We stuck hard and fast on the rocks in the middle of the river.

  25. 那家工厂的废水被排入河中。

    The effluent from the factory was dumped into the river.

  26. 在被污染的河岸边的一条死鱼。

    Dead on the Bank of a polluted river.

  27. 每天孩子们都被渡运过河去上学。

    The children are ferried the river to go to school every day.

  28. 萨伊河也被称为刚果河, 它是世界上最深的河。

    Zaire River is also called The Congo river and it is the deepest river in the world.

  29. 萨伊河也被称为刚果河,它是世界上最深得河。

    Zaire River is also called The Congo river and it is the deepest river in the world.

  30. 清晨时这条河常常被笼罩在雾霭之中。

    The river is often cloaked in mist in the early morning.