











汉语拼音:xiǔ mù bù diāo








  • 【解释】:朽坏的木头无法雕刻。比喻人不上进,无法成材。
  • 【出自】:《论语·公冶长》:“朽木不可雕也,粪土之墙不可圬也。”
  • 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语、宾语;含贬义


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  1. 猪耳做不出丝钱包。坏材料造不出好东西。朽木不可雕。

    One can not make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

  2. 梅普尔神甫正是处于岁寒不雕,老当益壮的时期。

    Father Mapple was in the hardy winter of a healthy old age.

  3. 朽木不可雕。

    Fools grow without watering.

  4. 他的叔叔说他朽木不可雕。

    His uncle called him uneducable.

  5. 老狗难学新把戏。朽木不可雕也。

    You cannot teach an old dog new tricks.

  6. 朽木不可雕也。别白费你的时间啦。

    You can't teach an old dog newtricks. Don't waste your time.

  7. 你可以教训那个家伙,可是朽木不可雕也。

    You may lecture the bloke,but you will not make a silk purse out of a sows ear.

  8. 大牛我真拜师了,不信我雕一个给你看看。

    But I really do have a teacher. I can carve something if you dont believe me.

  9. 上帝也没法把朽木雕成玉器。马克丝小姐说道。

    Even the Lord can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. Said Miss Marks.

  10. 像不像射雕英雄啊?

    I look like an eagle shooting hero ?

  11. 我们不知道淡紫色是什么雕。

    We have no idea what mauve is.

  12. 院落不大,建筑雕梁,精雅紧凑。

    The building was carved beams and painted rafters.

  13. 因风落下,实际还不到雕落时。

    And falls, through wind, before the fall should he.

  14. 掩不住, 历历在目, 成雕影漂泊难诉。

    Yanbu Zhu, Lilizaimu, a Thai video Wandering v. difficult.

  15. 涤纶仿真丝不倒绒雕印产品工艺探讨

    Discharge Printing of Silk Like Polyester Fabric

  16. 不能信赖的人对于社会正如朽木对于房屋一样。

    The man who cannot be trusted is to society that a bit of rotten timber is to a house.

  17. 不能信赖的人对于社会,正如朽木对于家庭一样。

    The man who cannot be trusted is to society what a bit of rotten timber is to a house.

  18. 一共有十件雕柱作品, 高度都不尽相同。

    There are ten in all, each of various heights in between.

  19. 我可以看见雕功精细的某个不知名的女神像。

    I can see an unknown goddess engraved on it.

  20. 我可以看见雕功精细得某个不知名得女神像。

    I can see an unknown goddess engraved on it.

  21. 成年短尾雕是不容易与其他鸟类相混淆的。

    An adult Bateleur is an unmistakable bird.

  22. 而历史上对于海东青究竟是雕还是隼, 看法不一。

    On the history of Hai Dong Qing What are carved or Falcon, have varied.

  23. 一个不能信赖的人对于社会,正如朽木对于房屋一样。

    The man who cannot be trusted is to society what a bit of rotten timber is to a house.

  24. 他除了擅长木雕之外,石雕、砖雕、牙雕等无一不精。

    He besides excels at the woodcarving, the stone carving, the brick carving, the ivory carving and so on every kind are skilled in.

  25. 哎,以后都不能喝红酒了也不能雕刻巨大的泥雕了。

    Geez. I wouldn't be able to drink red wine and make giant clay sculptures.

  26. 镀锌滚筒动弹,雕镂东西不是雕镂刀,而是矮能激光束。

    Galvanized roller rotation, carving tools is not a knife, but high energy laser beam.

  27. 彼特鲁乔啊, 我的小鸽子, 让大雕捉住你好不好?

    KATHERINA. Ay, for a turtle, as he takes a buzzard.

  28. 但那个时期的雄辩术及畅达的雕像术却是一去不复返了。

    But the eloquence and fluent imagery of that period never returned.

  29. 陇山有戍卒,戍卒亦不闲。将命提雕笼,直到金台前。

    Loong mountain Shuzu, Shuzu not busy. will be ordered to mention eagle cage, until golden the stage.

  30. 难道慰籍你心灵得笛,不正是那曾由利刀雕挖得木头么?

    And is not the lute that soothes your spirit, the very wood that was hollowed with knives?