



  • 【解释】:昼:白天。日月想念。形容思念极深。
  • 【示例】:她昼思夜想,食不甘味,卧不安席。


  1. Butterfly, well you landed on my mind


  1. 这是我的新婚之夜,我想要听首诗。

    It's my wedding night, and I want a poem.

  2. 经过几个不眠之夜, 他想出了一个好主意。

    After several sleepless nights, he came up with a good idea.

  3. 日思夜想我们还会重聚

    All day long thought that we still had a chance

  4. 我想住两夜

    two nights, please.

  5. 月下的夜想曲中甚至还保留有隐藏的肉。

    Symphony even has the hidden meat.

  6. 我不想再驾驶夜班车了。

    I'm not doing the night shift any more.

  7. 假如一个悬崖边上有一朵我日思夜想的美丽鲜花。

    Suppose on the edge of a cliff a beautiful flower, which I admire day and night.

  8. 嘿, 真是一个惊奇之夜啊, 我想我会将之永记于心, 晚安!

    Hey, it is an amazing night and I think I will always remember. Nite!

  9. 他赶到寺中一看,大和尚正是自己日思夜想的哥哥。

    On arrival there, he found that the said abbot was indeed his elder brother whom he had missed so much.

  10. 我抱着黄黄亲了又亲,心想我终于回到了日思夜想的地方。

    I embraced and kissed her again and again. I thought, now finally I am back to this home of my day and night longings.

  11. 我在想如果在夜总会工作该是什么样的呢?

    Hmm, I wonder what it would be like to work in a nightclub

  12. 我真想看一场夜总会里的法国歌舞表演。

    The floor show presented by such a restaurant or nightclub.

  13. 恩, 我在想如果在夜总会工作该是什么样的呢?

    KenHmm, I wonder what it would be like to work in a nightclub

  14. 没错,可演员也想让开幕之夜无可挑剔。

    Yes, but actors want opening night to be perfect.

  15. 想来场女生之夜

    wants to have a girls night.

  16. 我不想你没日没夜玩篮球。

    I don't want you shooting this ball all day and night.

  17. 我想我能追随夜星

    I can follow the evening star

  18. 想起曾经的雨夜

    Thinking of the Rainy Night in the Past

  19. 人人都想一夜暴富。

    Everybody wants to get rich quick.

  20. 我在想一千零一夜

    I was thinking 1, 001 nights.

  21. 我还想去夜店玩呢!

    I wanna hit the clubs!

  22. 我无日无夜不在想你。

    Not a day has gone by when I haven't thought of you.

  23. 我想在你们这里住一夜。

    I want to have a room for this evening.

  24. 夜盗想发现怎样打开保险柜。

    The burglars were trying to find out how to open the safe.

  25. 我想你们过个无眠之夜。

    Now I want you to have a sleepless night.

  26. 我想去脱衣舞夜总会!

    I wanted to go to the strip club!

  27. 就这样她翻来覆去想了一夜。

    So she wanted to toss about all night.

  28. 我想着这事,一夜没睡着。

    I have lain awake all night thinking of this.

  29. 夜深人静的时候我就会想到他。

    I will think of him in the still of night.

  30. 夜深人静的时候我就会想到他。

    I will think of him in the still of night.