











汉语拼音:jiā chéng yè jiù







  • 【解释】:指有了家产。
  • 【出自】:《红楼梦》第十九回:“如今爹虽没了,你们却又整理的家成业就,复了元气。”


  1. Besides, even though father's dead, you've got the family back on its feet and are as well-off again as you ever were.


  1. 他不到30岁就已家成业就,受尽羡慕。

    He got married and made great achievements in his career before he was thirty, which is much envied by others.

  2. 他不到30岁就已家成业就,受尽羡慕。

    He got married and made great achievements in his career before he was thirty, which is much envied by others.

  3. 家就在那边

    The house is right there.

  4. 我们到家就吃饭。

    We came home, where we had dinner.

  5. 我的家就是雪原

    My home is snowy plain

  6. 心在哪里,家就在哪里。

    Home is where the heart is. Pliny.

  7. 家就是有壁炉的地方

    Home Is Where the Hearth Is

  8. 家就是家,处处满溢温馨。

    Home is home, be it over so homely.

  9. 她回到家就睡觉了。

    Returning home, she went to bed.

  10. 一到家就给我拍电报。

    Wire me as soon as you get home.

  11. 藏族阿妈的家就在这里。

    The Tibetan auntie's house is here.

  12. 我刚到家就开始下雨了。

    Hardly had I got home when it began to rain.

  13. 我们一到家就可以休息了。

    Once we are home, we can rest.

  14. 一个姑娘家就是会脸红呀。

    A girl has to be shy sometimes.

  15. 他说他一到家就打开电视机。

    He said hed turn on TV th moment he got home.

  16. 安妮一到家就生起病来。

    No sooner had Anne arrived there she fell ill.

  17. 一个人的家就是他的城堡。

    A man's house is his castle.

  18. 这样我们家就爱意盈盈了!

    Our home will then be filled with love!

  19. 如果她这么做, 那咱家就完了。

    LF she does, that's it for our family.

  20. 我一到家就下起雨来了。

    I arrived at home when it rained.

  21. 阮先铖, 他回到家就开始发了。

    Ruan Xiancheng as soon as he got home.

  22. 他一回到家就开始下雨了。

    He had scarcely arrived home when it began to rain.

  23. 我一离开家就开始下雪了。

    No sooner had I left the house than it began to snow.

  24. 我们一到家就下起雨来了。

    Scarcely had we reached home, before it began raining.

  25. 喜欢她老公说天堂就是我们家, 我们家就是天堂。

    Paradis is our home, our home is paradise.

  26. 我们家就只有这间房这么大

    Nik and I can fit our whole house in this room.

  27. 我一到家就发现家中被盗。

    On my arrival homeOn arriving home I discovered the burglary.

  28. 他的家就在那附近的树林之中。

    His home is hidden in the trees thereby.

  29. 她一到家就意识到自己错了。

    No sooner had she arrived home than she realized her mistake.

  30. 没这些纪律, 这个家就没法正常运转。

    Without it, the house can not be properly run.


  1. 问:家成业就拼音怎么拼?家成业就的读音是什么?家成业就翻译成英文是什么?

    答:家成业就的读音是jiāchéngyèjiù,家成业就翻译成英文是 Get married and make achievements in one's caree...