






1. 地 [dì]2. 地 [de]地 [dì]人类生长活动的所在:~球(太阳系九大行星之一)。~心说。地球或地球的某部分:~质。~壳。地球表面除去海洋、江河、湖泊的部分:陆~。~下。地球表面的土壤:土~。田~。~政。~主。地球上的一个区域……





汉语拼音:shān bēng dì xiàn







  • 【解释】:山岳崩倒,大地塌陷。
  • 【出自】:明·罗贯中《三国演义》第九十四回:“忽然一声响,如山崩地陷,羌兵俱落于坑堑之中。”
  • 【示例】:士隐意欲也跟了过去,方举步时,忽听一声霹雳,有若~。


  1. This moment, landslides, subsidence, and rivers Wu Yan.


  1. 病人得双颊深深地陷下去了。

    The sick man's cheeks have sunk.

  2. 病人的双颊深深地陷下去了。

    The sick man's cheeks have sunk.

  3. 论渭河盆地现代山崩滑坡和地裂陷灾害的活动周期

    On period sequences of modern mountain landslide and ground subsidence hazard of Weihe River basin

  4. 危地马拉城地洞地陷全过程视频?

    Does the Guatemala ground field get bogged down satisfying process video frequency ?

  5. 这种裂缝, 深渊中污泥的龟裂, 专门名词称之为地陷。

    This crevice, the hiatus of a gulf of mire, was called a fonts, in the special tongue.

  6. 这架一百二十吨重得飞机深深地陷了进去。

    The hundred and twenty ton aircraft was deeply mired.

  7. 这架一百二十吨重的飞机深深地陷了进去。

    The hundred and twenty ton aircraft was deeply mired.

  8. 多科特说,地陷是由地表陷入地下空洞造成的。

    Doctor said that sinkholes are created when the ground collapses into a void beneath the surface.

  9. 当地官员及地质学家仍在调查此次地陷发生的原因。

    Local authorities and geologists are still investigating what caused the sinkhole.

  10. 有意识的思考会使你太刻板地陷在自己的思维框框里。

    Using conscious thought means you can become too rigid and limited in your thinking.

  11. 一些长期干枯的树木紧紧地陷在大貂丘那陡峭的侧面。

    Longdeceased trees cling stubbornly to the steep flanks of Grand Sable Dunes in Michigans Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore.

  12. 我们走在乌克兰的黑土地上,靴子和绑腿深深地陷了进去。

    You are walking along Ukranian black earth and it sticks to your boots and puttees by the ton.

  13. 另一位驾驶员就没这么幸运, 他的车永远地陷在了溪沟里。

    Another driver wasn't as lucky, permanently parking his truck in the creek.

  14. “几个小时后,”他说,“被阳光照得最热的黑布深深地陷了下去,深得使阳光照不到了。”

    "In a few hours," he reported,"the black, being warmed most by the sun, was sunk so low as to be below the stroke of the sun's rays"

  15. 一会儿又担心地会陷下去, 埋住了全身。

    He worried that the earth would sink and that he would be buried beneath it.

  16. 埃丽诺并不能非常轻易地从刚才陷进的恐慌中解脱出来。

    Not so easily did Elinor recover from the alarm into which it had thrown her.

  17. 山崩地裂似的霹雳

    a shattering crash of thunder

  18. 即使山崩地裂,我们决不后退。

    We will never flinch in the face of earthquake or landslide.

  19. 虽不用水,却任其四溢,地怎会不陷。

    With water continually flowing, the ground is bound to subside.

  20. 那声音如同山崩地裂,好像大地都被震得颤动起来。

    it sounds like Shanbengdelie, as if the earth had been played so loudly that vibrate together.

  21. 这人半信半疑,又问道地是不是会陷下去。

    Half convinced, the man raised another question that whether the ground would cave in.

  22. 西魏文帝招其为相府参军,随其攻城陷地。

    Westxiang fu itswei wen di recruit army, with its siege and depression.

  23. 拱顶断陷盆地

    rifted arch basin.

  24. 太原断陷盆地

    Taiyuan graben basin

  25. 敦密断陷盆地

    Dunmi downfaulted basin.

  26. 湖相断陷盆地

    lacustrine downfaulted basin

  27. 地堑式断陷盆地

    graben style basin

  28. 将他的脚陷在地里

    Dug his foot in the ground.

  29. 阜新盆地是中燕山期断陷盆地。

    Fuxin basin is a J3K1 fault basin.

  30. 分解和腐烂会在地里形成下陷。

    And decomposition create a depression in the earth.