











汉语拼音:jīng shén yā lì







精神压力 [jīng shén yā lì]
  1. 精神压力是一个汉语词汇,英文是Mental stress,拼音是jīngshēnyālì,指人在思想上有负担,有思想包袱。近义词为思想包袱。 心理压力即精神压力,现代生活中每个人都有所体验,心理压力总的来说有社会、生活和竞争三个压力源。



  1. One of the things that came out of our study of these mothers is a link between low telomerase and stress-related diseases.


  2. However, it is possible to turn the stress into constructive energy that will benefit your job search.


  3. Trying to coexist with a mother-in-law who was staying with us and was also devastated by her son's illness was adding to the stress.


  4. The British researcher found that promoted people will have average 10% increasing stress, and have no time to see a doctor.


  5. The girl admitted that she was feeling stressed after her boyfriend split up with her.


  6. Night terrors are not caused by psychological stress, but they seem to be associated with being overtired .


  7. The one-year preparation for the exam usually involves all-day study, endless tests and huge mental pressure for both students and parents.


  8. Long enduring her dad's linguistic violence, she was only an innocent scapegoat of her father's mental pressure.


  9. Intense pace of life and a strong negative emotions such as mental stress, and is also one of the gastrointestinal diseases.


  1. 有精神压力

    to suffer from stress.

  2. 脱水, 和精神压力造成的

    Result of dehydration. Posttraumatic stress.

  3. 如何缓解和消除精神压力呢

    How alleviate and to how alleviate and remove mental pressure

  4. 但是,过量运动同样也会造成精神压力。

    But overdoing it be stressful as well.

  5. 默想可有助于减轻精神压力、忧虑和神经紧张。

    Meditation may help to reduce stress, worry and nervous tension.

  6. 恢复中枢神经的自律正常活动功能,缓解精神压力。

    Recover central nervous system function, lower the stress about soul.

  7. 心理性危害主要源于精神压力与高度紧张等。

    Mental harm primly derived from mental pressure and great tension, et al.

  8. 这样会减轻你的精神压力并会给你能力和动力。

    This will lighten your spirit and give you strength and motivation.

  9. 此外, 年轻人精神压力过大得几率高出近一倍。

    And they are almost twice as likely to have high stress levels.

  10. 此外,年轻人精神压力过大的几率高出近一倍。

    And they are almost twice as likely to have high stress levels.

  11. 首先,肝热被解决,精神压力得以释放,脾气变好。

    FIRSTLY the liver gets relived of mental pressure so our temper calms down.

  12. 随着他们精神压力的增加, 大脑里的水也随之沸腾。

    The children's brains are filled with water that can heated by tension.

  13. 随着他们精神压力得增加,大脑里得水也随之沸腾。

    The children's brains are filled with water that can heated by tension.

  14. 她本人也承认自己因和男朋友分手而遭受巨大精神压力。

    The girl admitted that she was feeling stressed after her boyfriend split up with her.

  15. 对我们所有人来说,精神压力常常是无从逃避的生活现实。

    Stress is a fact of life from time to time for all of us.

  16. 节食可能不利于健康,相当重要的原因是它会引起精神压力。

    Dieting can be bad for you, not least because it is a cause of stress.

  17. 这项新生调查得一些问题涉及精神健康和压力等内容。

    Some of the questions in the Freshman Survey relate to emotional health and stress.

  18. 这项新生调查的一些问题涉及精神健康和压力等内容。

    Some of the questions in the Freshman Survey relate to emotional health and stress.

  19. 体育锻炼可以减轻压力振作精神。

    Working out relieves stress and raises energy.

  20. 物议让她倍感压力, 精神几乎崩溃。

    Public censure puts her under great pressure to the extent of breaking down.

  21. 物议让她倍感压力,精神几乎崩溃。

    Public censure puts her under great pressure to the extent of breaking down.

  22. 怎样克服压力对精神和心理的负面影响呢?

    How to conquer the negative infection to spirit or mentality affected by stresses?

  23. 良好的团队精神, 能在压力下工作。

    Good team work spirit, able to work under pressure.

  24. 目的探讨精神科护士心理压力与心理健康状况。

    Objective To explore the mental stress and mental health of psychiatric nurses.

  25. 目得探讨精神科护士心理压力与心理健康状况。

    Objective To explore the mental stress and mental health of psychiatric nurses.

  26. 精神因素包括无聊,压力或焦虑。

    Psychogenic causes include boredom, stress, or separation anxiety.

  27. 具有团队合作精神,并能在压力下工作。

    Have teamwork spirit and ability of work in high pressure.

  28. 对于其他人而言,圣诞节是一个释放工作压力和恢复精神的时间。

    For others, Christmas is a welcome relief from the pressure of work and a time to recuperate.

  29. 较强的沟通能力, 具有团队合作精神, 能承受工作压力。

    Good ability in communication and teamwork, willing to work under pressure.

  30. 较强得沟通能力,具有团队合作精神,能承受工作压力。

    Good ability in communication and teamwork,willing to work under pressure.