







汉语拼音:jué shí







  1. 粮食断绝。

    《史记·高祖本纪》:“ 汉 军絶食,乃夜出女子东门二千餘人,被甲, 楚 因四面击之。” 清 昭槤 《啸亭杂录·刘文定》:“ 刘文定公 纶 , 武进 人,少时家贫窶,曾至絶食。” 鲁迅 《坟·灯下漫笔》:“可是忽而变了一个穷人,几乎要绝食,很有些恐慌。”

  2. 拒绝进食。

    北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·风操》:“然礼缘人情,恩由义断,亲以噎死,亦当不可絶食也。”

  3. 多用于表示抗议或自杀。

    唐 白行简 《李娃传》:“生怨懣,絶食三日,遘疾甚篤,旬餘愈甚。” 清 戴名世 《王烈妇传》:“烈妇哭踊絶食,欲从死,舍人诸子及家众皆止之。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第一部第二二章:“为了争取改善政治犯的生活,他仍然领导了监狱的绝食斗争。”

  4. 暂停进食。

    汉 刘向 《说苑·尊贤》:“ 杨因 见 赵简主 ,曰:‘臣居乡三逐,事君五去,闻君好士,故走来见。’ 简主 闻之,絶食而嘆,跽而行。”



  1. When a Suffragette was sent to prison, it was assumed that she would go on hunger strike as this caused the authorities maximum discomfort.


  2. But according to one of his close aides, the 74-year-old anti-corruption campaigner is refusing to leave and has gone on hunger strike.


  3. He went on hunger strike for her, at last persuading the authorities to let her go abroad for medical treatment.


  4. Tibet's exiled spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, has urged an end to the hunger strike, calling it a form of violence.


  5. 'It's like a hunger striker who after a few days stops feeling hungry, even though the body needs food. '


  6. Jane : Me, too. You know, all this hunger strike talk is making me hungry. And here it comes!


  7. In an online letter he said dying would be an "honour" .


  8. One of the hunger strikers argues with a senior opposition politician who has come to try to convince them to end the strike.


  9. During this fast they abstain from the gratification of every appetite and passion whatever.


  1. 我们准备绝食三天。

    We were to fast for three days.

  2. 我每周绝食一天。

    I fast a day eery week.

  3. 她每周绝食一天。

    She fasts a day every week.

  4. 犯人们进行绝食抗议。

    The prisoners went on a hunger strike.

  5. 这孩子以绝食来反抗。

    The boy showed defiance by refusing to eat.

  6. 抗议者已经绝食17天了。

    The protesters have been on hunger strike for 17 days.

  7. 延边黄牛绝食代谢的研究

    Study on the Fasting Metabolism of Yanbian Cattle

  8. 除非观众中有人 决定绝食

    Unless there's anybody in the audience that would like to volunteer to stop eating?

  9. 我要参加今晚的绝食抗议。

    I'm joining the hunger strike tonight.

  10. 你看上去皮包骨头,没绝食吧?

    You look thin. Are you eating?

  11. 不同生长阶段水牛绝食代谢的研究

    The study on Fasting Metabolism of buffalo in different growth periods

  12. 这名政治犯绝食一周, 以示抗议。

    The political prisoner went on a week long hunger strike.

  13. 他的律师表示他将继续以绝食抗议。

    His lawyer said he would continue his fast.

  14. 有三名抗议者绝食一周, 以示抗议。

    Three of them spent a week on a hunger strike in protest.

  15. 她很担心她的狗……她都绝食两天了。

    She was so anxious for her dog…she refused to eat for two days.

  16. 囚犯以绝食来抗议监狱里的生活条件。

    The prisoners are revolting against living conditions in the prisons by refusing to eat.

  17. 我等不及了, 我想星期五我会一整天绝食的。

    I think I'll fast all day Friday!

  18. 为抗议日军暴刑, 他开始了绝食斗争。

    Criminal violence to protest the Japanese army, he began a hunger strike.

  19. 他进行绝食斗争直到监狱当局允许他获得邮件。

    He go on hunger strike until the prison authorities allow him to receive mail.

  20. 我不知道是因我的原因, 还是他的绝食抗议, 还是, 我不知道。

    I't know if it's me, or his hunger strike, or, I't know.

  21. 监狱的绝食斗争加强了对爱尔兰共和军的支持。

    The prison hunger strike increased support for the ira.

  22. 囚犯们开始绝食以对他们的生活条件进行抗议。

    Prisoners began a hunger strike to protest at their conditions.

  23. 她每周绝食一天, 她的体重已减了十磅。

    She fasts a day every week, and she has lost ten pounds.

  24. 老狮子因绝食而死。母狮之子也都离散。

    The lion perishes andcubes of the lioness are scattered.

  25. 一些人说, 他们过去一周参加了绝食抗议活动。

    A few say they have been on a hunger strike for the past week.

  26. 他们开始绝食以抗议有人所宣称的殴打行为。

    They have begun a hunger strike in protest at the alleged beating.

  27. 他是他们绝食斗争中死去的最后一个代表。

    He was their last representative to die on the hunger strike.

  28. 人们举行示威游行, 以表示对绝食抗议者的支持。

    Demonstrations were held as a gesture of solidarity with the hunger strikers.

  29. 她每周绝食一次, 至今她的体重已减了十磅。

    She fasts once every week, and she has lost ten pound.

  30. 关闭绝食来源美食,管理,权利灭鼠是非常重要的。

    off the hunger strike source good food, management, right rodent control is very important.


  1. 问:绝食拼音怎么拼?绝食的读音是什么?绝食翻译成英文是什么?

    答:绝食的读音是juéshí,绝食翻译成英文是 go on hunger strike

  2. 问:绝食斗争拼音怎么拼?绝食斗争的读音是什么?绝食斗争翻译成英文是什么?

    答:绝食斗争的读音是juéshídòuzhēng,绝食斗争翻译成英文是 hunger strike

  3. 问:绝食示威拼音怎么拼?绝食示威的读音是什么?绝食示威翻译成英文是什么?

    答:绝食示威的读音是jué shí shì wēi,绝食示威翻译成英文是 hunger strike

  4. 问:绝食而死拼音怎么拼?绝食而死的读音是什么?绝食而死翻译成英文是什么?

    答:绝食而死的读音是juéshíérsǐ,绝食而死翻译成英文是 fast to death

  5. 问:绝食自杀拼音怎么拼?绝食自杀的读音是什么?绝食自杀翻译成英文是什么?

    答:绝食自杀的读音是juéshízìshā,绝食自杀翻译成英文是 apocarteresis

  6. 问:绝食抗议者拼音怎么拼?绝食抗议者的读音是什么?绝食抗议者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:绝食抗议者的读音是jué shí kàng yì zhě,绝食抗议者翻译成英文是 hunger striker

  7. 问:绝食抗议犯人拼音怎么拼?绝食抗议犯人的读音是什么?绝食抗议犯人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:绝食抗议犯人的读音是jué shí kàng yì fàn rén,绝食抗议犯人翻译成英文是 prisoner on hunger strike


绝食(Hunger Strike),又称绝食抗议,特指为了政治或其他目的进行非暴力抵抗或者抗议的一种方式。非抗议性质的自主性停止饮食,一般称之为禁食。