











汉语拼音:zhàn zhàn jīng jīng




  • 【解释】:战战:恐惧的样子;兢兢:小心谨慎的样子。形容非常害怕而微微发抖的样子。也形容小心谨慎的样子。
  • 【出自】:《诗经·小雅·小旻》:“战战兢兢,如临深渊,如履薄冰。”
  • 【示例】:那小孩~地走着,唯恐摔倒。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、补语、状语;含贬义


  1. You were a scared little college boy sitting' up on those bleachers, trying' to keep your ass out of the game .


  2. He could speak to his father then as men spoke to one another , not in the trembling but in sweet confidence .


  3. Or maybe it was the old man across the street whose mail I retrieved during the winter so he wouldn't have to venture down his icy steps.


  4. "King up, don't find out. " The bodyguard meticulously says. Wang Shang at the moment is really dreadful, not the Nu is from the Wei.


  5. The Rabbit and the Squirrel meet at noon the next day. They are a little afraid to go inside the cave.


  6. You order a bottle of wine at a nice restaurant, and when it's opened, you sheepishly take a sip, not really sure of what you're doing.


  7. It is still Bush's power to act now, but Obama's obligation to tell jittery Americans what he plans to do.


  8. And always strive to have butterflies in your stomach, he said, because then you'll be learning.


  9. So each one semiconductor plant did not dare in fear the use of chemical products, gas, process-related materials and clean the clean room.


  1. 他战战兢兢地行动。

    He is timid of action.

  2. 摩西战战兢兢, 不敢观看。

    Then Moses trembled, and durst not behold.

  3. 现在,尽管,投资者们战战兢兢。

    Now, though, investors are getting jittery.

  4. 佃农在地主前战战兢兢的。

    The serfs cowered before the Lord of the manor.

  5. 听到消息他们无不战战兢兢。

    On hearing the news all of them were trembling with fear.

  6. 靠着墙, 战战兢兢向前走着。

    He is standing against the wall and walking slowly with fear.

  7. 我战战兢兢地开车经过安检站。

    I drove gingerly past the security check points.

  8. 我战战兢兢问她如何知道号码的。

    Trembling, I asked how she knew about the numbers.

  9. 他和领导说话时总是战战兢兢的。

    He is very careful and cautious when speaking with leaders.

  10. 我一想到飞行就吓的战战兢兢。

    The thought of flying fills me with panic.

  11. 我一想到飞行就吓得战战兢兢。

    The thought of flying fills me with panic.

  12. 战战兢兢一种不由自主的颤栗或颤抖

    An involuntary trembling or quivering.

  13. 他们非常害怕,战战兢兢地往前走。

    They were scared out of their wits and walked on trembling with fear.

  14. 他们非常害怕,战战兢兢地往前走。

    They were scared out of their wits and walked on trembling with fear.

  15. 我战战兢兢地告诉莱尼我的鞋扣开了。

    I timidly told Lenny that my clasps were open.

  16. 他们战战兢兢, 唯恐他们的父亲会知道此事。

    They trembled lest their father should hear of it.

  17. 他那暴躁的脾气吓得孩子们战战兢兢。

    His violent temper upset the children.

  18. 他们战战兢兢地走过那朽烂的地板。

    They walked gingerly over the rotten floorboards.

  19. 他们战战兢兢,唯恐农民会听到这事。

    They trembled lest the peasants should hear of it.

  20. 她战战兢兢地把钱递给了持枪歹徒。

    Trembling with fear, she handed over the money to the gunman.

  21. 你一定是在开玩笑, 他战战兢兢地想着。

    You've got to be kidding, he thought in horror.

  22. 他对我说这话, 我便战战兢兢的立起来。

    And when he said this to me, I stood up trembling.

  23. 但这种爱, 总让人战战兢兢, 如履薄冰。

    However, this love, always in fear, treading on thin ice.

  24. 身上得血流动了,我战战兢兢地爬起来。

    I got to my feet, trembling as I thawed.

  25. 身上的血流动了,我战战兢兢地爬起来。

    I got to my feet, trembling as I thawed.

  26. 他对我说这话,我便战战兢兢地立起来。

    And when he had spoken this word unto me, I stood trembling.

  27. 即使是小手术也会让你有点战战兢兢。

    Even small operations can leave you feeling a bit shaky.

  28. 北京可能正在战战兢兢的注视着团购的蔓延。

    Beijing might be watching the spread of team buying with trepidation.

  29. 难民虽然已经到了安全地带,还是战战兢兢得。

    The refugees are still jumpy,although they are now in safety.

  30. 难民虽然已经到了安全地带,还是战战兢兢的。

    The refugees are still jumpy, although they are now in safety.


  1. 问:战战兢兢拼音怎么拼?战战兢兢的读音是什么?战战兢兢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:战战兢兢的读音是zhànzhànjīngjīng,战战兢兢翻译成英文是 trembling with fear

  2. 问:战战兢兢的拼音怎么拼?战战兢兢的的读音是什么?战战兢兢的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:战战兢兢的的读音是,战战兢兢的翻译成英文是 jittery



战战兢兢(zhàn zhàn jīng jīng),出自《诗经·小雅·小旻》:“战战兢兢;如临深渊;如履薄冰。”。形容因非常害怕而微微发抖的样子。也形容做事非常谨慎小心。